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Catholic Statues,Church Supplies,Holy Spirit,Family Movies Catholic Videos,Catholic Documentary Films,Pro Life DVD Videos


Medjugorje: Transforming Your Heart

Why has the Madonna chosen Medjugorje? Why is St. James Parish such a focal point for this time in history?

On June 24, 1981 in a primitive Croatian mountain town, the Mother of God appeared to six young children with a message of urgency for the world. She came to warn us that if the world does not amend its ways, chastisements from God will befall the world due to its sin. Known as Our Lady the Queen of Peace, she continues to come bringing messages of peace and love, leading us closer to Her son Jesus.

Shot on location under extraordinary circumstances, "Transforming your Heart" reveals a remarkable phenomena which is bringing about millions of conversions.

Witness the miracle of the sun through the eyes of pilgrims, and hear their extraordinary stories of healing and conversion. Travel through the rural countryside and hear messages that are being delivered by the Mother of God. Be present with some of the visionaries during an apparition in the choir loft of St. James Church and be inspired by the teaching and insight of Father Philip Pavich, O.F.M.

Most importantly, allow the Blessed Mother to open your heart through this filled with great healing, emotion and teaching.

Witness this remarkable program and allow it to "Transform Your Heart. "

Running Time: 50 Minutes
Not available at this time



DVD - Medjugorje: The Miracles and The Message

As Seen on EWTN of Mother Angelica
A JPN Production

An objective look on alleged apparitions at Medjugorje by
Award-winning British film director, J. Paddy Nolan

Before starting his production in Medjugorje, the Director asked Vicka, one of the visionaries, what kind of film she thought Our Lady would like him to make. And Vicka answered, "Our Lady will show you." A comprehensive update of the Medjugorje story. "...serious... significant... different... professional... excellent... suprising... informative... Revealing interviews with world-renowned authorities whose lives have not been the same since their "Medjugorje Experience." - Sister Briege McKenna; Father Michael O'Carroll; Wayne Weible - Medjugorje Apparitions - Medjugorje; Gay Russell; Heather Parsons; Abbe Rene Laurentin; Vicka Ivankovic. The attitude of the Pope and the Church about apparitions is examined. See the sun-spinning phenomenon with testimonies from people who have witnessed it. MEDJUGORJE - THE MIRACLES AND THE MESSAGES was written and directed by award-winning British director, J. Paddy Nolan. (As Seen on EWTN of Mother Angelica).

Sr. Briege McKenna "What we saw was the sun coming at us and spinning like a wheel, and then we saw the crucifix disappear".

Wayne Weible ""It was simply as if someone had spoken to me and the message they had given me, I knew, was from The Blessed Virgin".

The Blessed Virgin Mary has reportedly been appearing to six young people in Bosnia and Hercegovina (former Yugoslavia), since 1981. Throughout the period since the Blessed Virgin first appeared to them, the visionaries claim to have received specific information and teaching from her. The Madonna has repeatedly told the children that the world is on the brink of a major catastrophe. She pleads with us to believe that the great catastrophe facing us can only be turned away through prayer, fasting, and penance. The Virgin has repeatedly stated that sin is what causes the lack of peace in the world; and that as long as man continues to ignore God, we will never have peace.

80 minutes DVD - Sale Price: $24.95





Tears From Heaven

From all over the world, witnesses say that paintings, statues and icons are weeping tears and tears of blood.
What do these "lachrymations" portend and why are they occurring at this specific moment in history? An excellent video.
Very appropriate for our time. VHS Video.
DVD Sale Price: $14.75


Marian Apparitions of the 20th Century
a message of urgency

Narrated by Ricardo Montalbán


Worldwide, reports of apparitions of Jesus and Mary are surfacing. Discover in this award-winning documentary some of the most fascinating apparitions of the 20th century and the urgency of the message Heaven is giving to the world. If men only knew what eternity is, they would do everything in their power to change their lives." Fatima, Portugal Deeply rooted in humanity's history, the Blessed Virgin Mary has been making repeated visitations throughout the world, particularly in the latter part of the 20th century, to warn us that we are on the brink of destruction unless we heed her messages for repentance, prayer, conversion, fasting and reconciliation. Is humanity on the verge of self-destruction? Can the world be delivered from the fear engulfing it today? Fatima Portugal, Beauraing & Banneux Belgium, Garanbandal Spain, Zeitun Egypt, Akita Japan, Medjugorje, Yugoslavia, Bethania Venezuela, Kibeho Rwanda, Naju South Korea, Ukraine and more …
DVD Sale Price: $14.75


Time for Mercy

Is God in His infinite mercy increasing the intensity and severity of His warnings in an effort to draw souls back to Him before it is too late? Join narrator Joe Campanella as we explore the amazing apparitions of Jesus to St. Faustina and the powerful revelation of Divine Mercy. VHS Video.
DVD Sale Price: $19.75


Betania, Land of Grace

Perhaps one of the most amazing apparitions of our day. Here, reports of unexplained healings, conversion, and mystical phenomena abound. Included in this incredible video is a Eucharistic miracle caught on video tape, an interview with one of the most powerful mystics of the century, and an apparition of the Blessed Mother.
Incredible reports of miraculous healings, unexplained phenomena and visitations of the Blessed Virgin Mary in South America are reaching the world, where thousands are claiming to have witnessed her appearances on a small farm in Betania, Venezuela. She has come with a powerful and urgent message of peace and reconcilialion for mankind. VHS Video. 58 Minutes.
DVD Sale Price: $14.75



Kibeho: Mary Speaks to the World
VHS Video only

Documentary of reported apparitions in Rwanda, Africa.
In the midst of the tiny, landlocked country of Rwanda, Africa, a spiritual phenomenon has been taking place since 1981. Known as the Mother of the Word, the Blessed Virgin has been appearing to seven young children: six girls and one boy. The apparitions are not only of Mary, but they also include Jesus. Listen to the incredible story of Emmanuel Segastashya, a pagan, as he recounts meeting Jesus Christ in a field.
Experience two apparitions of the Blessed Virgin within one day; a dormitory apparition at twelve noon and a two-hour public apparition in the sisters school in Kibeho with visionary, Alphonsine Mumureke. Watch a doctor from the investigative commission of the Roman Catholic Church physically test a young woman allegedly meeting with the Mother of God. Travel through the lush, green mountains and valleys with us as we meet with families, and enjoy the music of John Michael Talbot providing a lyrical backdrop. Learn from world-renowned Mariologist, Fr. Rene Laurentin of France, as he shares his insight on the apparitions along with Father Gabriel Maindron and the Bishop of Butare. Allow us to introduce you to the Mother of God in Kibeho, as she delivers a message of urgency to the world . . . the necessity to prepare for the return of her Son, Jesus! Mary speaks to the world. VHS Video. Running Time: 50 Minutes



Statues of Mary




The Third Secret of Fatima
DVD or Audio CD

Decoding the Third Secret of Fatima revealed to the three shepherd children visionaries at Cova da Iria-Fatima, Portugal, on July 13, 1917, and committed to paper by Sr. Lucia on January 3, 1944.
The Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to three shepherd children at Fatima, Portugal, 6 times only on the thirteenth day of six consecutive months in 1917, beginning on May 13. The three children were Lúcia Santos and her cousins Jacinta and Francisco Marto.
The Three Secrets of Fatima consist of a series of apocalyptic visions and prophecies have been given to three young Portuguese shepherds

She told children that God had chosen to use Russia as the instrument of chastisement to punish the world if people do not change, if people repent they will obtain conversion of Russia to the Catholic faith. She promises us: " If my requests are granted, Russia will be converted and there will be peace. " But She also warned us: " If My requests are not granted, Russia will spread her errors throughout the world raising up wars and persecutions against the Church, the good will be martyred, the Holy Father will have much to suffer, various nations will be annihilated.

Audio CD #CD-2027AL Sale Price: $9.95 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION


Two Best DVDs Ever Made
Padre Pio and Sr. Faustina

by Award Winning Film Director J. Paddy Nolan of JPN

3 Documentary Films in one DVD
a JPN Production
Each over 2 Hours Long
Padre Pio
Sr. Faustina

Best and Most Complete 2 DVDs on
Padre Pio and Sr. Faustina Ever Made
Each DVD Over 2 Hours Long


Will Prophecy of Garabandal fulfill this year?


PROPHECY FOR TODAY By Edward Connor (compiler)
Divine Mercy and Sr. Faustina (Videos and Books)
Padre Pio (Videos)
Medjugorje - The Queen of Peace (Videos, DVDs, Books and Audio Tapes)
Prophecy of The Third Secret of Fatima
The Kingdom of the Bride


Photos from movie "The Passion of the Christ" directed by Mel Gibson

Movie Book: "The Passion"
A very impressive book!
Actual photos from Mel Gibson's film "The Passion of the Christ"
Includes corresponding Scriptural passages, taken from the Douay-Rheims Bible.

Go and spend time with Jesus.
Go see the movie "The Passion of the Christ"!


Text of The Third Secret of Fatima - Complete Report
Books and Videos on Padre Pio
Videos and Books on Sr. Faustina and Divine Mercy plus Diary of Sr. Faustina
CATHOLIC BIBLES (Family Bibles, Spanish Bibles, Church, School and Study Bible Edidions)
Bishop Fulton Sheen - Audio CDs, Videos and Books
THE DOUAY-RHEIMS BIBLE - Now in Large Print!
Why Should You Read Only the Douay-Rheims Translation of the Bible?


Best selling Catholic Videos in English and Spanish Languages

From San Giovanni to Heaven - New Video on Canonization of Padre Pio

The Beatification of Padre Pio - by Award British Film Director J. Paddy Nolan (NewVideo)

The Life of Sister Faustina - The Apostle of Divine Mercy

Spanish Edition - La Historia De Sor Faustina

Sister Faustina - The Promise of Mercy

The Beatification of Sister Faustina - Join the Celebration

A Celebration of Padre Pio - Pray, Hope, and Don't Worry

Spanish Edition - Homenaje Al Padre Pio

St. Padre Pio - At The Gates of Heaven

Padre Pio's San Giovanni - "I Can Refuse No One"

Medjugorje - The Miracles and The Message

Padre Pio's Way of the Cross

Canonization of Sr. Faustina




Once On A Barren Hill - The Story of Our Lady of Guadualupe





Shocking speech of Fr. John O'Connor - DVD

(2 Hrs Long)

Most complete report on Anti-Christ ever made. Shocking speech of Fr. John O'Connor.
Fr. O'Connor shows how we will be able to recognize the Anti-Christ through Bible and Current Events,
that he is alive and prepared to enter world seen, about infiltration of Catholic Church,
about the New World Order, end of US independence, One World Socialist Atheist Government,
Wars, Paper Money, Homosexual infiltration of the Catholic Church,
Our near Future, How to prepare our self for persecution and more ... Must see. Best Seller.

(VHS Video 2hrs) ...........$ 20.00
Click Here to Order - Order Information




Angels Video and Books (Main Section)

Akita, Japan


Animated video series for children "Saints of the Faith"

Animated video series for children "Heroes of the Faith"

Animated - The New Testament

Animated - The Old Testament

Apparitions at Fatima

At the Gates of Heaven - Padre Pio

Bishop Sheen on Angels

Bishop Sheen (Main Section)

Bishops - Videotapes and Books of U.S. Catholic Bishops, NCCB / USCC

Entertaining Angels

The Beatification of Padre Pio - by Award British Film Director J. Paddy Nolan - New Video (Must See)

The Beatification of Sister Faustina - Join the Celebration

Best selling Catholic and other Christian Videos

Best Sellers - Videos and Tapes

Best selling Catholic and other Christian Videos and DVD

Betania: Land of Grace

Bible - Videos on Bible

Catholic Video and DVD

Catholic Family Resources, Books, Videos, CD-ROM & Tapes

Catholic Videos (Selection)

Catholic Family Video

Catholic-Christian Family Movies & Documentary Films

Catechism of the Catholic Church for Adults, VHS Video

A Celebration of Padre Pio - Pray, Hope, and Don't Worry

Children and Youth - Animated

Children DVD

Christian Pro-Life and Creation Videos

Christian VHS Videos

Creation vs Evolution

Current Issues

Divine Mercy Materials - Complete List

Divine Mercy (Videos and Books)


Dr. Bernard Nathanson - Author of Video: "The Silent Scream"

DVD - Family Movies and Children Animated in DVD Format

's Videos

Evolution vs Creation

Creation Videos

Family Videos - List

Family Movies / Videos 2

Fatima Videos

Rev. John O'Connor, O. P. (videos)

Father Malachi Martin

Fr. Aloysius Ellacuria - American Padre Pio

Freemasonry: from Darkness to Light

Fulton Sheen - Bishop Sheen

Garabandal Apparitions

Gods of the New Age

Gospa - The Movie


Harry Potter: Witchcraft Repackaged

Heroes of the Faith animated video series for children

Historical Drama (Section I) Family Movies

Historical Drama (Section II) Family Movies

Home of the Queen of Peace

In The Footsteps of Peter - The Museums and the Buildings of Vatican City

John Paul II Collection

Joan of Arc (Videos and Books)

"Judgement - Apocalipse 4" - Movie

Kibeho, Africa - Mary Speaks to the World

The Knight's of Saint John (Sovereign Military Order of Malta)

"Left Behind" - Movie

Lives of Saints

List of Catholic & Christian Documentary Films and Family Movies

The Life of Sister Faustina - The Apostle of Divine Mercy

Life After Life and Angel Stories

Marian Videos of Marian Communications

Marian Videos on Apparitions of the Virgin Mary and more ...

Marian Apparitions of the 20th Century - a message of urgency

Roman Catholic DVDs and Videos as Seen on EWTN Catholic TV Network of Mother Angelica

Medjugorje - The Miracles and the Message

Medjugorje - The Queen of Peace (Videos, DVDs, Books and Audio Tapes)

Medjugorje Transforming Your Heart

Money System of the New World Order

Most Popular Family Films / Educational Films, The

Mother Teresa

Mother Teresa and Her Missionaries of Charity

Mother Teresa Videos

New Video - The Beatification of Padre Pio - by Award British Film Director J. Paddy Nolan

New Age, Yoga Conspiracy of the New Age Movement, Evolution Conspiracy and One World Government

New Testament - Animated

New Catholic Audio Tapes, CDs and Videos by authors:
Ken Hensley, Fr. Bill Casey, ALex Jones, Fr. Ron Stone, Scott Hahn, Steve Ray, Kim Hahn,
Fr. Collins, Tim Staples, Michael Cumbie and Michael Worf 2003

Old Testament - Animated

Once on a Barren Hill - The True Story of Our Lady of Guadalupe

On Pilgrimage with Father Aloysius - Docu Film on Fr. Aloysius Ellacuria - American Padre Pio

One World Government

Padre Pio

Padre Pio's San Giovanni - I Can Refuse No One

Padre Pio's Way of the Cross

Pious Publications

Pontifical Council

Pro-Life Videos

More Pro-Life Videos

Rev. Albert J. M. Shamon - Books/Videos

Rock/Pop Music, MTV, Hollywood and Satan

Scott Hahn

Shocking Videos

Sister Faustina - The Promise of Mercy

Saints of the Faith animated video series for children

Saints - Lives of Saints


Spanish Edition - Homenaje Al Padre Pio

Spanish Edition - La Historia De Sor Faustina

Spanish Videos

Special Interest: Catholic Christian Videos and Cassette Tapes

Spiritual Life (Main Section)

Sr. Faustina (Videos and Books)

St. Patrick Apostle of Ireland (New Video)

"Tears of Love" New Video on Weeping Statues

Tridentine Mass

The UN's Crusade Against God and Family - Videos / Books

U.S. Catholic Bishops, NCCB / USCC - Videotapes and Books

Videos on the Miracles and the Message of Medjugorje

Videos of Award-Winning British Filmmaker, J. Paddy Nolan

Videos on Divine Mercy

World Religions and Patriotic Videos

Yoga Conspiracy of the New Age Movement, New Age


New Video on
Canonization of Padre Pio


00095 - One Against the Wind

0147 - My Friend Flicka

04683 - Landmarks of Faith: Catholic Churches of Old NM

10119 - Mary, Mother of Jesus

10413 - Donut Man - After School

10927 - Little House On The Prairie: Christmas at Plum Creek/A Christmas They Never Forgot

11540 - Miracle of Our Lady of Fatima

1376 - Indestructible Book: Story of the Bible

14011 - Juan Diego: Messenger of Guadalupe

14652 - Prayers for Little Children

2010 - Hill Number One

2803 - Landmarks of Faith: Catholic Maryland

2918 - Jesus and the Shroud of Turin

3650 - Denyce Graves: Cathedral Christmas

38477 - Mary of Nazareth

4046 - The Madonna

4145 - Sex and Love: What's a Teenager to Do?

4181 - Sex and Love: What's a Teenager to Do? - Public School Edition

4307 - The First Christmas

4389 - Ten Commandments (5 tape set)

4436 - Lourdes Pilgrimage and Healing

4467 - Sex as God's Gift Curriculum Kit

4469 - Raising Your Children in an Ungodly World

4641 - Visit to the Sepulcher

4685 - Dancing Word: Miriam and Mary

4704 - Stations of Joy

47154 - Shattered Silhouettes

4743 - Our Lady of Guadalupe: Mother of America

47900 - Marian Apparitions of the 20th Century

47918 - Betania: Land of Grace

62001 - The Choice

62005 - The Visit

8459 - Jesus Living in Mary

91413 - Cotton Patch Gospel

96101 - Great Bible Discovery #1: Discovering The Empty Tomb

96102 - Great Bible Discovery #2: Discovering the Baby King

96103 - Great Bible Discovery #3: Covenant Discovery

96104 - Great Bible Discovery #4: Discovering Dreams Come True

96105 - Great Bible Discovery #5: Discovering the Way Out

9617 - Mary Mackillop

97102 - Great Bible Discovery #6: Discovering the Kingdom

97103 - Great Bible Discovery #7: Discovering the Beginning

97104 - Great Bible Discovery #8: Happily-Ever After

97583 - The Christmas Box

98848 - Landmarks of Faith - Set of 3

98873 - The Fruits of Mary

98878 - Seek First the Kingdom

98972 - Bible Dramas on Stage - Set of Four

99001 - Bedbug Bible Gang - Set of 11

99074 - Mary: The Mother of God

99163 - Were You There?

99238 - Great Bible Discovery - Set of 9

99372 - The Sacraments

99385 - The Odyssey of St. Paul

99388 - Our Lady of Guadalupe: Mother of Hope

99446 - Mary's House

99451 - Treasures of Catholicism

99453 - Joseph: The Man Closest to Christ

99470 - Testament: The Bible in Animation - Set of 9

99526 - Our Lady in Scripture and Tradition

99530 - Notre Dame: Witness to History

99565 - The Woman Clothed With the Sun - Set of 3

99568 - The Woman Clothed With the Sun: Rue De Bac - Beauvraing

99622 - Apparitions at Fatima

99633 - Saints Gallery III

99636 - Hero, Choice, Search, Journey, Visit - Set of 5

99715 - The Rosary for Little Children

99754 - The Cloak of Juan Diego

99822 - FATIMA, beloved Mother of God, hope for all humanity


Videos of Pious Publications

More Videos ...


Catholic DVD

Padre Pio Sanctus - DVD

98982D - Mary, Mother of Jesus - DVD

98872D - The Fruits of Mary - DVD

6842D - My Friend Flicka - DVD

8130D - Faithful Women of the Bible - DVD

4748D - Our Lady of Guadalupe: Mother of America - DVD

4671D - Visit to the Sepulcher - DVD

3421D - Mary of Nazareth - DVD

10667D - Story Keepers: #11 Christmas- DVD

0012D - Juan Diego: Messenger of Guadalupe - DVD

99049D - White Christmas DVD

More DVDs ...



Free MP3 Music Downloads


"Peace of Heart" Record Album of Rafael Brom
on the Queen of Peace and Medjugorje


HLI Pro-Life Material, Prolife Books, Audio Tapes, CD and DVD Videos



Full Text of the Third Secret of Fatima not revealed?

In a 1980 interview for the German magazine Stimme des Glaubens published in October 1981, John Paul II was asked explicitly to speak about the third secret. He said: "Because of the seriousness of its contents, in order not to encourage the world wide power of Communism to carry out certain coups, my predecessors in the chair of Peter have diplomatically preferred to withhold its publication. On the other hand, it should be sufficient for all Christians to know this much: if there is a message in which it is said that the oceans will flood entire sections of the earth; that, from one moment to the other, millions of people will perish... there is no longer any point in really wanting to publish this secret message. Many want to know merely out of curiosity, or because of their taste for sensationalism, but they forget that 'to know' implies for them a responsibility. It is dangerous to want to satisfy one's curiosity only, if one is convinced that we can do nothing against a catastrophe that has been predicted." He held up his rosary and stated "Here is the remedy against this evil. Pray, pray and ask for nothing else. Put everything in the hands of the Mother of God." Asked what would happen in the Church, he said: "We must be prepared to undergo great trials in the not-too-distant future; trials that will require us to be ready to give up even our lives, and a total gift of self to Christ and for Christ. Through your prayers and mine, it is possible to alleviate this tribulation, but it is no longer possible to avert it, because it is only in this way that the Church can be effectively renewed. How many times, indeed, has the renewal of the Church been effected in blood? This time, again, it will not be otherwise. We must be strong, we must prepare ourselves, we must entrust ourselves to Christ and to His holy Mother, and we must be attentive, very attentive, to the prayer of the Rosary.

Lúcia herself is reported to have explicitly stated that the Third Secret contains Apocalyptic content. According to one source, when Lúcia was asked about the Third Secret, she said it was "in the Gospels and in the Apocalypse", and at one point she had even specified Apocalypse chapters 8 to 13, a range that includes Apocalypse 12:4, the chapter and verse cited by Pope John Paul II in his homily in Fatima on 13 May 2000.

A news article quoted former Philippine ambassador to the Vatican, Howard Dee, as saying that Cardinal Ratzinger had personally confirmed to him that the messages of Akita and Fatima are "essentially the same."

A TERRIBLE WARNING - THE MESSAGE OF OUR LADY OF AKITA, JAPAN: The third message on October 13, 1973, the actual anniversary of the final visions and miracle of Fatima is as follows: "As I told you, if men do not repent and better themselves, the Father will inflict a terrible punishment on all humanity. It will be a punishment greater than the deluge, such as one will never have seen before. Fire will fall from the sky and will wipe out a great part of humanity, the good as well as the bad, sparing neither priests nor faithful. The survivors will find themselves so desolate that they will envy the dead. The only arms which will remain for you will be the Rosary and the Sign left by my Son. Each day, recite the prayers of the Rosary. With the Rosary, pray for the Pope, the bishops and the priests. The work of the devil will infiltrate even into the Church in such a way that one will see cardinals opposing cardinals, and bishops against other bishops. The priests who venerate me will be scorned and opposed by their Confreres. The Church and altars will be vandalized. The Church will be full of those who accept compromises and the demon will press many priests and consecrated souls to leave the service of the Lord.



From Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in Vatican

Text of The Third Secret of Fatima:


VATICAN CITY, JUN 26, 2000 (VIS) - Given below is the complete translation of the original Portuguese text of the third part of the secret of Fatima, revealed to the three shepherd children at Cova da Iria-Fatima on July 13, 1917, and committed to paper by Sr. Lucia on January 3, 1944:

"I write in obedience to you, my God, who command me to do so through his Excellency the Bishop of Leiria and through your Most Holy Mother and mine.

"After the two parts which I have already explained, at the left of Our Lady and a little above, we saw an Angel with a flaming sword in his left hand; flashing, it gave out flames that looked as though they would set the world on fire; but they died out in contact with the splendor that Our Lady radiated towards him from her right hand: pointing to the earth with his right hand, the Angel cried out in a loud voice: 'Penance, Penance, Penance!'. And we saw in an immense light that is God: 'something similar to how people appear in a mirror when they pass in front of it' a Bishop dressed in White 'we had the impression that it was the Holy Father'. Other Bishops, Priests, men and women Religious going up a steep mountain, at the top of which there was a big Cross of rough-hewn trunks as of a cork-tree with the bark; before reaching there the Holy Father passed through a big city half in ruins and half trembling with halting step, afflicted with pain and sorrow, he prayed for the souls of the corpses he met on his way; having reached the top of the mountain, on his knees at the foot of the big Cross he was killed by a group of soldiers who fired bullets and arrows at him, and in the same way there died one after another the other Bishops, Priests, men and women Religious, and various lay people of different ranks and positions. Beneath the two arms of the Cross there were two Angels each with a crystal aspersorium in his hand, in which they gathered up the blood of the Martyrs and with it sprinkled the souls that were making their way to God."




Prophecy of Sister Jeanne of the Nativity (1700's)

"One day I heard that the New Constitution will appear to many other than what it really is. They will bless it as a gift from Heaven; whereas it is in fact sent form hell and permitted by God in His just wrath. It will only be by its side effects that people will be led to recognize the Dragon who wanted to destroy all and devour all. One night I saw a number of ecclesiastics. Their haughtiness and air of severity seemed to demand the respect of all. They forced the faithful to follow them. But God commanded me to oppose them saying: They no longer have the right to speak my name Jesus told me. It is against My wish that they carry out a mandate for which they are no longer worthy of."

"I saw a great power rise up against the Church. it plundered, devastated, and threw into confusion and disorder the vine of the Lord, having it trampled underfoot by the people and holding it up to ridicule by all nations. Having vilified celibacy and oppressed the priesthood, it had the effrontery to confiscate the Church's property and to arrogate to itself the powers of the Holy Father, whose person and laws it held in contempt."

"I had a vision; Before the Father and the Son- both seated-- a virgin of incomparable beauty, representing the Church, was kneeling. The Holy Ghost spread his shining wings over the virgin and the other two persons. The wound of our Lord seemed alive. Leaning on the Cross with one hand, He offered to His Father with the other hand the chalice which the Master held in the middle. The Father placed one hand on the cup and raised the other to bless the virgin. I noticed that the chalice was only half filled with blood, and I heard these words spoken by our Savior at the moment of presentation; I shall not be fully satisfied until I am unable to fill it right up to the brim. I understood then that the contents of the chalice represented the blood of the early martyrs, and that the vision had reference to the last persecutions of Christians, whose blood would fill the chalice thereby completing the number of martyrs predestined. For at the end of time, there will be as many martyrs as in the early Church and even more, for the persecutions will be far more violent. Then the last Judgment will no longer be delayed."

"I see in God that a long time before the rise of the Antichrist the world will be afflicted with many bloody wars. Peoples will rise against peoples, and nations will rise against nations, sometimes allied, sometimes enemies, in their fight against the same party. Army’s ill come into frightful collisions and will fill the earth with murder and carnage. These internal and foreign wars will cause enormous sacrifices, profanations, scandals, and infinite evils, because of the incursions that will be made into the Church. As well as that I see the earth will be shaken in different places by frightful earthquakes. I see the whole mountains cracking and splitting with a terrible din. Only too happy will one be if one can escape with no more than a fright; but no, I see out of the gaping mountains whirlwinds of smoke, fire, sulphur and tar, which reduce to cinders entire towns. All this and a thousand other disasters must come before therise of the Man of Sin."

"I saw in the Light of the Lord that the Faith and our Holy Religion would become weaker in almost every Christian Kingdom. God has permitted that they should be chastised by the wicked in order to awaken them form their apathy. And after the Justice of God has been satisfied, He will pour out an abundance of graces on His Church. And He will spread the Faith and restore discipline of the Church in those countries where it had become tepid and lax. I see in God a great power led by the Holy Ghost which will restore order through a second upheaval. I see in God a large assembly of pastors who will uphold the rights of the Church (not man) and of Her Head. They will restore the former disciplines. I, see in particular two servants of the Lord who will distinguish themselves in this glorious struggle and who, by the grace of God, will fill with ardent zeal the hearts of this illustrious assembly."

"All false cults will be abolished; all the abuses of the Revolution will be destroyed and the altars of the true God restored. The former practices will be put into force again and our religion--at least in some respects will flourish more than ever. I see in God that the Church will enjoy a profound peace over a period which seems to be a fairly long duration. This respite will be the longest of all that will occur between the revolutions from now till General Judgment. The closer we draw to General Judgment the shorter will be the revolutions against the Church. The kind of peace that will follow each revolution will also be shorter. This is because we are approaching the End. One day the Lord said to me " A few years before the coming of My enemy, Satan will rise up false prophets who will announce Antichrist as true Messiah, and they try to destroy all our Christian beliefs. The closer we get to Antichrist the more darkness will spread over the earth and the more his satellites will increase their efforts to trap the faithful into their nets. When the Antichrist draws near a false religion will appear which will deny the unity of God and will oppose the Church. Errors will cause ravages as never before."

"God has manifested to me the malice of Lucifer and the perverse and diabolical intentions of his henchmen against the Holy Church of Christ. At the command of their master these wicked men have crossed the world like the furies to prepare the way and place for the Antichrist whose reign is approaching. The storm began in France and France shall be the first theatre of its ravages after having been its cradle. The Church in council shall one day strike with anathemas to pull down and to destroy the evil principles of that criminal constitution .



New Video on Canonization of Padre Pio
Church Supplies
Canonization of Juan Diego of Guadalupe, Mexico
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- 1 Corinthians 14: 34-35. "Let women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted them to speak but to be subject, as also the law saith. But if they would learn anything, let them ask their husbands at home. For it is a shame for a woman to speak in the church." - 1 Corinthians 14: 37-38. "If any seem to be a prophet or spiritual, let him know the things that I write to you, that they are the commandments of the Lord. But if any man know not, he shall not be known."


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