Written by: Fr. Joseph Fessio
Narrated by: Saint Joseph Communications
Category: Liturgy (CD)
Discover Benedict XVI" Profound and Beautiful Insights to Restore the "Great
Prayer of the Church" The U.S. Bishops are once again deliberating about
new liturgical directives coming from Rome. In the current climate of clerical
confusion, faithful Catholics like you need more than opinions and hearsay to
understand new changes looming on the horizon. Now is the time discern for yourself
what is really being planned for the Church" public worship by her new
Holy Father from one who knows him well. Faithful Friend Fr. Joseph Fessio,
S.J. has been a friend and colleague of the current Holy Father for over thirty
years. As a doctoral candidate in the early seventies, the founder of Ignatius
Press had then-Fr. Joseph Ratzinger for his doctoral director. Over time, Fessio
became part of a close circle of theologians that met with Ratzinger regularly.
Today, as Pope, Benedict XVI continues to gather yearly with Fr. Fessio and
other former colleagues to discuss important matters of vital concern to the
Catholic Church. Profound Insights Now, in the spirit of these yearly seminars
with the Pope, Fr. Fessio has prepared four fascinating talks to share and explain
Benedict XVI" profound insights on the past, present, and future of the
Holy Mass. With warm wit and many personal anecdotes, Father will guide you
deep into the context of present-day questions, hopes, and dangers facing the
authentic celebration of "the great prayer of the Church." At last,
you'll uncover the Pope" true feelings regarding the many vital aspects
of the Church" Sacred Worship. Necessary Renewal As Fr. Fessio reveals,
Pope Benedict is not so much calling for scholarly discussion and research,
but rather offering an invaluable aid to the understanding of our Sacred Mysteries.
As you listen to Benedict XVI and the Spirit of the Liturgy you主ll discover
what the Pope really believes about the right way to understand and approach
the Church" central expression of the Faith. Order today and find out how
you can answer the Holy Father" call for a "necessary renewal of understanding"
regarding the Liturgy. What You主ll Discover: Why Benedict XVI is convinced
that the present crisis in the Church is due to "the disintegration of
the Liturgy" Why the "Word and the Will of the Lord" must guide
and govern the Church today Why the Holy Father believes that prohibiting the
Traditional Latin Mass has caused "a breach in Liturgical history"
How Vatican II must be re-read in the light of tradition"and no longer
understood as a "rupture with the past" What is the true meaning of
worship from Scripture and Tradition Why the return of the priest facing the
altar is essential to true worship Why the Eucharist is much more than a meal
What is the real heart and true grandeur of the Sacred Liturgy How the eternal
is embodied in the Mass and enters into our present moment Why the Church desperately
needs a "New Liturgical Movement" to call to life the real heritage
of the Second Vatican Council And much, much more
Language: English
Catholic Apologetics, Bible Studies, Spirituality and Adult Education
Scott Hahn, Jeff Cavins, Archbishop Fulton Sheen, Fr. George
Rutler, Fr. Benedict Groeschel, and Fr. Mitch Pacwa
DVDs, DVD Videos and CDs
The Lamb's Supper DVD by: Scott Hahn (PC: 5277-DVD)
The Apostle's Creed by: Matthew Arnold - Catechesis (CD) (PC: LT01-CD)
The Story of the Bible by: Matthew Arnold - Category: Bible Study (CD) (PC: LT02-CD)
Mary, Scriptural Icon of the Church (PC: 5559-CD) Written by: Michael Barber - Category: Mariology (CD)
Mother of Mercy - (PC: 7512-CD) Written by: Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC, Category: Mariology (CD)
Two Best Documentary Films on Padre Pio and Sr. Faustina on DVD
Each DVD is over 2 Hours Long
with 3 Documentary Films on Each DVD
Best DVDs on Sr. Faustina and Padre Pio Ever Made
DVD on Sr. Faustina over 2 Hours Long
"The Life and Times of Sr. Faustina"
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