Written by: Michael Barber
Category: Adult Education (CD)
What are the Dead Sea Scrolls? Who wrote them and why? What do they reveal and
how does it affect your faith? Do the Scrolls really contain secret revelations
that challenge the very foundations of the Christian faith as some "scholars"
claim? Has the Catholic Church and a handful of elite religious scholars conspired
to suppress the revolutionary contents of the Dead Sea Scrolls?
Now in Understanding the Dead Sea Scrolls, popular Catholic author and speaker Michael Barber, M.A. dispels the multitude of myths and misinformation that surround this important archaeological find. As you listen to these four powerful CDs (or cassettes) you'll soon discover why Catholics not only have nothing to fear from the Dead Sea Scrolls, but also why they are considered by many to be the greatest archaeological discovery of all time!
Michael Barber is one of the most promising Biblical instructors in the Church today. A protege of Dr. Scott Hahn, Michael completed his graduate studies at the Franciscan University of Steubenville and is now working on his PhD in New Testament studies. He continues to work closely with Dr. Hahn as a Research Fellow of the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology. Mr. Barber's intense study of the Dead Sea Scrolls will empower you to understand Scripture like never before!
Discovered by a young shepherd in 1947 near Qumran, Egypt, the contents of the Scrolls are so fantastic that it's hard to overstate their importance. Like a sacred time capsule of the early Christian era, they provide an invaluable window on the past that has revolutionized the way biblical scholars think about 1st century Judaism. According to Michael Barber, it's the next best thing to taking a time machine to Jesus' day.
With the authoritative teaching in this series, you'll learn how the Dead Sea Scrolls demonstrate the accuracy of modern Catholic Bibles, how the evidence of the Scrolls put an end to the issue of the canon of Scripture, how the teachings of Jesus reflect the theology of His day, and how the biblical Covenants are the key to understanding the story of the Old Testament and its fulfillment in the New Testament.
As you uncover the secrets of the Dead Sea Scrolls, you'll gain a deeper appreciation of just how much New Testament imagery relies on Old Testament references. And you'll gain a greater understanding of the Jewish historical context that so greatly influenced the ministry of Jesus and the development of early Christianity . Order today and begin to revolutionize your own biblical study. LEARN:
Language: English
Catholic Apologetics, Bible Studies, Spirituality and Adult Education
Scott Hahn, Jeff Cavins, Archbishop Fulton Sheen, Fr. George
Rutler, Fr. Benedict Groeschel, and Fr. Mitch Pacwa
DVDs, DVD Videos and CDs
The Lamb's Supper DVD by: Scott Hahn (PC: 5277-DVD)
The Apostle's Creed by: Matthew Arnold - Catechesis (CD) (PC: LT01-CD)
The Story of the Bible by: Matthew Arnold - Category: Bible Study (CD) (PC: LT02-CD)
Mary, Scriptural Icon of the Church (PC: 5559-CD) Written by: Michael Barber - Category: Mariology (CD)
Mother of Mercy - (PC: 7512-CD) Written by: Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC, Category: Mariology (CD)
Two Best Documentary Films on Padre Pio and Sr. Faustina on DVD
Each DVD is over 2 Hours Long
with 3 Documentary Films on Each DVD
Best DVDs on Sr. Faustina and Padre Pio Ever Made
DVD on Sr. Faustina over 2 Hours Long
"The Life and Times of Sr. Faustina"
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