Best Catholic Pro-Life Documentary Films on DVD
Catholic Christian Pro-Life Compact Discs CDs
Dr. Brian Clowes
In this talk Dr. Clowes who has researched for years the violence that the pro-choice movement has committed against born and unborn human beings, presents information that will startle you about the violence that is committed against many innocent people. Deadly pro-abortion violence has been reported at least since 1965 and is escalating rapidly, with an incredible 269 homicides and killings committed in just the last six years (since 2000). 2005 was the bloodiest year with pro-abortionist murdering 77 people, including 28 pregnant women (and their 28 wanted preborn babies). Listen to this talk to learn the full extent of the violence the pro-abortion side has done to innocent people. Dr. Brian Clowes $5.00![]()
Call to Action or Call to Apostacy? (CD)
Clowes, Dr. Brian
An engaging and informative work on the origins of anti-Catholic dissent and its subversive consequences. "(Dr. Brian Clowes)...unmasks, with hard hitting facts and commentary, what is often disguised as a sincere effort to "renew" the Catholic Church, showing the hidden agenda and poison fruit which the noisier dissenters never tire of offering to their unsuspecting victims." - The Most Reverend Fabian Bruskewitz, Bishop of Lincoln, Nebraska Clowes, Dr. Brian $19.75Contraception: Why Not
Prof. Janet Smith
Contraception is such an accepted fixture in our culture and medical practice that a serious challenge is indeed rare. Prof. Smith provokes her audiance to give serious consideration to questions regarding the relationship beteween contraception, divorce, abortion, poverty, and other social ills. She presetns compelling evidence that couiples who accept children as a gift from God and who use natural family planning if needed, have happier marriages with dramatically lower divorce rates than the general population. This talk is a must for couples who are thinking of getting married, couples using birth control, priest, seninarians, counslors and doctors. It is a rich source of ideas and guidance for any audience. Prof. Janet Smith $5.00Embracing The Cross of Infertility
Marie Meaney, Ph,D.
This talk looks at the difficilties with which couples and in particular women suffering from infetrtility have to deal with. After analyzing the temptations the woman has to face such as self-pity, anger, envy, not allowing herself to mourn, running away from the cross, this talk points out the wrong responses that people surrounding the infertile couple tend to give. Telling them to get over it, being courious about the reason for their infertility, etc. These can stem from from cluminess, but often express a lack of compassion and the failure to stand under the cross with the persons who suffer. Marie Meaney, Ph,D. $5.00![]()
Facts of Life Radio show
Clowes, Dr. Brian
Dr. Clowes talks about how pro-abrtion activist have committed acts of violence against pro-lifers along with other crimes committed by them. These are all documented by HLI. He also speaks of the racism of abortion and the myth of overpopulation. Clowes, Dr. Brian $5.00International Planned Parenthood Federation's Deadly Deception
Jim Sedlak
In this CD Mr. Sedlak exposes the agenda of IPPF which is to promote perverse sex education to children as young as pssible, which leads to a greater demand for birth control, which leads to a greater deman for abortion. IPPF is working to push this agenda on countries all over the world just as it has done the U.S. Their agenda is rooted in a godless and humanist thought that their is no God nor right or wrong. Jim Sedlak $5.00Marriage and Its enemies
In this talk Fr. Groeschel explains why so many marriages fail and what we need to do to reverse the trend. He also explains what is required to make a marriage valid and why so many marriges are declared null. The importance of sharing common values and goals and how to recognize the Providence of God in the circumstances of your courtship and marriage
Fr. Benedict Grosechel, C.F.R. $5.00![]()
Pro-Life Library on Compact Disc
Clowes, Dr. Brian
The World’s First Pro-Life Library on Compact Disc! An unparalleled resource for writers, researchers, debaters, and those who want to learn more about life issues! Contains thousands of documents, all hypertexted like a website for easy browsing. Totals over 10 million words of text—equivalent to more than 50 large books. Includes the Complete Electronic Text of: The Catechism of the Catholic Church All 293 papal encyclicals All sixteen documents of Vatican II The Summa Theologica of St. Thomas Aquinas Pope John Paul II’s Theology of the Body Plus, three HLI classics, each one authored by Dr. Brian Clowes: The Facts of Life, Call to Action: Call to Apostasy, Catholics for a Free Choice EXPOSED! AND, nine books and 165 articles on Natural Family Planning; documentation on more than one thousand anti-life groups; documentation on thousands of incidents of pro-abortion violence; and a complete pro-life debating course! “This is absolutely the best and most complete pro-life and theological resource I have seen in my 56 years as a priest and in my more than 40 years of pro-life activism.” —Father Paul Marx, O.S.B., Ph.D. Clowes, Dr. Brian $24.95Ravages of Contraception Mercedes Wilson $5.00![]()
Rosary For Life-CD
Mercedes Wilson
In this talk Mrs. Wilson explains how the population control movement and its endorsement of artificial birth control and abortion has caused many problems in socities all over the world, including: Birth rates dropping below replacement level in ALL Western nations including the U.S. which is only continuing to grow because of immigration. Pressure growing in countries like China and Guatemala to succumb to the culture of death and accept "reproductive rights" in order to get essential aid from the West and international organizations like the U.N. An increase in divorce. A lack of social security for retirees because there are not enough young taxpayers to support them, as well as an increase in euthanasia to handle the problem of to many old people. Human Life International $10.00The Healing Presence of Christ in the Practice of Medicine
Dr. John Bruchalski
In this talk Dr. Bruchalski explains, line by line, part of a speech given by Pope Benedict XVI to U.S Bishops during his April 2008 visit to the United States, and he appies it to the problem, as well as the solution, of the "crisis of the laity in medicine." Dr. Burchalski sees the answer to this crisis in the Holy Father's illuminating words, "only... when their faith permates every aspect of their lives, do Christians become truly open to the transforming power of the Gospel. Dr. John Bruchalski $5.00The International Abortion Issue
Dr. Brian Clowes
In this talk you will learn how the international population control groups are not only promoters of baby killing world-wide, but are also extremely racist in their trageting of minority groups. Brain points out, for example, that there are 5 times as many abortion mlls in minority areas of cities than no-minority areas. Then he goes on to explain the history behing why minority groups are targeted. Because Africia has one of the highest total fertility rates at 3 children per family, it is the reason why most population control dollars go to Africa in an attempt to hold down its popoulation. Dr. Brian Clowes $5.00The Population Problem
Dr. Jacqueline Kasun
Popular opinion is that science supports evidence of a crisis of overpopulation and enviormental degradation, which supposedly threatens the very existence of people around the world. This CD talk will arm you with the annunition you need to refute the overpopulation myth and fight the population control movement. Dr. Jacqueline Kasun $5.00The Truth About Internet Pornography
Joshua LeBlanc
In this talk by Josh LeBlanc you will learn of the dangers of internet porn and how it can ruin a persons life as well as their family's. You will hear how to protect yourself and others from having it come into your home through the internet. Joshua LeBlanc $5.00> The World Sex Mess Confirms Catholic Teaching
Fr. Paul Marx, O.S.B.
In this talk you will learn how the crisis of declining populations of so many countries is directly linked to the world's rejection of traditional Catholic teaching on abortion and birth control. Here are a few facts Fr. Marx explains: Of the 45 countries in Europe, only two are reproducing beyond replacement levels; the predominantly Catholic Malta and the predominantly Muslin Albania. In Mexico the old will soon outnumber the young and there will not be enough people working to support those who do not work. Fr. Paul Marx, O.S.B. $5.00What Is A Pro-Life Activist?
Joseph Sheidler
Mr. Scheidler reminds us why it is important to speak out about the evil of abortion by handing out literaturre, writing letters to editors and responding to the media. Why it is crucial to pray in front of abortion mills and lovingly reach out to women going inside, and the men going in with them by participating in sdiewalk counseling. What is legal is not always moral, and he tells us, "The law of God will always supercede the law of man." Those of us who know that abortion is wrong and why it is wrong NEED to spread that message to the world. Joseph Sheidler $5.00
Catholic Christian Pro-Life Compact Discs CDs
Abortion and Violence EXPOSED Dr. Brian Clowes $7.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Call to Action or Call to Apostacy? (CD) Clowes, Dr. Brian $19.75 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Contraception: Why Not Prof. Janet E. Smith $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Da Vinci - Read Between the Lines, A Portrait of Evil (CD) Rev. Thomas J. Euteneuer $7.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Embracing the Cross of Infertility Marie Meaney, Ph.D. $8.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Facts of Life Radio show Clowes, Dr. Brian $7.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Pro-Life Library on Compact Disc: Includes the special CD offer by Scott and Kimberly Hahn. Clowes, Dr. Brian $19.75 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Rosary For Life-CD Human Life International $10.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
The Church as the Family of God and the Vocation of a Wife and Mother Scott and Kimberly Hahn $10.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
The Da Vinci Code: A Violation of Women Dr. Marie Meaney, Ph.D. $7.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
The Triumph of Our Lady's Pro-life Heart Rev. Thomas J. Euteneuer $7.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Finest Christian Pro-Life DVDs, Videos and Catholic Pro-Life Books
Shocking speech of Fr. John O'Connor
(2 Hrs Long)
Most complete report on Anti-Christ ever made. Shocking speech of Fr. John O'Connor. Fr. O'Connor shows how we will be able to recognize the Anti-Christ through Bible and Current Events, that he is alive and prepared to enter world seen, about infiltration of Catholic Church, about the New World Order, end of US independence, One World Socialist Atheist Government, Wars, Paper Money, Homosexual infiltration of the Catholic Church, Our near Future, How to prepare our self for persecution and more ... Must see. Best Seller.
(DVD 2hrs) ...........$ 20.00
Click Here to Order - Order Information
Documentary Films on Padre Pio and Sr. Faustina by Award Winning British Film Director J. Paddy Nolan
3 Documentary Films in one DVDOther Documentary Videos on
Sr. Faustina, Padre Pio and Objective Report on Alleged Apparitions at Medjugorje
St. Pio of Pietrelcina and St. FaustinaPious Publications
"Seeing Is Believing" Video DVD Library as shown on EWTNFrom San Giovanni to Heaven - Documentary Film on Canonization of Padre Pio - St. Pio
The Beatification of Padre Pio
The Life of Sister Faustina - The Apostle of Divine Mercy
Spanish Edition - La Historia De Sor Faustina
A Celebration of Padre Pio - Pray, Hope, and Don't Worry
Spanish Edition - Homenaje Al Padre Pio
Padre Pio - At The Gates of Heaven
Medjugorje - The Miracles and The Message
Sister Faustina - The Promise of Mercy
The Beatification of Sister Faustina - Join the Celebration
Padre Pio's San Giovanni - "I Can Refuse No One"