Last Ounce of Courage
Length: 100 minutes
Edition: DVD
Code: LOOC-M
Sale Price: $19.95
An intergenerational
story about family, freedom, and taking a stand for cherished beliefs. A family
is struck by tragedy when a young man is lost in combat overseas, leaving behind
a wife and young son. Years later, the fallen soldier's father serves as mayor
of a small town where powerful Washington interests seek to stamp out religious
expression. The soldier's son, now a young man, inspires his grandfather to
take a stand for the ideals and traditional values that our heroes in uniform
sacrifice everything to protect. In honor of his son, Revere embarks on a personal
mission to reignite the latent patriotism and faith of his fellow citizens and
reassert the cherished rights guaranteed to all Americans. Widescreen. Starring
Marshall Teague and Fred Williamson.
This film is rated PG
This DVD contains the following language options: English
This is a Region 1 DVD (playable ONLY in Bermuda, Canada, the Cayman Islands,
United States and U.S. territories).
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