A Biblical Theology of the Covenant Priesthood (PC: 5264-CD)
Saint Joseph Communications Let's face it. There is a vocational crisis
in the Church and it needs to be seen for what it is: a crisis of faith!
And as you can easily see from the headlines and TV news, this crisis
of faith affects not only young priests, but older o... (More) CD -
Price: $26.95 |
A Kingdom Divided: Healing God's Family (PC: 5600-CD)
Scott Hahn Tape set Formerly Known as "Reunited: Sibling Rivalry in
Salvation History" Why does God the Father allow so much division in
His family, the Church? What does He plan to do about it? Isn't it up
to God what happens to His fam... (More) CD - Price: $26.95 |
Around the Campfire Stories of Women in the Old Testament (PC: 7674-CD)
Brother Bob Fishman How much do you know about the women of the Old
Testament? Have you ever heard the inspirational tales of these often
forgotten Jewish maidens and mothers whose courage testifies to the
need to foster hope amidst adversity? How can these... (More) CD - Price: $23.95
Around the Campfire II Men in the Old Testament (PC: 7675-CD)
Brother Bob Fishman In our world, we need heroes. We need men of faith,
men who are not afraid to stand up for what they believe in, manly men
who are not afraid to cry out to God. Now in the new three-CD series,
Around the Campfire II: Stories of Men in the Old Test... (More) CD
- Price: $23.95 |
Can You Trust the Bible? (PC: 5254-CD)
Scott Hahn Does the Church teach that the Bible is a faithful record
of God's revealed truthÄor a purely human account of mankind's limited
understanding of God, filled with numerous errors? Are the books of
the New Testament historical a... (More) CD - Price: $34.95 |
Eucharistic Symbols in the Old Testament (PC: 6112-CD)
Fr. Mitch Pacwa What does the Old Testament have to do with the
Holy Sacrifice of the Mass? The answer is, "Plenty" as you'll discover
when you take this remarkable tour through the Eucharistic Symbols in
the Old Testament with popular EWT... (More) CD - Price: $26.95 |
Genesis 1-22: The Covenant as a Family Affair (PC: 5279-CD)
Scott Hahn Adam and Eve. Cain and Abel. Noah and the Ark. While most
people are familiar with the colorful tales in the first book of Scripture,
how many truly understand their profound significance to human destiny?
Can what you donęt know about the B... (More) CD - Price: $48.95 |
Heaven's Mass: What John Really Saw in the Book of Rev (PC: 5222-CD)
Scott Hahn Of all things Catholic, there is nothing so familiar as the
Mass and nothing so strange as the Bibleęs Book of Revelation. In this
four-tape series, Dr. Scott Hahn proposes that the Book of Revelation
is the key to understanding th... (More) CD - Price: $26.95 |
House of the Rising Son: The Book of Hebrews (PC: 5263-CD)
Scott Hahn The study of this intense New Testament epistle brings the
trials of the early Church to life as Dr. Hahn vividly shares the early
Christians desperate search for meaning in times of intense confusion
and persecution. House of the Rising Son-The Boo... (More) CD - Price: $42.95 |
How to Study the Bible (PC: 5266-CD)
Scott Hahn From Scripture theologian to a complete beginner, Dr. Hahnęs
practical method-olgy for acquiring a more intimate and doctrinally
sound knowledge of the Sacred Scriptures is full of advice and a detailed
approach that encourages reading with greater... (More) CD - Price: $30.95 |
Ignatius New Testament On CD (PC: RC02-CD)
Ignatius Press Available on CD for the first time, here is the audio
version of the New Testament that was chosen by the Holy See for use
in the Catechism of the Catholic Church and all official English translations
of Church Documents. Perfect for serious study an... (More) CD - Price: $58.95 |
Indulge Yourself: A Bible Study on Indulgences (PC: 5604-CD)
Scott Hahn Drink from the ocean of God's mercy - - Make most of the
Jubilee Year Indulgences! In this six tape series, Dr. Hahn explodes
the many myths and misconceptions about indulgences. Always the scriptural
and historical detective, Dr. Hah... (More) CD - Price: $34.95 |
It is Written: Finding Jesus and Mary in the Old Testament (PC: 7676-CD)
Brother Bob Fishman Echoing the words of St. Augustine, Vatican II teaches,
"God, the inspirer and author of Scripture, wisely arranged that the
New Testament be hidden in the Old and the Old be made manifest in the
New." But what does this teaching mean? How can Chris... (More) CD -
Price: $23.95 |
Jesus and the End Times A Catholic View of the Last Days (PC: RICA0107-CD)
Jesse Romero Michael Barber Dr Brant Pitre . . . . . A Catholic View
of the Last Days Learn About... « What Jesus Really Taught About the
Last Days « What will happen before Christ's Second Coming « The Truth
... (More) CD - Price: $59.95 |
Journey Into Faith:Volume 1 Missionaries to the Americas (PC: 8601-CD)
Michael Worf For more than a quarter of a century, Pope John Paul II
has been pleading with the Church to rediscover her call to holiness.
To encourage us in this spiritual quest, the Holy Father has canonized
almost 500 saints and beatified another 1300... (More) CD - Price: $26.95 |
Our Father Revealed The Biblical Theology of the Lord's Prayer (PC: 5620-CD)
Scott Hahn As Christians, we are privileged to pray "Our Father." This
beautiful prayer was given to us by Jesus Himself and has been called
many things over the centuries - the Pater Noster, the Lord's Prayer,
the Model Prayer, the Perfect Prayer and the Di... (More) CD - Price: $23.95 |
Our Father's Plan (PC: OFP96-DVD)
Jeff Cavins Scott Hahn If you have been waiting for a Bible series to
quench your thirst for Scripture study, well look no further! In this
13-part series, Dr. Scott Hahn and Jeff Cavins team up to bring you
the most comprehensive guide for understanding the message and me...
(More) DVD - Price: $59.95 |
Our Fathers Plan (DVD) (PC: OFP96-DVD)
Jeff Cavins Scott Hahn If you have been waiting for a Bible series to
quench your thirst for Scripture study, well look no further! In this
13-part series, Dr. Scott Hahn and Jeff Cavins team up to bring you
the most comprehensive guide for understanding the message and me...
(More) DVD - Price: $59.95 |
Romanism in Romans (PC: 5245-CD)
Scott Hahn St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans is perhaps the single most
disputed scriptural book dividing Catholics and Protestants. Does Romans
teach that man is saved by faith alone, as Luther asserted? How will
"all Israel be saved?" as St. ... (More) CD - Price: $59.95 |
Salvation History (PC: 5213-CD)
Scott Hahn Adam and Eve. Abraham and Moses. Mary and Joseph. These and
other key figures from the Old and New Testaments of the Bible each
play a significant role in the ever-unfolding drama of Salvation History.
But how does it all fit together? How can... (More) CD - Price: $42.95 |
Searching the Scriptures Getting a Better Grasp on the Gospels (PC: 7240-CD)
Stephen Ray Do you desire to understand more deeply the astonishing
teaching of Jesus and the persuasive testimony of the Early Church?
Have you ever been frustrated dealing with skeptics in order to affirm
the historical claims in the Bible? Do you ev... (More) CD - Price: $23.95 |
Secrets for Successful Evangelization (PC: 5246-CD)
Kimberly Hahn Scott Hahn What makes a successful Catholic evangelist?
How can you take the "high road" with Christ? What is your role as a
faithful Catholic lay man or woman? What are the true secrets of effective
Catholic apologetics? (Hint: it's not about winnin... (More) CD - Price: $26.95 |
Seizing the Catholic Moment (PC: 5632-CD)
Kimberly Hahn Scott Hahn New! Rekindle Your Spiritual Spark by –Seizing
the Catholic Moment!” Seizing the Catholic Moment You love your Catholic
Faithăbut how do you live it out? You accept the teaching of the Scriptures
and the doctrines o... (More) CD - Price: $23.95 |
St. Paul's Epistle to the Ephesians (PC: 7930-CD)
Tim Staples In this 6-tape (or CD) series, St. Paul's Epistle to the
Ephesians, Tim Staples provides an incredibly informative Bible study
that highlights eight major doctrinal issues that the Early Church struggled
to comprehend. You will be amazed by ... (More) CD - Price: $34.95 |
St. Paul's Epistle to the Philippians (PC: 7931-CD)
Tim Staples In his latest Bible study, Tim Staples dives deep into the
four power-packed chapters of St. Paul's Epistle to the Philippians.
A "captivity epistle," composed while the Apostle to the Gentiles was
imprisoned for his missionary activit... (More) CD - Price: $26.95 |
The Acts of the Apostles Complete Set (Volumes
1,2,3) (PC: 7227-CD) Stephen Ray "In this Bible study, Stephen Ray offers
an exhaustive examination of the first twelve chapters of the Acts of
the Apostles. A continuation of Luke's Gospel, this is the only book
of the New Testament which continues the story of Jesus into the Earl...
(More) CD - Price: $69.95 |
The Acts of the Apostles Volume 1 (PC: 7227A-CD)
Stephen Ray In this truly inspiring Bible study, Baptist convert and
Catholic apologist Stephen Ray offers a chapter-by-chapter examination
of the only book in the New Testament to continue the story of Jesus
into the Early Church. Acts, often referred to as th... (More) CD -
Price: $34.95 |
The Acts of the Apostles Volume 2 (PC: 7227B-CD)
Stephen Ray In this truly inspiring Bible study, Baptist convert and
Catholic apologist Stephen Ray offers a chapter-by-chapter examination
of the only book in the New Testament to continue the story of Jesus
into the Early Church. Acts, often referred to as... (More) CD - Price: $34.95 |
The Acts of the Apostles Volume 3 (PC: 7227C-CD)
Stephen Ray What might St. Paul have been doing in the five years between
his dramatic conversion on the road to Damascus and his re-appearance
in Antioch? What are the parallels between the Jewish and Gentile Pentecosts?
What promise made to Noah did... (More) CD - Price: $23.95 |
The End The Book of Revelation (PC: 5265-CD)
Scott Hahn The End For many Catholics today, interpreting the Book of
Revelation presents an almost insurmountable challenge. The dizzying
array of exotic symbols and apocalyptic warnings can make St. John's
glorious vision seem more like a incomp... (More) CD - Price: $66.95 |
The First Epistle of Peter (PC: 5261-CD)
Scott Hahn He was the man Christ chose to lead His beloved disciples-a
fiery Galilean fisherman, strong and tough, a natural leader and a devout
Jew. But what do we really know about the teachings of this man called
Simon but renamed Peter (Rock) by Jesus? An... (More) CD - Price: $26.95 |
The Gospel of John (PC: 5260-CD)
Scott Hahn The Fourth Gospel is called the "Catholic Gospel" because
in its pages you'll find the undeniable truth of the central doctrines
of the Church-but only if you know how to look. That's just one of the
many reasons you need a systematic prog... (More) CD - Price: $76.95 |
The Gospel of John Complete Program (PC: 5260P-CD)
Scott Hahn The Fourth Gospel is called the "Catholic Gospel" because
in its pages you'll find the undeniable truth of the central doctrines
of the Church-but only if you know how to look. That's just one of the
many reasons you need a systematic ... (More) CD - Price: $81.95 |
The Gospel of Luke (PC: 5606-CD)
Scott Hahn Christian historians of all denominations respect Luke's
gospel as a meticulous historical record. Even many scholarly non-believers
have called it "the most beautiful book ever written." In this edifying
new Bible study you'll discover why in Dr... (More) CD - Price: $34.95 |
The Gospel of Mark Mark the Way (PC: 5626-CD)
Scott Hahn St. Mark paints a portrait of Jesus that is vivid, dynamic
and focused on His miracles and His divine Sonship. But, unlike the
other Gospels, the structure of Mark defies easy definition. Now, for
the first time, Scott Hahn reveals the hidden themes... (More) CD -
Price: $30.95 |
The Great Adventure A Journey Through the Bible (PC: 6400-DVD)
Jeff Cavins The Bible. For some the very word evokes feelings of comfort,
authority and wisdom, but for many Catholics today the word "Bible"
brings apprehension and anxiety over its seemingly impenetrable mystery.
Many who come to the Bible expecting... (More) DVD - Price: $49.95 |
The Great Adventure A Journey Through the Bible (PC: 6401-CD)
Jeff Cavins The Bible. For some the very word evokes feelings of comfort,
authority and wisdom, but for many Catholics today the word "Bible"
brings apprehension and anxiety over its seemingly impenetrable mystery.
Many who come to the Bible expecting... (More) CD - Price: $31.95 |
The Great Adventure A Journey Through the Bible (PC: 6400-DVD)
Jeff Cavins The Bible. For some the very word evokes feelings of comfort,
authority and wisdom, but for many Catholics today the word "Bible"
brings apprehension and anxiety over its seemingly impenetrable mystery.
Many who come to the Bible... (More) DVD - Price: $49.95 |
The Mystery A Bible Study on Paul's Ephesians (PC: 5242-CD)
(More) CD - Price: $30.95 |
The Proofs of Life A Study on the First Epistle of St. John (PC: 8507-CD)
Ken Hensley What is the evidence that you possess true spiritual
life? Is it by being baptized a Catholic or going to Catholic school?
Is it receiving the Sacraments and going to Mass on Sunday? Is this
really everything that God expects of H... (More) CD - Price: $23.95 |
The Story of the Bible Living Truth Series (PC: LT02-CD)
Matthew Arnold The Holy Bible is without question the most popular book
of all time. It has been translated into more languages and is available
in more versions than any other book in history. But what is it about
this particular book that makes it so unique? ... (More) CD - Price: $11.95 |
The Ten Commandments (PC: 6092-CD)
Fr. Benedict Groeschel Are the Biblical commandments really divinely
given laws? Is it possible that they are actually arbitrary restrictions
that hinder human freedom, or merely moral "signposts" and not to be
taken literally? How relevant are the 10 co... (More) CD - Price: $34.95 |
The Venerable Beads A Bible Study Study on the Holy Rosary (PC: 5610-CD)
Kimberly Hahn Scott Hahn Now on CD! Scott and Kimberly Hahnęs Classic
Bible Study on the Holy Rosary The Venerable Beads: A Bible Study on
the Rosary The Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed... (More) CD - Price: $23.95 |
Three Controversial People: Abraham, Peter & Mary (PC: 7232-CD)
Stephen Ray Fresh from an extensive trip to the Holy Land, popular Catholic
author Stephen K. Ray visited key sites in Israel, Greece, Turkey, Egypt
and more to uncover the unexplained mysteries at the heart of the ancient
history of the Church. What he discove... (More) CD - Price: $23.95 |
Thy Kingdom Come: The Gospel of Matthew (PC: 5209-CD)
Scott Hahn -- A PERSONAL NOTE FROM SCOTT -- Dear Brothers and Sisters
in Christ: Once again Ięve asked my friends at St. Joseph Communications
if I could write to you about my tape series, Thy Kingdom Come: A Study
on Matthew, t... (More) CD - Price: $53.95 |
Your Share of the Prophets A Study of Old Testament Prophecy (PC: 5608-CD)
Scott Hahn Most Christians gain little profit from reading the prophetic
books of the Bible. Some reduce the sum of the prophecies to a few Old
Testament forecasts about the Virgin Birth and the suffering Messiah.
Others chalk it all up to vague predictions ... (More) CD - Price: $34.95 |
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