By Book: Exodus DVD With Guide
Running Time: 2 hrs 52 min
Production Year: 2003
Why study the book of Exodus when we have the New Testament? Exodus is the
theological book of the Bible. It is the book of Exodus that provides the
theological framework within which the rest of the Bible operates. Genesis
sets the scene for the whole Bible, but Exodus maps out the theological logic,
the doctrinal details of the Bible.
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Full Description
Why study the
book of Exodus when we have the New Testament? Exodus is the theological book
of the Bible. It is the book of Exodus that provides the theological framework
within which the rest of the Bible operates. Genesis sets the scene for the
whole Bible, but Exodus maps out the theological logic, the doctrinal details
of the Bible. The ten programs cover the 40 chapters of Exodus as follows:
1: The Lord Hears (ch. 1-2)
2: The Lord Commissions (ch. 3-4)
3: The Lord Opposes (ch. 5-10)
4: The Lord Judges (ch. 11-13)
5: The Lord Delivers (ch. 14-18)
6: The Lord Speaks (ch. 19-24)
7: The Lord Mediates (ch. 32-34)
8: The Tabernacle: Its Layout (parts 8-10 cover ch. 39-40)
9: The Tabernacle: Its Furniture
10: The Tabernacle: Its Priesthood
Each segment is approximately 15 minutes.
Featured guest is Joseph Steinberg - from Florida now works in the UK heading
up ‘Jews for Jesus.’
Scripture quotations taken from NIV version unless otherwise noted.
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