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God's Trustee Family
Dr. Scott Hahn

Discover How to Go Beyond Politics to Heal a Nation Under Judgment

Scott Hahn, Ph.D.
History demonstrates that our culture is in a dramatic crisis. Like our nation, ancient civilizations began as trustees of family and culture. But eventually families lost their sacred unity and the state took over family responsibilities. The legalization of divorce followed, then the toleration of sexual immorality, population decrease, feministic movements, disrespect of parents and the values of the past, and ultimately the legal protection of perversion. If this sounds familiar, you have a right to be concerned. Because no civilization has ever survived this process.

Family of God
In God's Trustee Family, renowned theologian Dr. Scott Hahn shows how the seeds of saving our culture reside exclusively in the Catholic Church understood as the Family of God. Now you'll learn why, although this idea is essential to Christianity, modern Christians no longer really know what family is. As Hahn relates Jesus' words about God's Fatherhood and human brotherhood, you'll become empowered and equipped to understand what Jesus means by what He calls the family.

Recovering the Vision
As you listen to these exciting revelations you'll discover that in the "trustee family," a sacred bond united members of the present generation with the ancestors who gave them life, and the same bond united them with their future descendants, who would perpetuate the family name, honor, and worship. This is hardly what most folks today mean when they speak of "the family." But as Hahn reveals, this is exactly what Jesus meant. And until we recover His vision, we won't really understand His Church, His Sacraments or the Blessed Trinity, Who is the heavenly archetype of all human families.

Universal Church, Universal Call
Many denominations claim to be God's trustee family, but, as Hahn relates, only the Catholic Church can make the claim credibly. Now you'll understand why it's the only contender that is truly universal, united throughout the world as it is one through time. You'll see how the Catholic Church transcends ethnicity, class, and everything else that divides people. This is the trustee family writ large, as only God can write it.
In God's Trustee Family you'll discover the riches of Scripture, the Church Fathers, the teachings of John Paul II, Cardinals Congars and Ratzinger (now Pope Benedict XVI), and, of course, Dr. Hahn himself, as he shows you how God wants to lavish His riches upon us today. Order now and discover how we can fulfill the call to a New Evangelization and rebuild our fallen culture as the Civilization of Love through the family.

Where the Church is today - and where It's going
How God revealed His essential identity in family terms
Why God allows divisions between Christians today
How the ancients viewed the family primarily in religious terms
How covenant theology, family solidarity, and the mystery of the Trinity converge in as the "Family of God"
Where 666 is found in the Old Testament - and what it means
What are the lessons the modern Church must learn from ancient Israel
How we can build the civilization of love one family at a time
What is the Biblical secret to bringing our separated brethren back to the table of the Lord as one united kingdom
How the prayer of Solomon is the key to what to do in a nation under judgment
And more…

Item Number: 5633
Unit Sale Price: $23.95


Dr. Scott Hahn, Michael Cumbie, Dr. Brant Pitre,
Alex Jones
, Dr. Brant Pitre, and Prof. Michael Barber,
Rob Evans, Bishop Cordileone, Katrina Zeno, Jesse Romero,
Father Joseph Fessio, S.J, Ed Vizenor, Professor Ed Mazza and Many more
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