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Our Lady of America

Length: 6 episodes, 120 minutes
Edition: DVD
Code: OLOA-M
Sale Price: $19.95

This important new documentary presents four leading authorities on the true story of the approved apparitions of Our Lady of America in the 1950s to an American nun who was a member of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus. The contents of the messages, requests and promises of Our Lady, specifically for the people of America, are urgently important.
Hear the details of the inspiring story of Our Lady of America, beginning with Mary's appearances to Sister Mary Ephrem between 1954 and 1959, and the growth of the devotion to this day. Learn about the Blessed Mother's great love for the people of America because of our devotion to her as the patroness of USA under her title of the Immaculate Conception. Be reassured by the Church's approval of Mary's message, and be moved by Our Lady's plea for purity in an age of sin and excess. See the connection between Our Lady of America and her Son's gift of Divine Mercy, and feel the call to spiritual action by Mary's urgent message for the future of America and the world. This compelling message is presented by four experts experts on this story - Kevin McCarthy, Albert Langencamp, Father Bernard Geiger, OFM Conv., and Father Kevin Barrett.
"In a particular way, Our Lady of America expressed her desire that the United States of America, through her intercession, be devoted to the purity of love. She identified herself to Sister Mary Ephrem as "Our Lady of America, The Immaculate Virgin' . . . She calls the people of our nation to the new evangelization through a renewed dedication to the purity of love."
- Cardinal Raymond Burke, Prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura


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