Catholic DVD DVDs on Sr. Faustina of Divine Mercy
Films on St. Faustina
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Pious Publications
A JPN Production
Is Believing"
Video Library
As seen on EWTN of Mother Angelica
Sr. Faustina - St. Faustina - Saint Faustina
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of Sister Faustina Kowalska
Divine Mercy in My Soul
VATICAN, November 9, 1994
Pope John Paul II receives "Seeing Is Believing"
Video Library from J. Paddy Nolan,
Award-Winning English Director
and his Wife, Wendy Harcourt-Brown
of Pious Publications
Wendy and Paddy Nolan with Mother Angelica founder of EWTN
An Appreciation
"Padre Pio's Messenger"
Rafael Brom Unplugged - Live
Song: Dance for Padre Pio
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on the finest Catholic videos on the life of Padre Pio,
Sr. Faustina, and the Apparitions at Medjugorje,
produced by award winning Brittish film director J.
Paddy Nolan of Pious Publications and
Record Albums of Rafael Brom - Cosmotone Records / Cosmotone
Music (ASCAP).
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Divine Mercy Material - Complete List
Photos from movie "The Passion of the Christ" directed by Mel Gibson
Book: "The Passion"
A very impressive book!
Actual photos from Mel Gibson's film "The Passion of the Christ"
Includes corresponding Scriptural passages, taken from the Douay-Rheims
and spend time with Jesus.
Go see the movie "The Passion of the Christ"!
Six Sins Against the Holy Ghost: 1 Frivolous presumption of salvation, 2 Despair of salvation, 3 Resisting defined doctrine, 4 Envy of another's spiritual good, 5 Stubbornness in sin, 6 Final obstinacy in sin
Time for Mercy Narrated by actor Joseph Campanella
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believe that the present hour is a dread phase of the events foretold by Christ.
It seems that darkness is about to fall on the world. Humanity is in the grip
of a supreme crisis."
-Pope Pius XII (20th century)
Prophecy of The Ecstatic of Tours (19th Century)
Before the war breaks out again, food will be scarce and expensive. There will be little work for the workers, and fathers will hear their children crying for food. There will be earthquakes and signs in the sun. Toward the end, darkness will cover the Earth. When everyone believes that peace is ensured, when everyone least expects it, the great happening will begin. Revolution will break out in Italy almost at the same time as in France. For some time the Church will be without a Pope.