Written by: Scott
Everyone wants to go to heaven, but no one wants to die in order
to get there. The good news is that you don't have to die to go to heaven.
In fact, you go to heaven every time you go to Mass, because the Mass is heaven
on earth! The view of the Eucharist as heaven on earth was essential to the
faith of the earliest Christians and to the authors of the New Testament --
especially the Book of Revelation. Dr. Scott Hahn recovers this ancient Christian
teaching in the invaluable new presentation The Lamb's Supper. See the Mass
as It Is You go to heaven when you go to Mass. This is true of every Mass you
attend, regardless of the quality of music or the fervor of the preaching. You
need only learn to see the Mass as it is, and not as it seems to be. Complete
this series, and you'll pray the Mass with a renewed heart -- and enter the
Mass more fully, enthusiastically, intelligently and powerfully than ever before.
Language: English
Single CD Sale Price: $9.95
Catholic Apologetics, Bible Studies, Spirituality and Adult Education
Scott Hahn, Jeff Cavins, Archbishop Fulton Sheen, Fr. George
Rutler, Fr. Benedict Groeschel, and Fr. Mitch Pacwa
DVDs, DVD Videos and CDs
The Lamb's Supper DVD by: Scott Hahn (PC: 5277-DVD)
The Apostle's Creed by: Matthew Arnold - Catechesis (CD) (PC: LT01-CD)
The Story of the Bible by: Matthew Arnold - Category: Bible Study (CD) (PC: LT02-CD)
Mary, Scriptural Icon of the Church (PC: 5559-CD) Written by: Michael Barber - Category: Mariology (CD)
Mother of Mercy - (PC: 7512-CD) Written by: Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC, Category: Mariology (CD)
Two Best Documentary Films on Padre Pio and Sr. Faustina on DVD
Each DVD is over 2 Hours Long
with 3 Documentary Films on Each DVD
Best DVDs on Sr. Faustina and Padre Pio Ever Made
DVD on Sr. Faustina over 2 Hours Long
"The Life and Times of Sr. Faustina"
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