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Record Album on CD
Rafael Brom
with Special Guest
Colin Kennedy

on hit song "Sandy" dedicated
to his friend Sande Lane

Sande's Life

Angelophany Received ASCAP's Annual Award

Cosmotone Music (ASCAP)
Product Number: CD-2012 AL
UPC / Product ID: 634479334016
Distributed by marianland.com

List of Albums

CD - Product Number: CD-2012 AL
Record album on CD

CD Promo Sale Price: $9.95


of Angelophany

Songs on the Record ALbum "Angelophany":


(9:26 min)

Composed, Performed and Produced by Rafael Brom


(4:04 min)
Courtesy of Tortuga Music
Composed, Instruments and Vocals by Colin Kennedy
Additional Vocals by Rafael Brom

Produced by Colin Kennedy and Rafael Brom


(2:23 min)

Courtesy of Tortuga Music
Composed and Instruments by Colin Kennedy
Vocals by Rafael Brom
Produced by Colin Kennedy and Rafael Brom


(1:23 min)

Composed, Performed and Produced by Rafael Brom


(1:24 min)

Composed, Performed and Produced by Rafael Brom


(5:10 min)

Composed, Performed and Produced by Rafael Brom, Lyrics by Shakespeare


(7:41 min)

Composed, Performed and Produced by Rafael Brom


(3:33 min)
Composed, Performed and Produced by Rafael Brom


(7:42 min)

Composed, Performed and Produced by Rafael Brom


(8:44 min)

Composed, Performed and Produced by Rafael Brom


(6:47 min)
Composed, Performed and Produced by Rafael Brom


(2:59 min)

Composed, Performed and Produced by Rafael Brom



of Angelophany



Song Samples from Record Album:

1. Angelophany
2. Sandy
3. Guardian Angel Prayer
4. You'll Be Do Be Do
5. Dream For You
6. Sonnet XVIII For Her
7. Holy Name of Jesus
8. Holy, Holy, Holy, Holy
9. Dr. Papasakelariou
10. Macho, Macho Man
11. March of the Grateful Dead
12. Christmas in Heaven


Record Album Illustration and Design by Rafael Brom



Lyrics of song:


(Song Author: Colin Kennedy)

Maybe someday she will come back to me
Maybe again she will get close to me
These things I dream that she may come to see
These things I hope that they may come to be

Sandy, your love's now someone else, I know
Your love for me was buried in the snow
Sandy, your life's a quiet Circus show
My life moves onward but moves very slow

Ah, but Sandy where are you?
Sandy, the sky's not blue
These things I dream that she may come to see
These things I hope that they may come to be

Would you believe I'm still in love with you?
Would you still think I'm not the one for you?
Would you still tell me to find someone new?
Sandy, I've tried but can't believe we're through

Ah, but Sandy where are you?
Sandy, the sky's not blue


Lyrics of song:

Sonnet XVIII
Music by Rafael Brom
Lyrics William Shakespeare

Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate,
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer's lease hath all too short a date

Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,
And often is his gold complexion dimm'd;
And every fair from fair sometime declines,
By chance or nature's changing course untrimm'd;

But thy eternal summer shall not fade
Nor lose possession of that fair thou owest;
Nor shall Death brag thou wander'st in his shade,
When in eternal lines to time thou growest,

So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,
So long lives this and this gives life to thee.


Lyrics of song:

"Guardian Angel Prayer"
Music by Colin Kennedy
(Traditional Catholic Prayer)

Angel of God
My Guardian Dear
To Whom God's Love
Commits Me Here
Even This Day
Be At My Side
To Light and Guard
To Rule and Guide



CD - Product Number: CD-2012 AL
UPC / Product ID: 634479334016
Record album on CD

CD Promo Sale Price: $9.95



of Angelophany\



Listen Sample

!! Listen to the Single !!
MP3 File "ANGELOPHANY" (4:06 min. edit version)

!! Listen to the Single !!
MP3 File "SANDY" (4:04 min. )

!! Listen to the Single !!
MP3 File "GUARDIAN ANGEL PRAYER" (2:21 min. )

!! Listen to the Single !!
MP3 File "HOLY NAME OF JESUS" (7:41 min.)

!! Listen to the Single !!
MP3 File "DR. PAPASAKELARIOU" (7:42 min. )

!! Listen to the Single !!
MP3 File "MACHO, MACHO MAN" (8:44 min. )



Recorded and Mixed by Rafael Brom at Brom Studios, Sugar Land, Texas
* Recorded and Mixed by Colin Kennedy at Surface To Air Productions, Glendale, California
All songs Mastered at Surface To Air Productions by Colin Kennedy
Hit song "Sandy" dedicated by author Colin Kennedy
to friend Sande Lane



From: Tortuga Music News and Frequently Asked Questions:

Rafael Brom Released Covers Of Two Colin Kennedy Songs

Recording artist Rafael Brom feature special covers of two Colin Kennedy tunes on Brom's albums entitled Angelophany and All My Love to You Jesus. The two songs are "Sandy" and "LeBuff Goes Undercover" (now entitled "Guardian Angel Prayer").

Release in January 2002 on CD, the album is distributed on Brom's COSMOTONE RECORDS label and made available by mail order this Cosmotone web site order page.

Using Kennedy's original recordings as a foundation, Brom added vocals and effects to both. Brom also adapted and sang new lyrics from traditional prayer to Gardian Angel on the previously instrumental "LeBuff Goes Undercover", hence the title change to "Guardian Angel Prayer".

Brom specializes in Christian and spiritual music and also is a graphic artist. Although neither tune was considered spiritual in origin, Brom has long wished to cover them and felt that they would be appropriate as opening tracks for his Angelophany CD.

The entire album have been mastered at Surface To Air Productions.

Welcome to Tortuga Music and Surface To Air Productions





Review of "Angelophany" by John Bockelman


Yesterday, Rafael Brom came in and handed me a copy of his latest album, "Angelophany". I'd known for some time that he was working on the finishing touches on it. I hadn't heard any new music from Rafael in a couple of years; I figured he was busy with so many other things... I thought his musical career had taken a back seat to all these endeavors.

So when he handed me the new CD, I was delighted to see that he was still keeping his hand in the flow of things. I was working on a project that was occupying a lot of my attention at the time, so I thought I would enjoy having some new music going while I worked on this task.

I put the CD in my G-4 and started playing it in iTunes, and I was immediately stopped dead in my tracks. I was instantly awakened to a new and beautiful world. A reality and an existence that is the product of someone with a very deep and pure soul.

It is very difficult for someone with a worldly and reactionary attitude like I posess most of the time to really understand. But I did understand, from the first note of this wonderful CD. It hit me where I live, full-force. It is the kind of music that you can hear deep in your heart; the kind of music that conquers all human denial, the kind of music that opens the doors to your soul.

Rafael caught the spark with this album. It has 12 songs, and it is more than enough to change the life of someone who listens to it with an open channel of spirituality. Aside from the interactive features that this music is full of, it makes a complete spiritual revelatory statement by Rafael Brom.

Most eloquently and with great care and attention to detail. I have never experienced a more accurate and multi- dimensional witness of faith than what I hear on "Angelophany" by Rafael Brom. Rafael collaborated with Colin Kennedy of Tortuga Music in Los Angeles on some of the album, and Colin's added touches of professionalism and taste added an extremely polished and sparkling sound to the production.

It sounded great in iTunes. It also sounded great on my CD player at home. The songs themselves are like scripts of the future history of planet earth, handed compassionately to us with no strings attached. Just let it sink in. The philosophical and ethical issues are blended into an exotic and flowing series of melodies, chants, beats, poetry and overall wall-of-sound that in its entirety worships God and has a great time doing it.

The 12 songs feature an extremely wide array of styles, tempos and songwriting that also caught me by surprize and held my attention to the fascinating structures and layers that come out of each song. I was particularly impressed by the European rock styles represented here that were such a great part of Rafael's life before he escaped from Communist-ruled Yugoslavia in the early seventies.

Those sounds invoked images in my mind of his previous life and the environment that he grew up in before he made his run to freedom. Incredibly well done. It's the kind of music I can put on and go about my activities and it's there, shedding considerable light on my life while it plays. I hummed the tunes and whistled along with them and felt a quiet inner peace as the CD played.

There are serious, deep moments, humorous songs, some Shakespearian lyrics, pop songs, rock and roll, jazz, Gregorian-influenced chants, baroque-styled refrains, and lots of atmosphere and amazing creative inspiration throughout the whole trip. This is Johnny B, giving a five-star-double-plus rating to "Angelophany" by Rafael Brom. It is not only a "Christian" album, it is one of the best albums I've heard by anybody in any style, ever.

I guarantee you, if you're looking for a set of music that you can feel as well as hear, this album is for you. If you're into having some intelligence added to good music that you can tap your foot to, this album is for you. If you're a spiritual traveler, searching for the door handle to the sounds you hear in your soul, this album's for you. I can only say that it impacted my life deeper than I could have ever expected it to. Heck, I just feel lucky to know the guy.

This isn't the kind of guy you'd meet every day. And the music that he made here is proof enough of that for me. "Angelophany" is truly a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Somehow in his complicated and busy life, Rafael Brom created a genuine masterpiece on the run. Here it is. I sure am glad he stopped by my office with that CD yesterday. Thanks be to God. Love to all.

John Bockelman



of Angelophany




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CD Albums
Record Albums
on CD
CD Super Limited Time Sale Price:
Order CD

The Best of Rafael Brom - All 4 Volumes - 4 CDs

$19.00 (4 CDs)

The Best of Rafael Brom - Volume VI


/ Greatest Is Love
Rafael Brom


Racers of Galveston Bay
Rafael Brom
/ Texas Sailors
Rafael Brom
The Best of Rafael Brom
Volume VII
Double Album CD Set

Protest Songs Rafael Brom

Rafael Brom - Unplugged $14.95




Song: Dance for Padre Pio - Rafael Brom (Full Song)




The mind of God we believe is cosmic music, the music of strings resonating through 11 dimensional hyperspace. That is the mind of God.
- Michio Kaku, theoretical physicist

Vinyl LP Albums of Rafael Brom


Rafael Brom


Rafael Brom


Rafael Brom


Rafael Brom


Rafael Brom


Rafael Brom


Rafael Brom


"Life is good, enjoy it while you can - Rafael Brom"
Rafael Brom


Rafael Brom


"The Peanut Regatta"
Rafael Brom


Rafael Brom
Protest Songs - "Refugee from Socialism - Record Album"


Rafael Brom
Move Your Ass


The Best of Rafael Brom - Volume I


The Best of Rafael Brom - Volume II


The Best of Rafael Brom - Volume III


The Best of Rafael Brom - Volume IV


The Best of Rafael Brom - All 4 Volumes - 4 CDs


Rafael Brom


Rafael Brom


At The Gates of Heaven
Rafael Brom


The Best of Rafael Brom - Volume V


Destined for Heaven
Rafael Brom


The Third Secret of Fatima
by Rafael Brom


Rafael Brom


The Best of Rafael Brom - Volume VI


Rafael Brom



Greatest Is Love
Rafael Brom



Racers of Galveston Bay
Rafael Brom



Texas Sailors
Rafael Brom



Biography of Rafael Brom





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Busts and Statues of Famous Music Composers



(song samples)


Download Movie
Rafael Brom Unplugged - Live
Song: Dance for Padre Pio



Home Page · COSMOTONE RECORDS · The Sounds of Heaven · Music for Peace of Mind · The True Measure of Love · Dance for Padre Pio · Peace of Heart · The Christmas Songs · You'll Never Walk Alone · Angelophany · Rafael's Art Gallery · Rock Music, MTV and Hollywood · Marianland · List of Recording Artists and Albums · Angels · Links



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