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Our Lady Came to Fatima

ISBN: 9781586170370
Author: Ruth Fox Hume
Length: 190 pages
Edition: Paperback
Code: OLCF-P
Sale Price: $9.95

Who would have thought that the Blessed Mother would choose to come to Fatima, that remote farming village on a rocky slope in Portugal? No one was more surprised than Lucia, Jacinta, and Francisco, the little shepherds to whom she appeared in 1917.
In this 27th volume of the acclaimed Vision Books series for youth, readers will be enthralled by the story of the village and its people, of the scornful neighbors and the puzzled parents. Above all, it is a warm story of three little ones who insisted that Our Lady had indeed come to Fatima, and from whose faith grew one of the greatest spiritual movements of our time. Illustrated.
"A series which should be found wherever there are young Catholic readers."
—Ave Maria




Documentary Films, Books and CDs on Mary her Apparitions in Fatima

Heaven Is for Real - Edition: DVD

The 13th Day - DVD

Apparitions at Fatima - DVD

What Happened at Fatima (Paperback)
The First Objective and Comprehensive Retelling of the Story in 50 Years

Apparitions of Mary - Their Meaning in History

Fatima DVD

Fatima For Today - The Urgent Marian Message of Hope

Fatima - Altar of the World

Finding Fatima - DVD

My Golden Book of Mary

Miracle of Our Lady of Fatima - DVD

Our Lady Came to Fatima

Pope John Paul I: The Smile of God

Religious Mysteries Volume Two - DVD

Sacred Songs of Mary

Voice of Joy

Marian Grace
Ancient Hymns and Chants





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