Pope John Paul I: The Smile of God
Length: 120 minutes
Edition: DVD
Sale Price: $19.95
An outstanding feature film on the beloved John Paul I, (baptismal name Albino Luciani) whose brief papacy lasted only 33 days but beautifully bridged the epic papacies of Paul VI and Pope John Paul II. Pope John Paul I is remembered for his infectious smile, his warm personality and his humble pastoral style.
This movie captures not only the significance of his short papacy, but also tells the story of his whole life leading up to his papacy, a life marked by deep faith and heroic charity. It shows how his life of great dedication to the church and the needs of all his flock prepared him well for his election to the papacy. It reveals that he was a protégé of Pope John XXIII, who saw greatness and genuine holiness in him, and made Luciani an Archbishop and the Patriarch of Venice. He was a man of peasant origins, a devoted parish priest with a great love for orphans, the poor and outcasts, a priest who had a reluctant rise to become a prince of the Church
The film also tells the
little known but dramatically true story of how Sister Lucy of Fatima had
a prophetic insight that he would become Pope and that his papacy would be
very short, which she revealed to him in a personal meeting in 1977 when he
was a Cardinal.
This DVD contains the following language tracks: Italian with English and
Spanish subtitles.
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