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Title: Daily Missal - 1962 Tridentine Rite (Latin Rite)
  Flexible cover (Black Leather), Size: 4.25" x 6.85", Item No: 5201 $69.95 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION  
This 21st Century edition of the traditional Missal of the Tridentine Rite is published with an Imprimatur. (A guarantee from the Church that the publication is free from moral or doctrinal errors.) This is the only complete Roman Missal according to the typical edition of 1962 approved by the Church!

The text of this edition is based upon the Daily Missal and Liturgical Manual (16th edition) published by Laverty & Sons, Leeds, in 1960 and has been fully revised and updated.

Its features include:

  • Œæ 2,216 pages printed in red/black.
  • Size approximately 3.75" x 6.3"
  • 115 engravings throughout carefully scanned, corrected where necessary and digitally remastered .
  • Foreword and Imprimatur from the Most Reverend Fabian W. Bruskewitz, STD, Bishop of Lincoln.
  • All the Masses of the Liturgical Year, in Latin with English translation, according to the Roman Calendar of 1962 - Temporal and Sanctoral Cycles and accompanying rites (Blessing of Ashes, Blessing of Palms, Chrism Mass, and the Blessing of Holy Oils, etc)
  • Ordinary of the Mass, in Latin with English translation
  • Liturgical Calendar
  • Table of Moveable Feasts up to AD 2066
  • Complete Holy Week Liturgy of 1962 (including the Office of Tenebrae)
  • Common Masses of the Saints and the Blessed Virgin
  • Supplement of special Masses for the Dioceses of the USA
  • Supplement of special Masses for the Dioceses of England and Wales
  • Supplement of special Masses for the Dioceses of Scotland
  • Feasts celebrated in particular places and in certain religious congregations
  • Votive Masses for the days of the week
  • Sixteen Votive Masses for various occasions
  • Masses for the Dead (including infants), Complete Burial Service, Prayers for the Dead
  • Marriage Service and Nuptial Mass
  • The Churching of Women
  • Kyriale, in traditional Gregorian chant notation, including:
    • Tones for the most common Ordinaries: I (Lux et Origo), IV (Cunctipotens Genitor Deus), VIII (De Angelis), IX (Cum Jubilo), XI (Orbis Factor), XXVII (Sundays of Advent & Lent), XVIII (Deus Genitor Alme)
    • Tones for the Asperges and the Vidi Aquam
    • Tones for the Credo: I, II, III andŒæ IV
  • Vespers for Sundays and Feasts
  • Compline for Sundays
  • Hymns and chants for Exposition and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament
  • Anthems to the Blessed Virgin Mary
  • Litany of the Saints
  • Various Devotions and Prayers including favourite Litanies, the Way of the Cross, prayers of the Rosary and others
  • Morning and Evening Prayers
  • Devotions for Confession
  • Devotions for Holy Communion
  • Te Deum Laudamus
  • The Itinerary or Office before a Journey
  • Various Blessings
  • An explanation of "The Liturgy or Public Worship of the Catholic and Roman Church"
  • An Abridgement of Christian Doctrine
  • The missal is bound in leather, which has loyally served Catholics since medieval times when Religious used it to protect precious editions of Holy works. Available in either Black Leather (Item #1001926) or White Leather (Item #1001925).

The flexible cover edition is made using leather hand covered over flexible boards. The edges have been meticulously stitched to create an elegant and portable Bible.

The endpapers are made of thick heavy weight paper, decoratively printed with traditional Catholic symbols. As with the Baronius Douay Rheims Bible, the edges of the paper have been gilded to the highest standards with a special gold gilding process to provide the warm glow seen on the gilded surface of the pages. Six soft ribbons have been specifically chosen to ensure that they do not damage the gilding or paper edges in any way.

Flexible cover (Black Leather), Size: 4.25" x 6.85", Item No: 5201 $69.95 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION



Douay-Rheims Catholic Traditional Bibles by Baronius Press

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Douay-Rheims Psalms + New Testament, Black Leather
Douay-Rheims Psalms + New Testament, Burgundy Leather
Daily Missal - 1962 Latin Mass Edition, Black Leather Flexcover
Douay-Rheims Bible, Large Print Black Leather Flexcover
Douay-Rheims Bible, Large Print White Leather Flexcover
The Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Douay-Rheims Bible (Pocket size) Flexible cover (White Leather)
Daily Missal 1962 Flexible cover (Black Leather)
Daily Missal 1962 Flexible cover (Black Leather)
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English-Latin Bible side-by-side. Hardcover (Black Leader) 1,488 pp
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Roman Catholic Daily Missal (1962)



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