(Section II)
Scarlet and the Black
This outstanding film tells the thrilling true story of an Irish priest in the
Vatican who organized an underground network in Rome to hide the Jews and others
from the Nazis during World War II. Gregory Peck stars as Msgr. Hugh O'Flaherty,
who uses disguises to do his dangerous work and hide from the ruthless Nazi
commander (Christopher Plummer) who wants to murder the priest. A film guaranteed
to inspire! No Time Description Sale Price Qty 8994 145 min Scarlet and the Black
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Winner of two Academy Awards, Charlton Heston stars in the story of two childhood
friends, one Roman and one Jew, whose love turns to hatred. But Ben-Hur's Christian
family and the woman he loves encourage him to recognize Jesus' miraculous power
and love. It is only when he encounters Christ's love that he can release his
bitterness. [cc] No Time Description Sale Price Qty 1829 211 min Ben Hur $ 24.99
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Man for All Seasons
A notable international cast brings to life one of the most thrilling dramas
of intrigue and courage. Robert Shaw plays the lusty King Henry VIII who wants
to divorce his wife in order to marry the beautiful Anne Boleyn. Only Sir Thomas
More has the courage and conviction to oppose the King's will. A campaign is
begun to discredit More. Eventually, his valiant refusal to abandon his principles
leads to More's death. [cc] No Time Description Sale Price Qty 9967 120 min Man for
All Seasons $ 19.99
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of Arc (Movie)
This is the Academy Award winning film starring
Ingrid Bergman as St. Joan of Arc. Bergman gives a splendid portrayal of the
French farm girl who, inspired by divine voices led the French army to victory
against the English forces. A mammoth production with lavish color and a cast
of thousands. Also starring Jose Ferrer.100
min., $19.75
of Arc (TV Miniseries)
The heroic story of a 19-year-old woman whose saintly visions lead her to unite
France against its English invaders. Five hundred years after she is burned
at the stake for heresy, she is declared a saint and revered by the country
she saved. This CBS miniseries features an all-star cast including Leelee Sobieski,
Chad Willett, Jacqueline Bisset, Powers Boothe, Olympia Dukakis, Neil Patrick
Harris, Robert Loggia, Maximilian Schell, Peter Strauss, Shirley MacLaine, and
Peter O'Toole. No Time Description Sale Price Qty 10173 140 min Joan of Arc (TV Miniseries)
$ 19.99
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of Nazareth Jesus of Nazareth
is a unique film depicting the life of Christ from His birth through His resurrection.
Franco Zeffirelli's production is acclaimed for its thorough Biblical and historical
research. This comprehensive and faithful film features a distinguished international
cast and locations specially chosen for their pure and simple resemblance to
Palestine at the time of Jesus. This epic series tells the greatest of all stories
with tremendous emotion and splendor [cc]. No Time Description Sale Price Qty 1137
371 min Jesus of Nazareth $ 34.99
Ordering Information
Ten Commandments
For sheer pageantry and spectacle, few films can equal its splendor. It tells
the story of Moses (Charlton Heston), once favored by the Pharaoh's (Yul Brynner)
house, who turned his back on a privileged life and responded to God's call
to lead his people to freedom. Filmed in Egypt and the Sinai with one of the
biggest sets ever constructed for a motion picture. No Time Description Sale Price
Qty 2107 220 min Ten Commandments $ 24.99
Ordering Information
Jesus Died: The Final 18 Hours
The first ever video production presenting the comprehensive medical, forensic
and historical facts of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ. This video captures
details of the last few hours up to Jesus' death on the cross. Nothing will
bring you closer to understanding what Jesus endured on the cross than watching
How Jesus Died. No Time Description Sale Price Qty 99570 35 min How Jesus Died: Final
18 Hours $ 19.99
Ordering Information
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14:10. He also shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is mingled with pure wine in the cup of his wrath: and shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the sight of the holy angels and in the sight of the Lamb.
Photos from movie "The Passion of the Christ" directed by Mel Gibson
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Catholic Prophecies
Mary of Jesus Crucified (19th Century)
All states will be shaken by war and civil conflict. During a darkness lasting
three days the people given to evil ways will perish so that only one-fourth
of mankind will survive. The clergy, too, will be greatly reduced in number,
as most of them will die in defense of the faith of their country.