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Catholic Christian Documentary Films, Pro-Life, and Family Movies

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Sr. Faustina's Best-Selling DVD

Sr. Faustina of Divine Mercy

DVD on
Sr. Faustina Apostle of Divine Mercy
By Award Winning Film Director J. Paddy Nolan of JPN

Over 2 Hours Long
With 3 Documentary Films on Each DVD

Catholic Videos and DVD
on Sr. Faustina and Padre Pio

in English and Spanish Languages
by award winning British film Director J. Paddy Nolan
A JPN Production



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DVD in Spanish

Padre Pio Spanish VideoSr. Faustina Spanish Video



Padre Pio VideoSr. Faustina VideoSr. Faustina VideoCatholic Marian Videos, Catholic Family Movies - Padre Pio Video

Padre Pio DVDPadre Pio VideoDivine Mercy VideoBeatification Video


Padre Pio famous Italian saintly priest who bore the stigmata, or wounds of Christ. (Padre Pio died in 1968.)
He possessed the gifts of celestial perfume, bilocation, healing, prophecy, tongues and reading of hearts.
Considered by many as the greatest mystic of the 20th Century.

The Life and Times of Sister Faustina - DVD

The Celebration of Padre Pio - DVD

Padre Pio Re-Visited - DVD

From San Giovanni to Heaven - Video on Canonization of Padre Pio - DVD

The Beatification of Padre Pio (New Video)

The Life of Sister Faustina - The Apostle of Divine Mercy

Spanish Edition - La Historia De Sor Faustina

Sister Faustina - The Promise of Mercy

The Beatification of Sister Faustina - Join the Celebration

A Celebration of Padre Pio - Pray, Hope, and Don't Worry

Spanish Edition - Homenaje Al Padre Pio

Padre Pio - At The Gates of Heaven

Padre Pio's San Giovanni - "I Can Refuse No One"

Medjugorje: The Miracles and The Message

Padre Pio's Way of the Cross

The Last Religion DVD

The Lie - Evolution






Shocking speech of Fr. John O'Connor
(2 Hours Long)

Most complete report on Anti-Christ ever made. Shocking speech of Fr. John O'Connor. Fr. O'Connor shows how we will be able to recognize the Anti-Christ through Bible and Current Events, that he is alive and prepared to enter world seen, about infiltration of Catholic Church, about the New World Order, end of US independence, One World Socialist Atheist Government, Wars, Paper Money, Homosexual infiltration of the Catholic Church, Our near Future, How to prepare our self for persecution and more ... Must see. Best Seller.
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Video Sections:

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Finest Catholic Documentary Films on Catholic Church and Saints

Documentary Films, Books and Audio CDs on Apparitions in Fatima, Portugal

Catholic Video DVDs

Marian Books and Videos

Apparitions at Fatima, Portugal

DVDs and Books on the Abortion Holocaust

Inspirational Catholic Christian Documentary Films and Movies

DR. SCOTT HAHN - List of Current Audio CDs and DVDs

Catholic Bibles Studies - Books and DVDs

Inspirational Catholic Christian Family Films

Catholic Christian Family Movies and Documentary Films

Important Catholic Christian Documentary Films on DVD

Catholic Publications on Divine Mercy and Sr. Faustina

Catholic DVDs on Divine Mercy and Sr. Faustina

DALI'S GREATEST SECRET - DVD - Documentary Movie

Catholic Documentary Films and Christian Family Movies

Roman Catholic Book and Videos on DVD

Christian / Catholic Family Documentary Films

Catholic Christian Documentary DVD Sets and Family Movie Sets on DVD

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Catholic Documentary and Family Movies on DVD

Roman Catholic Church Multimedia DVD Videos

Roman Catholic DVD Videos

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Catholic Documentary Films

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Finest Catholic DVD Videos on Church and Miracles

Catholic Study Packs

Key Catholic DVD

Roman Catholic Books and DVD for Teachers

Christian Films of Lasting Value

Catholic - Christian Family Movies and Documentaries - DVD Videos

Canonization of Sr. Faustina


Angels Video and Books (Main Section)

Akita, Japan


Animated video series for children "Saints of the Faith"

Animated video series for children "Heroes of the Faith"

Catholic Animated Films - The New Testament

Animated - The Old Testament

Apparitions at Fatima

Catholic & Christian Family DVD and DVD Movies and Documentaries
on Fatima, Lourdes, Guadalupe, Pope, Vatican, C.S. Lewis, Scott Hahn,
Holy Spirit, Eucharist, Jesus, Satan, Classic Family Movies and History

At the Gates of Heaven - Padre Pio

Bishop Sheen on Angels

Bishop Sheen (Main Section)

Bishops - Videotapes and Books of U.S. Catholic Bishops, NCCB / USCC

Entertaining Angels

The Beatification of Padre Pio - New Video (Must See)

The Beatification of Sister Faustina - Join the Celebration

Best selling Catholic and other Christian Videos

Best Sellers - Videos and Tapes

Best selling Catholic and other Christian Videos and DVD

Betania: Land of Grace

Bible - Videos on Bible

Catholic DVD

Catholic and other Christian Family Documentary Films and Movies

Catholic Education DVD

Catholic Video and DVD

Catholic Books, CDs, DVD and Catholic Wall Charts

Catholic Family Resources, Books, Videos, CD-ROM & Tapes

Catholic Videos (Selection)

Catholic Family Video

Top Catholic Christian DVD in Spanish Espanjol, French or Portuguese

Children Animated Catholic - Christian DVD

Catholic-Christian Family Movies & Documentary Films

Catechism of the Catholic Church for Adults, DVD Video

A Celebration of Padre Pio - Pray, Hope, and Don't Worry

Children and Youth - Animated

Children DVD

Christian Pro-Life and Creation Videos

Christian DVD Videos

Creation vs Evolution

Current Issues

Divine Mercy - Videos

Divine Mercy Materials - Complete List

Divine Mercy (Videos and Books)


Dr. Bernard Nathanson - Author of Video: "The Silent Scream"

DVD - Family Movies and Children Animated in DVD Format


Evolution vs Creation

Creation Videos

Family Videos - List

Family Movies / Videos 2

Fatima Videos

Rev. John O'Connor, O. P. (videos)

Fr. Aloysius Ellacuria

Freemasonry: from Darkness to Light

Fulton Sheen - Bishop Sheen

Garabandal Apparitions

Gay and Lesbian Sodomites vs Marriage

Gods of the New Age

Gospa - The Movie


Harry Potter: Witchcraft Repackaged

Heroes of the Faith animated video series for children

Historical Drama (Section I) Family Movies

Historical Drama (Section II) Family Movies

In The Footsteps of Peter - The Museums and the Buildings of Vatican City

John Paul II Collection

Joan of Arc (Videos and Books)

"Judgement - Apocalipse 4" - Movie

Kibeho, Africa - Mary Speaks to the World

The Knight's of Saint John (Sovereign Military Order of Malta)

"Left Behind" - Movie

Lives of Saints

List of Catholic & Christian Documentary Films and Family Movies

The Life of Sister Faustina - The Apostle of Divine Mercy

Life After Life and Angel Stories

Marian Videos of Marian Communications


Song of Bernadette DVD

The Song of Bernadette - DVD
Best movie on Story of Apparitions at Lourdes, France

Winner of 4 Academy Awards


Marian Videos on Apparitions of the Virgin Mary and more ...

Marian Apparitions of the 20th Century - a message of urgency

Marian Videos and DVD as Seen on EWTN - Roman Catholic TV Network of Mother Angelica

Medjugorje: The Miracles and The Message

Medjugorje - The Queen of Peace (DVD Videos, Books and CDs)

Medjugorje Transforming Your Heart

Money System of the New World Order

Most Popular Family Films / Educational Films, The

Mother Teresa

Mother Teresa and Her Missionaries of Charity

Mother Teresa Videos

New Catholic DVD Releases

New Video - The Beatification of Padre Pio

New Age, Yoga Conspiracy of the New Age Movement, Evolution Conspiracy and One World Government

New Testament - Animated

New Catholic Audio Tapes, CDs and Videos by authors:
Ken Hensley, Fr. Bill Casey, ALex Jones, Fr. Ron Stone, Scott Hahn, Steve Ray, Kim Hahn,
Fr. Collins, Tim Staples, Michael Cumbie and Michael Worf 2003

Old Testament - Animated

Once on a Barren Hill - The True Story of Our Lady of Guadalupe

On Pilgrimage with Father Aloysius - Docu Film on Fr. Aloysius Ellacuria

One World Government

Padre Pio

Pro-Life DVD Videos

Padre Pio's San Giovanni - I Can Refuse No One

Padre Pio's Way of the Cross

Persecution of Christians Around the World

Pious Publications

Popes and Saints - DVD and DVD Videos

More Pro-Life Videos

REASONABLE DOUBT: Evolution Theory Versus Modern Microbiology

Rev. Albert J. M. Shamon - Books/Videos

The 13th Day - The True Story of Fatima - DVD

THE REIGN OF ANTICHRIST - Shocking speech of Fr. John O'Connor

Rock/Pop Music, MTV, Liberalism, Satanism, Hollywood and Satan

Bishop Sheen

Shocking Videos on Current Events

Sister Faustina - The Promise of Mercy

Saints of the Faith animated video series for children

Saints - Lives of Saints


Spanish Edition - Homenaje Al Padre Pio

Spanish Edition - La Historia De Sor Faustina

Spanish Videos

Special Interest: Catholic Christian Videos and Cassette Tapes

Spiritual Life (Main Section)

Sr. Faustina (Videos and Books)

St. Patrick Apostle of Ireland (New Video)

"Tears of Love" New Video on Weeping Statues

The UN's Crusade Against God and Family - Videos / Books

U.S. Catholic Bishops, NCCB / USCC - Videotapes and Books

Vailankanni The Lourdes of the East - DVD

Videos on the Miracles and the Message of Medjugorje

Videos of Award-Winning British Filmmaker, J. Paddy Nolan

Videos on Divine Mercy

World Religions and Patriotic Videos

Yoga Conspiracy of the New Age Movement, New Age

New Video on
Canonization of Padre Pio

Best Catholic Apologetics, Bible Studies, Spirituality and Adult Education
Scott Hahn, Jeff Cavins, Archbishop Fulton Sheen, Fr. George Rutler, Fr. Benedict Groeschel, and Fr. Mitch Pacwa
DVD, DVD Videos and CDs

00095 - One Against the Wind

0147 - My Friend Flicka

Jacob's Ladder - Set Of Six-DVD

10119 - Mary, Mother of Jesus

10413 - Donut Man - After School

10927 - Little House On The Prairie: Christmas at Plum Creek/A Christmas They Never Forgot

11540 - Miracle of Our Lady of Fatima

Grasping For The Wind-DVD

14011 - Juan Diego: Messenger of Guadalupe

14652 - Prayers for Little Children

Beyond The Next Mountain-DVD

Alice In Wonderland-DVD

Alone In The Dark-DVD

Cross And The Switchblade - Asian Version-DVD

Jacob's Ladder: Episodes 8 - 9: Saul-DVD

4046 - The Madonna

Dancing Word - Miriam And Mary-DVD

Genesis With Max McLean-DVD


Essential Bible Truth Treasury #4: Holy Spirit-DVD

Memorable Leaders: Cuthbert-DVD

Memorable Leaders: Cuthbert-DVD

4469 - Raising Your Children in an Ungodly World

Into His Arms-DVD

Jacob's Ladder - Set Of Three-DVD

4704 - Stations of Joy

Journey To The Center Of Love-DVD

Jacob's Ladder: Episodes 1 - 2: Gideon-DVD

Mark?s Gospel As Told By Max McLean-DVD


62001 - The Choice

62005 - The Visit

8459 - Jesus Living in Mary

91413 - Cotton Patch Gospel

Portrait Of Susanna Wesley-DVD


Seven Alone-DVD

So Who Is This Jesus? / Who Is Jesus? - Set Of Two-DVD

T.C. Christensen Programs - Set Of Four-DVD

Apparitions in Lourdes, France

Jacob's Ladder: Episodes 12 - 13: David-DVD

Third Cry-DVD

Word Made Flesh Trilogy-DVD

Nicholas Nickleby-DVD

Cheaper By The Dozen (1950)-DVD

Diary Of Anne Frank-DVD


Fiddler On The Roof-DVD

Prayers For Little Children-DVD

Greatest Story Ever Told-DVD

How Green Was My Valley-DVD

Man Called Peter-DVD


Trouble With Angels-DVD

Where Angels Go Trouble Follows-DVD

Yours, Mine And Ours-DVD

Because Of Winn-Dixie-DVD

Brigham Young: Frontiersman-DVD

Testament: Joseph-DVD

Christy: The Complete Series-DVD

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Apparitions of Mary in Guadalupe



Final Solution-DVD

Everyone Loves Mel-DVD

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Follow The Stars Home-DVD


Padre Pio

99754 - The Cloak of Juan Diego

99822 - FATIMA, beloved Mother of God, hope for all humanity

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Videos of Pious Publications

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Catholic / Christian Children Videos

Finest Catholic / Christian Family DVD

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Fr. Stephen Valenta, OFM Conv. Books, Videos, DVD, Audio Cassette Tapes, CDs,
Miraculous Medal and Our Lady Virgin of the Globe

Dreams From My Real Father - DVD

Christian Family Movies with Values

Christian Documentary Films and Movies on Holy Land


Catholic Marian DVDs and Videos

Catholic DVDs

Scientific Documentary Films on Supernatural and Paranormal in DVD Format

Catholic, Family and School Educational DVDs

Catholic Books, DVDs and Audio CDs


Other Christian Videos on Abortion, Science, Evolution, History, Sex, Music, New Age and Holy Land

American History Videos

America's Godly Foundation

Current Religious and Political Issues - DVDs and Books

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Crisis Pregnancy Counseling

Videos that Change Hearts

Procedure Videos

Teen Sexuality

Christian Entertainment Videos


Creation vs. Evolution: Creationism and Creation Science Videos





End Times & New Age Videos

End Times & New Age

Special Interest Videos

Special Interest

Teen Issues: Music, Hollywood, Teen Sexuality and Pop Culture


Teen Sexuality

Videos About the Holy Land

The Holy Land



Passion of Christ DVD

"The Passion of Christ" of Mel Gibson
DVD or DVD Video



Catholic DVD

Catholic - Christian Family Movies and Documentaries on DVD - Section

Catholic DVD and Video - Section

Padre Pio Sanctus - DVD

98982D - Mary, Mother of Jesus - DVD

98872D - The Fruits of Mary - DVD

6842D - My Friend Flicka - DVD

Jacob's Ladder: Episodes 1-2 And 3-4 - Set Of Two-DVD

4748D - Our Lady of Guadalupe: Mother of America - DVD

Jacob's Ladder - Set Of Four-DVD

Bridge / Pump / Mouths Of Babes-DVD

Jacob's Ladder: Episodes 5 - 7: Samuel-DVD

0012D - Juan Diego: Messenger of Guadalupe - DVD

High Noon-DVD

More DVD ...


Live Performance - DVD

Important Christian Documentary Films on DVD

Current World Issues - DVD

Catholic DVDs and Audio CDs



Christian Music

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Video on Canonization of Padre Pio - DVD
Church Supplies
Canonization of Juan Diego of Guadalupe, Mexico
Videos on Padre Pio - English and Spanish
Videos on Sr. Faustina of Divine Mercy
I Am Your Jesus of Mercy - All 6 Volumes by the Riehle Foundation
True Church, Bible, Pope and Vatican / Catholicism
Bibles by Different Roman Catholic Publishers
Why Should You Read Only the Douay-Rheims Translation of the Bible?
Bishop Fulton Sheen - Catholic Audio CDs and Videos
Videos of Pious Publications
New Record Album "Change" on Obama
Diary of Sr. Faustina
Catholic Prophecy: The Third Secret of Fatima - Complete Text and Report / Pope
Holy Pictures / Gifts / Church Supply / Christmas
Vatican Connection / Catechism / Advent
Free Songs - Music Samples
Marianland - Catholic Theme Park
Mother Teresa
Links / Religion / Prayer



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New Record Album: "Refugee from Socialism"


Photos from movie "The Passion of the Christ" directed by Mel Gibson

Movie Book: "The Passion"
A very impressive book!
Actual photos from Mel Gibson's film "The Passion of the Christ"
Includes corresponding Scriptural passages, taken from the Douay-Rheims Bible.

Go and spend time with Jesus.
Go see the movie "The Passion of the Christ"!


Statues of Mary


See the Beauty of God's Creation - Photo Gallery of Bob Richards


MP3 Music Downloads
Catholic Christian Music and Songs


John 12: 48. He that despiseth me and receiveth not my words hath one that judgeth him. The word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day.


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