Apologetics - DVD, DVD, Tapes and Audio CD
All Generations Shall Call Me Blessed All New Complete Revised Edition (PC:
7900-CD) Tim Staples All New Complete Revised Edition In this series,
All Generations Shall Call Me Blessed-The Biblical Truth About Mary,
you will hear fresh insights on one of the most misunderstood and often
attacked tenets of Ca... |
Common Objections (PC: 5214-cd) Answers To the Most Common Questions Facing Catholics Today As a former Protestant minister, Dr. Scott Hahn knows all too well the most common objections non-Catholics have to the Catholic Faith. In thi... CD - Price: $34.95 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION |
Common Objections |
Apologetics for the New Evangelization (PC: 7904-CD)
Tim Staples In his encyclical letter Redemptoris Missio (On the Church's
Missionary Mandate), Pope John Paul II wrote, "I sense that the moment
has come to commit all of the Church's energies to a new evangelization..."
This heartfelt prediction, repeated... |
a Catholic Biblical World View (PC: 5621-CD) Scott Hahn How Catholic is the way you look at reality? This might sound like an academic question, but, whether we realize it or not, everybody is a philosopher. And according to Scott Hahn, the problem isn't that some of us "do philosophy" and some... CD - Price: $34.95 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION |
Adam and Eve Have Belly Buttons? Book on Tape (PC: RC09-CD) Matthew Pinto There's no doubt about it, teenagers are full of questions! "If God cares for people, how come He lets people kill each other?" "If God knows everything we do, then how come we have to go to Confession?" "How could there be a place like hell if Jesus... CD - Price: $30.95 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION |
the Church Still Teach That? (PC: 6896-CD) Fr. Shannon Collins You've no doubt heard that Vatican II changed many important teachings of the Church? What's more you've noticed the conspicuous absence of many crucial Catholic concepts in Sunday sermons and in the religious education of your children or grandchil... CD - Price: $23.95 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION |
the Baptized (PC: 5236-CD) Scott Hahn What is all this talk about evangelization these days? Isn't that just for missionaries? Where do you start anyway? And what role does the Church really expect you to play in the work of spreading the Catholic faith? A Catholi... CD - Price: $23.95 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION |
and Sword: Crusade, Inquisition, Reformation (PC: 6466-CD) Matthew Arnold There is probably no institution in the history of man more unjustly maligned than the Catholic Church-and no more powerful rhetorical device than the distortion of the facts regarding the Crusades, Inquisitions and the Protestan... CD - Price: $23.95 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION |
#1 Enemy of the Catholic Church (PC: 5140-CD) Richard Marshall This high Degree Ritual and many others are exposed in this intriguing expose of Freemasonry by former Calvary Chapel member and anti-Catholic Richard Marshall. « Learn who the Knights Templar were and why they were condemned to dea... CD - Price: $26.95 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION |
of Truth (PC: 6303-CD) Karlo Broussard In 1985 then-Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger spoke on the crisis of truth within the Roman Catholic Church. In The Ratzinger Report, the future Pope Benedict XVI identified a false ecclesiology the heart of the confusion surrounding the identity and missio... CD - Price: $30.95 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION |
is Man Saved? The Catholic View on Justification (PC: 7902-CD)
Tim Staples When was the last time someone asked you, "Are you saved?"
Were you able to give an adequate answer? Could you refute your fallen-away
friends or family members with a Biblically based response reaffirming
crucial Catholic doctrine? Well, if you c... |
the Watchtower Core Beliefs of the Jehovah's Witnesses Exposed (PC: 8004-CD)
Mary Kochan You see them on street corners, ringing doorbells or visiting
college campuses. They travel in pairs, carrying copies of their magazines
and other colorful, attractive literature. If you browse their material
or engage in conversation, it do... |
Calvin Inside the Protestant Mind (PC: 8512-CD) Ken Hensley What You'll Discover in this Series: Who was John Calvin and why he left Church Why there was a "Reformation" and the real causes behind it What was the Reformation's single most important theological work Wha... CD - Price: $23.95 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION |
'Em Catholic (PC: 7914-CD) Tim Staples Discover the keys to become a more effective witness. Find the practical ways to remain faithful to Christ and bring to the fullness of truth!... CD - Price: $23.95 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION |
of the Kingdom: Petrine Authority in the Gospels (PC: 7903-CD) Tim Staples With the end of Pope John Paul II's reign and the election of Pope Benedict XVI the papacy is making front-page news. With this unprecedented barrage of media attention (and the inevitable flood of misinformation about the faith) concerned Catholics ... CD - Price: $30.95 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION |
Apologetics Christianity as Truth, not (PC: 8509-CD) Ken Hensley Is Christianity "mere religion" or is it objectively true? Is the Resurrection a fact of history? Is it really essential to the Christian Faith that Jesus rose from the dead? If so, what is the practical meaning of the Resurrection for you today? ... CD - Price: $23.95 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION |
Reasons Why Everyone Should Be Catholic (PC: SJ03-CD) Peter Kreeft Is one religion as good as another? Should everyone decide for himself what is true? What should be the response to Catholicism's claim to be the one, true Church? Now, on this life-changing CD respected Catholic philosopher Peter Kreeft gives yo... CD - Price: $7.95 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION |
the Fullness of the Faith: An Introduction to Apologetics (PC: 7230-CD) Stephen Ray In this exciting series, you will be given the perfect apologetic primer to better understand and defend the Catholic Faith. Stephen Ray, former Evangelical Protestant and Bible teacher, highlights the fundamental issues that many non-Catholics seri... CD - Price: $26.95 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION |
Scriptura The Cracked Foundation of the Protestant World (PC: 8506-CD) Ken Hensley Whatever else may separate them, Protestant Christians invariably agree on two points: the Catholic Church is not an infallible authority, and the "Bible alone" is the sole rule of faith. The latter, according to former Protestant Pastor Ken ... CD - Price: $34.95 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION |
up for your Faith (PC: 5603-CD) Scott Hahn Are you excited about being Catholic but are sometimes tongue-tied when it comes to sharing your faith? Do you find that your Protestant friends are better prepared to spread their faith than you or your Catholic friends? Youêre not alo... CD - Price: $26.95 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION |
Absurdity of Atheism (PC: 8508-CD) Ken Hensley Why do some people believe that God is only an idea? How can you combat the naturalistic worldview promoted by the great universities and the influence of popular culture that declares, "God may exist, but who cares?" How can you evangelize an unbeli... CD - Price: $23.95 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION |
Apologetics Of St. Thomas Aquinas (PC: 7575-CD) Most Apologetics answer particular objections to the Faith, but to really understand and defend your Faith, you must first understand - and be able to explain - the basic principles of Catholic theology. More than any other theologian, St. Thom... CD - Price: $34.95 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION |
The Bible Alone? (PC: 5253-CD)
Scott Hahn Now on CD! The Revolutionary Series that Brought Thousands
Back into the Catholic Church! The Bible Alone? Dr. Scott Hahn, Ph.D.
–Where in the Bible does it say that the Bible alone is the sole rule
of faith?” This seemingly innocent ques... |
Catholic Art of Self Defense (PC: 7228-CD) Stephen Ray An incredible explanation of Sacred Scriptures and writings of the Church Fathers demonstrate what the Early Christians believed regarding: the Papacy, Apostolic Succession and the Holy Eucharist. Citing Catholic sources and Protestant scholars, Ray ... CD - Price: $23.95 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION |
Da Vinci Code A Catholic Response (PC: 7576-CD) Mark Mcneil Was the Christian faith of the first followers of Jesus completely redefined and reconfigured in the fourth century? Was "true Christianity" really a religion of the "Sacred Feminine"? Was Jesus married to Mary Magdalene, and do his descendents wal... CD - Price: $23.95 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION |
Da Vinci Code Exposed: The Truth About Mary Magdalene, the Gospel and
the (PC: 6468-CD) Matthew Arnold Dan Brown's controversial Best Seller The Da Vinci Code has millions of people asking some very shocking questions. How trustworthy is the history of the Church, as we know it? Was Jesus merely a mortal prophet? Was "original" Christianity a... CD - Price: $23.95 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION |
Eucharist The Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar (PC: 7910-CD) Tim Staples In this series, Tim offers a picture of the Eucharist as –medicine for the soul,” a supernatural prescription given to us by Christ Himself to cure every type of spiritual disease and moral disorder. Discover how the Eucharist reveals Godês i... CD - Price: $30.95 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION |
Great Apostasy (PC: 7910-CD) Tim Staples In this series, Tim offers a picture of the Eucharist as –medicine for the soul,” a supernatural prescription given to us by Christ Himself to cure every type of spiritual disease and moral disorder. Discover how the Eucharist reveals Godês i... CD - Price: $30.95 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION |
Great Apostasy (PC: 7755-CD) Deacon Dr. Bob McDonald Many experts believe we are currently living through the greatest-ever assault on faith in the history of the Catholic Church! Rocked by clerical scandal and hounded by the ever-present specters of irreverent liturgy, contradictory interpret... CD - Price: $26.95 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION |
Rapture Trap Book on Tape (PC: RC16-CD) Dr. Paul Thigpen Finally! The Whole Catholic Truth About the So-Called "Rapture"! Here's Just Some of What You'll Discover in this Audio Book: What the Catholic Church really teaches about the so-called "Rapture" Why Jesus ... CD - Price: $38.95 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION |
Rapture: Ruse or Reality (PC: 7603-CD) David Currie Is it possible that at any moment most people, including most Catholics, will be plunged into seven years of "Great Tribulation" while "true-believers" will be swept up into heaven in the "Rapture"? What should Catholics believe about these startl... CD - Price: $34.95 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION |
Ultimate Challenge A Catholic/Protestant Debate (PC: CEW97-CD) Scott Hahn Fr. Benedict Groeschel Fr. Mitch Pacwa Are Catholics biblical "Fundamentalists" when it comes to the Eucharist? Does Protestantism ignore the biblical teaching that the Church is the "pillar and foundation" of the truth? Is the splintering of Christianity into thousands of... CD - Price: $42.95 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION |
Twisted Scripture Sola Scriptura (PC: 7911-CD)
Tim Staples Before you can even begin to share the Catholic Faith with
our separated brothers and sisters in Christ, you'll have to face the
inevitable challenge of "Sola Scriptura" or the "Bible Alone" as the
sole rule of faith. How do you convince them ... |
Ultimate Catholic Q & A (PC: 9104-DVD)
Various What can you say or do to bring your loved ones back to the
Faith? How can you respond to your Protestant friends regarding the
current scandals in the... |
Why the Hell (PC: 5601-CD)
Scott Hahn In 1999, the wire services were humming with late breaking
news from the Vatican. The story? Hell is real. There is a devil. And
malicious powers are at work in our world - and in our everyday lives.
Of course this isn't really news in the ... |
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