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Catholics and the Culture of War

Length: 60 minutes
Edition: DVD
Code: CACW-M
Sale Price: $19.95

Catholic apologist and radio host Tim Staples demonstrates how several minor "battles" over the last 65 years have led to us to where we are now... in a full-fledged war between two very different schools of thought when it comes to what society says is right... or wrong. It's a vivid look at what America used to be like-and how dramatically we have changed.The good news is that we can turn this situation around. We can regain lost ground. We can win the battle for our culture. After watching Catholics and the Culture War, you will have a much clearer grasp of precisely what has gone wrong in American society, how we have been betrayed by our institutions of government, and how we can draw strength from our own Christian past and Catholic faith to overcome today's challenges.


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