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Evolution Theory Versus Modern Microbiology

Presenting the fundamental problems Darwinian evolution theory faces
in the light of modern biology, Reasonable Doubt, the DVD, is not a Creation
or Intelligent Design presentation and it does not argue for any
particular alternative theory for evolution
­ just the cold, hard modern science.

DVD Sale Price: $23.95


As scientific knowledge grows exponentially, Darwin's theory of evolution becomes more debatable and hotly contested by researchers on both sides of the growing scientific controversy.

REASONABLE DOUBT presents a logical rendition of some of the fundamental problems evolution theory faces in the light of modern scientific knowledge with easy to understand explanations, animations, interviews and logical illustrations. This thought compelling and no-punches-pulled DVD illustrates dissenting scientific issues in the fields of microbiology, physics. cosmology, and statistical probability.

Every intellectually honest student of life, as well as teachers and school board members, needs to watch this DVD! This is not a Creation or Intelligent Design presentation and it does not argue for any particular alternative theory for evolution­just the cold, hard facts—you can deal with that!

Brought to life by dynamic computer animations, graphics and point-by-point review, REASONABLE DOUBT provides sound, authoritative discussion that is clearly, logically and entertainingly presented.


• State of the art 3D animation

• Upbeat, contemporary (stereo) music and FX track

• Chapters

• 73 minute total run time

• Quick end-of-presentation review of key concepts

• Bibliography and internet links for further research


1) Opening
A Summary of basic evolutionary claims from Big Bang to Bacteria to Biologist macro-evolution.


2) Most Popular Origin of Life Theories of Today
__A. Primordial Soup
__B. Thermal Vents
__C. Directed Panspermia
__D. Comet/Meteor Deposition
__E. Darwin's Theory Evolved Into Neo-Darwinism


3) Correcting Popular Misconceptions
__A. The Big Bang Theory Does Not Describe the Beginning of the Universe
__B. The Big Bang is Not a Proven Fact
__C. Evolution Does Not Describe How Life Began
__D. Evolution is Only Partly Undisputed Among Scientists


4) Evolution of Knowledge
__A. From What We Thought We Knew to What We Think We Know
____1. Previous scientific "facts" now falsified
_____Pangenesis, Universe Rotates Around Earth, Smallest Atomic Building Blocks, Light Speed.
__B. Bucking the Establishment
____Copernicus and Galileo, like "rebel" researchers today, paid a Sale Price too


5) Massive Complexity of the "Simple" Cell
__A. What Scientists Knew (and didn't know) in Darwin's Day
__B. How Wrong Knowledge Was Used to Build Evolution Theory
__C. Inside the Cellular Machine
____1. Cell Structure and Complex Internal Bio-machinery
___ Cell membrane, Cytoplasm, Lysosomes, Peroxisomes, Rough
___ Endoplasmic Reticulum, Ribosomes, Golgi Complexes, Mitochondria


6) DNA, Nature's Most Powerful Molecule
__A. Definition and Description
__B. The DNA Paradox
____1. Massive In Complexity and Size Yet also Tiny and Compact
__C. DNA Replication


7) DNA - Staggering Complexity and Precision
__A. Statistical Probability
__B. Common Sense vs. Evolution


8) DNA and Mutation - The Heart and Soul of Evolution
__A. Definition of
__B. Kinds of
__C. Darwinian Catch 22
____1. What Came First, DNA or the DNA Replication Mechanism?
____Why this is an important issue?
__D. Mutations Can Not Produce a Completely New Organism
____1. Loosing Genetic Information
____Bacterial Resistance to Antibiotics, Tinker Toy Demo
____2. Gene Duplication
____Two Headed Turtle, Computer Programming


9) Resemblance's Between Species Argument
__A. Chimpanzees and Humans Meet the Fly and Tomato


10) Darwin Demands Change Where None is Found
__A. Galapagos Finches
__B. 3.5 Billion Year Old Bacteria
__C. 600 Million Year Old Fly


11) Round Up to Conclusion
__A. Watch and Fish
__B. Darwin's "simple cell" Keeps Getting More Complex
__C. Swiss Cheese Moon
__D. Rapid Fire Summary of Presentation
___ "A fair result can be obtained only by fully stating and balancing the facts
___and arguments on both sides of each question". - Charles Darwin


DVD Sale Price: $23.95


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