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Catholic Statues,Church Supplies,Holy Spirit,Family Movies Catholic Videos,Catholic Documentary Films,Pro Life DVD Videos



Stained Glass Cross
Item Number: LS768
Watercolor Symbols of Faith Banner Series
The Stained Glass Cross Banner is appropriate during the Lenten Season and may be used for Sunday School workshops.
Exclusive designs
Oil based ink on canvas
Protective coating resists fading
Fits standard banner pole and banner accessories
Great for Youth Ministries, Confirmation, First Communion, and Classrooms.
Note: These banners are intended for indoor use only.
-- 3 x 6' H



Catholic Statues of Jesus, Mary, Saints, Angels and more ...
Indoor or Outdoor Religious Statuary


Click on photos or link bellow each table to see all statues and prices in each section.

Christ Statues - Indoor and Outdoor Statues, Corpuses, Crucifixes, Stations of the Cross

The Blessed Virgin Mary Statues - Indoor or Outdoor

Saints Statues - Indoor or Outdoor

Angels Statues - Section I - Indoor or Outdoor)

Angel Statues -Section II- Indoor or Outdoor)

Angel Statues -Section III - Garden - Indoor or Outdoor

Stations of the Cross - Nativities, Holy family and more ... Indoor or Outdoor

Pedestals for Statues - Indoor or Outdoor

Plaques - Indoor or Outdoor

Scenes - Statuary - Stations of the Cross for Churches, Nativity and more - Indoor or Outdoor

Carrara Marble Statues - Finest Italian Imports - Statues and Pietas



Catholic Gifts for Church, Home, Garden and Schools
Garden Statues, Baptismal Gowns, Shells, Hymn Boards, Communion Breads,
Dove Finials, Statues,
Baptismal Sets, Baptismal Fonts, Communion Tables,
Furniture, Plaques, Ambrys, Magnetic Numbers, plaques, Bells, Blessings,
Advent Gifts, Shell Finials, Communion Breadplates, Kitchen,
Catholic Supply, Candles, Candleholders, Pulpit Stands and more ...

Life's Bountiful Grace Platter

Life's Bountiful Grace Taper Candleholders

Life's Bountiful Grace Tealight Holder

Life's Bountiful Grace Dinner Bell

Life's Bountiful Grace Centerpiece

To Every Thing There is a Season Plate with Stand

Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread Basket with Stand

May The Lord Bless You Wall Plaque

In Everything Give Thanks Wall Plaque

Bless Us, O Lord... Wall Plaque

God Bless This Home Candle Pot

As For Me and My House Platter with Stand

We Give Thanks To God with Cornucopia

Give Thanks For Our Many Blessings

Bless Us, O' Lord For These Thy Gifts

Give Thanks

Give Thanks For Our Many Blessings

In Everything Give Thanks

Count Your Blessings

Give Thanks

In Everything Give Thanks Arched Wall Plaque

Serenity Wall Plaque

As For Me and My House Square Wall Plaque

Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread Paddle

In Everything Square Wall Plaque

Nativity Advent Set

Angels Advent Wreath Candleholder

Choir of Angels Advent Wreath

Saint Peregrine Cancer Kit Display

Pewter Scrollwork Angels Cross

Count Your Blessings Square Wall Plaque

Each New Day Square Wall Plaque

The Lord Is My Light Votive Candleholder

Lord, Hear My Prayer Box

Give Us This Day, Our Daily Bread Plate

Musical Jug Nativity Candleholder with Lights

Picture Frame Nativity

Peace to All Who Enter Cross

Nativity Advent Wreath

I Can Do All Things Through Christ Sorrento Wall Plaque

Holy Family Wall Cross

Jesus Tealights Holder

As for Me and My House... Sorrento Wall Plaque

Lord Make Me An Instrument of Thy Peace Sorrento Wall Plaque

Trust in the Lord... Sorrento Wall Plaque

With God All Things Are Possible Sorrento Wall Plaque

Musical Holy Family Figurine

Nativity in Nicho

Musical Jeweled Nativity Waterglobe

Angel Nativity Stand

Nativity Wall Cross

Glory to God Wall Cross

Greatest Joy Wall Plaque

Santa with Angel Candleholder

8" Advent Pillar Set

Advent Votive Candle Set

3" Advent Pillar Candle Set

Bless This Garden Wall Plaque

Bless This Garden Wall Plaque

Bless This Garden Bird Feeder Garden Stake

Advent Tea Light Set

Advent Taper Candle Set

Advent Candles

Deluxe Advent Taper Candle Set

Classic Communion Table

Hope, Peace, Joy, Love Advent Taper Candle Set

Nativity Scenes AdventTaper Candle Set

Last Supper Wall Cross

Bless This Garden Bird Bath

Bless This Garden Gazing Ball

Bless This Garden Votive Holder Set

Purple Berries Advent Wreath

Red Berries Advent Wreath

Winter Ice Advent Wreath

Savona Garden Wall Fountain

Purple Diamond Shaped Advent Wreath

Savona Garden Wall Cross

Savona Garden Madonna and Child Wall Plaque

Savona Garden Cherub Wall Plaque

Purple Diamond Shaped Advent Wreath

Della Robia Nativity Garden Plaque

Harvest Advent Wreath

Madonna and Child with Angels Garden Plaque

Madonna of the Stone Masons Garden Plaque

Purple/Rose Berries Advent Wreath

Grapevine Advent Candleholder

Nativity Advent Wreath

Advent Wall Wreath

Gift of Christmas Advent Wreath

Life, Abundance, and Joy Standing Cross

St Francis at the Manger Advent Wreath

St Benedict Crucifix Pendant

Nativity Advent Wreath

Nativity Tree Advent Wreath

Prepare Ye The Way Advent Tealight Block

Names of Jesus Advent Wreath

St Francis Prayer Plaque

St Francis Tabletop Figurine

Seated Garden Angel Birdfeeder/Bird Bathe

St Francis Garden Figurine with Bird Ornaments

St Benedict Crucifix Pendan


More Church Supply, Statues, Furniture, Candles, Crosses and more ...


Why Should You Read Only the Douay-Rheims Translation of the Bible?

Text of The Third Secret of Fatima - Complete Report
Books and Videos on Padre Pio
Videos, DVDs and Books on Sr. Faustina and Divine Mercy with Diary of Sr. Faustina
CATHOLIC BIBLES - Family Bibles, Spanish Bibles, Church, School and Study Bible Edidions
Bishop Fulton Sheen - Audio CD, Documentary Films on DVD, Videos, and Books

Christian Music Samples Downloads of Catholic Music


Life is good, enjoy it while you can - Rafael Brom
Rafael Brom


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Catholic Statues of Jesus, Mary, Saints, Angels, Corpus Crucifixes and Plaques


Christian Music Samples Downloads of Catholic Music