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Rev. John Hampsch: Books, Videos, Tapes of Queenship Publishing


Healing Your Family Tree
Rev. John Hampsch, C.M.F.

Are you not feeling well spiritually, emotionally, or physically? Rev. John Hampsch, C.M.F.,
suggests that you review your family tree. Father Hampsch argues that much of what ails us is due to what he calls "miniature original sin."
The author guides you through a healing process to clean up the effects of sin in your life that result from the sins of past generations.
It is a fascinating question-and-answer explanation of an engrossing subject. It contains a special genogram page for diagraming your family tree.

ISBN: 1-57918-108-2
Product Code: 7641
Price $14.75
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Sanar tu Arbol Genealogico: Una Solucion disenada por Dios Para Problemas Dificiles

Author: Rev. John H. Hampsch

No se siente bien espiritual, emocional o fisicamente? El Rev. Padre John Hampsch, C.M.F., sugiere que le eche una mirada a su arbol genealogico. El Padre Hampsch sostiene que la mayoria de nuestras dolencias provienen de lo que el llama "un pecado original en miniatura".

En su libro Sanar tu Arbol Genealogico, el padre Hampsch lo guia a traves de un proceso de sanacion para limpiar los efectos del pecado en su vida, efectos que resultan de los pecados de generaciones pasadas. Cada capitulo trata un tema distinto del proceso de sanacion con citas y referencias de las Sagradas Escrituras para substanciar las observaciones del autor. Consta de una explicacion fascinante en forma de preguntas y respuestas de un tema cautivador.

Algunas de las preguntas que usted encontrara incluyen:
* Por que deberia preocuparme acerca de una sanacion de mi arbol genealogico?
* Las Escrituras mencionan los pecados de los padres. ?Las madres transmiten los efectos de sus pecados a sus descendientes?
* Estoy seguro de que las enfermedades no siempre son castigo por el pecado, bien sea personal o ancestral. ?Que otras razones puede haber para que haya enfermedad?
* Exactamente como puede transmitirse el pecado a traves de las generaciones?
Sanar tu Arbol Genealogico tiene un extenso indice que facilita buscar los topicos. Tambien contiene una pagina con un cuadro genealogico especial para que realice un diagrama de su arbol genealogico.

Product Code: 7641S
ISBN: 1-57918-289-5
Price $12.75
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Coping With Life's Darkest Moments
Rev. John H. Hampsch

Without Christ-focused faith sustaining us through our dark moments, it is next to impossible to accept that all things, even suffering, is a part of God's divine plan. Father Hampsch's Booklet Series Written by noted author and preacher Rev. John Hampsch, this series presents some of the most important and popular topics in Catholic life. All of Father Hampsch's booklets are Scripture-based answers to frequently asked questions about living the Catholic Faith. These 3 3/4" x 6" booklets are perfect when you need to hear the word of God in your busy schedule. From 8 to 24 pages.
Order #7176 / $1.25

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Energizing Your Unused Prayer Power
Rev. John H. Hampsch

The author suggests that what renders our petitions unanswered is the fact that we ask solutions to our problems while all along, we should be seeking the problem-solver Himself. Father Hampsch's Booklet Series Written by noted author and preacher Rev. John Hampsch, this series presents some of the most important and popular topics in Catholic life. All of Father Hampsch's booklets are Scripture-based answers to frequently asked questions about living the Catholic Faith. These 3 3/4" x 6" booklets are perfect when you need to hear the word of God in your busy schedule. From 8 to 24 pages.
Order #7120 / $1.25

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Eucharistic Healing
The Untapped Power of the Holy Eucharist
Rev. John H. Hampsch

Read about the untapped power of the Holy Eucharist. This booklet is the perfect gift for those who claim to know Christ but neglect God's healing power in the Holy Eucharist. Father Hampsch's Booklet Series Written by noted author and preacher Rev. John Hampsch, this series presents some of the most important and popular topics in Catholic life. All of Father Hampsch's booklets are Scripture-based answers to frequently asked questions about living the Catholic Faith. These 3 3/4" x 6" booklets are perfect when you need to hear the word of God in your busy schedule. From 8 to 24 pages.
Order #7187 / $1.25

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Everything You Need To Know — Is It All In The Bible?
Rev. John H. Hampsch

A fascinating study on how the bible came to be; who put it together and how it was interpreted. Explains the different ideology between Catholics and Protestants. Father Hampsch's Booklet Series Written by noted author and preacher Rev. John Hampsch, this series presents some of the most important and popular topics in Catholic life. All of Father Hampsch's booklets are Scripture-based answers to frequently asked questions about living the Catholic Faith. These 3 3/4" x 6" booklets are perfect when you need to hear the word of God in your busy schedule. From 8 to 24 pages.
Order #7104 / $1.25

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Faith: Key to the Heart of God
Rev. John H. Hampsch

This book will unlock the door to understanding how faith can come alive in your own daily experience.
Order #7631 / $10.85

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Finding Inner Peace In A World Going To Pieces
Rev. John H. Hampsch

For real "peace of God" in a world going to pieces you must surrender your self-sufficiency, trusting in Him with all your heart, humbly asking Him for help. Father Hampsch's Booklet Series Written by noted author and preacher Rev. John Hampsch, this series presents some of the most important and popular topics in Catholic life. All of Father Hampsch's booklets are Scripture-based answers to frequently asked questions about living the Catholic Faith. These 3 3/4" x 6" booklets are perfect when you need to hear the word of God in your busy schedule. From 8 to 24 pages.
Order #7144 / $1.25

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Four Secrets For Enjoying The Word Of God
Rev. John H. Hampsch

The bible is as fathomless storehouse of spiritual information. Fr. Hampsch delves deep into the four secrets that will help you gain a deeper appreciation and understanding of the Word of God. Father Hampsch's Booklet Series Written by noted author and preacher Rev. John Hampsch, this series presents some of the most important and popular topics in Catholic life. All of Father Hampsch's booklets are Scripture-based answers to frequently asked questions about living the Catholic Faith. These 3 3/4" x 6" booklets are perfect when you need to hear the word of God in your busy schedule. From 8 to 24 pages.
Order #7147 / $1.25

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Four Types of Counterfeit Faith
Rev. John H. Hampsch

Just as there are ways of testing counterfeit currency, so also there are ways of testing counterfeit faith. Here, the author outlines four of its most blatant forms. Father Hampsch's Booklet Series Written by noted author and preacher Rev. John Hampsch, this series presents some of the most important and popular topics in Catholic life. All of Father Hampsch's booklets are Scripture-based answers to frequently asked questions about living the Catholic Faith. These 3 3/4" x 6" booklets are perfect when you need to hear the word of God in your busy schedule. From 8 to 24 pages.
Order #7175 / $1.25

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Getting Excited About The Bible
Rev. John H. Hampsch

Do you get motivated to read God's work? In this little booklet, Fr. Hampsch provides a road map that takes us from acknowledging the truth of God's word to being inspired and animated by that truth. Father Hampsch's Booklet Series Written by noted author and preacher Rev. John Hampsch, this series presents some of the most important and popular topics in Catholic life. All of Father Hampsch's booklets are Scripture-based answers to frequently asked questions about living the Catholic Faith. These 3 3/4" x 6" booklets are perfect when you need to hear the word of God in your busy schedule. From 8 to 24 pages.
Order #7135 / $1.25

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Getting to Know Your Guardian Angel
Rev. John H. Hampsch

Do you get motivated to read God's work? In this little booklet, Fr. Hampsch provides a road map that takes us from acknowledging the truth of God's word to being inspired and animated by that truth. Father Hampsch's Booklet Series Written by noted author and preacher Rev. John Hampsch, this series presents some of the most important and popular topics in Catholic life. All of Father Hampsch's booklets are Scripture-based answers to frequently asked questions about living the Catholic Faith. These 3 3/4" x 6" booklets are perfect when you need to hear the word of God in your busy schedule. From 8 to 24 pages.
Order #7174 / $1.25

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Getting To Know Our Huggable, Snuggable God
Rev. John H. Hampsch

This booklet tells us that God's living presence is truly within each one of us. All we need to do is open our hearts and accept the love that is available to us all. Fr. Hampsch gives us biblical examples to assure us that God's comforting companionship is all around. Father Hampsch's Booklet Series Written by noted author and preacher Rev. John Hampsch, this series presents some of the most important and popular topics in Catholic life. All of Father Hampsch's booklets are Scripture-based answers to frequently asked questions about living the Catholic Faith. These 3 3/4" x 6" booklets are perfect when you need to hear the word of God in your busy schedule. From 8 to 24 pages.
Order #7154 / $1.25

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Glad You Asked
Rev. John H. Hampsch

This book is a unique collection of questions and answers taken from Father Hampsch's popular column, "Glad You Asked." The responses are solidly anchored with scriptural citations and are based on Catholic theology. 156pp.
Order #7642 / $8.95

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Go With The Flow — Surrendering To God's Heart Tug
Rev. John H. Hampsch

Are your prayers of petition becoming strenuous efforts to "twist God's arm?" Learn the seven ways to experience God's loving presence while we wait for his answers. Father Hampsch's Booklet Series Written by noted author and preacher Rev. John Hampsch, this series presents some of the most important and popular topics in Catholic life. All of Father Hampsch's booklets are Scripture-based answers to frequently asked questions about living the Catholic Faith. These 3 3/4" x 6" booklets are perfect when you need to hear the word of God in your busy schedule. From 8 to 24 pages.
Order #7148 / $1.25

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How To "Raze" Hell - Strategies For Spiritual Warfare
Rev. John H. Hampsch

A short but in-depth study on the seven major types of temptation employed by the devil or his demons: regression, repression, suppression, depression, oppression, obsession and possession. Father Hampsch's Booklet Series Written by noted author and preacher Rev. John Hampsch, this series presents some of the most important and popular topics in Catholic life. All of Father Hampsch's booklets are Scripture-based answers to frequently asked questions about living the Catholic Faith. These 3 3/4" x 6" booklets are perfect when you need to hear the word of God in your busy schedule. From 8 to 24 pages.
Order #7145 / $1.25

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How to Succeed in Everything
Rev. John H. Hampsch

What is the secret of success? Fr. Hampsch reveals incredibly simple secrets to gain success in everyday life as he explains the scriptural basis for its theology.
Order #7639 / $2.95

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Hurry Up, Lord
Rev. John H. Hampsch

In our modern, hurry-up world of instant coffee, non-lick stamps and TV dinners, the thought of waiting for answers to our prayers creates anxiety. Learn how to transform this anxiety into a devout and patient endurance filled with eager anticipation. Father Hampsch's Booklet Series Written by noted author and preacher Rev. John Hampsch, this series presents some of the most important and popular topics in Catholic life. All of Father Hampsch's booklets are Scripture-based answers to frequently asked questions about living the Catholic Faith. These 3 3/4" x 6" booklets are perfect when you need to hear the word of God in your busy schedule. From 8 to 24 pages.
Order #7151 / $1.25

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In God We Trust — Sometimes
Rev. John H. Hampsch

Like true love, total freedom from fear is found in perfect trust in God. Trust demands a surrender of our control. Learn three areas of weakness and ways to overcome them. Father Hampsch's Booklet Series Written by noted author and preacher Rev. John Hampsch, this series presents some of the most important and popular topics in Catholic life. All of Father Hampsch's booklets are Scripture-based answers to frequently asked questions about living the Catholic Faith. These 3 3/4" x 6" booklets are perfect when you need to hear the word of God in your busy schedule. From 8 to 24 pages.
Order #7150 / $1.25

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Is Purgatory A Dead Issue?
Rev. John H. Hampsch

A short and simple study on the realities of Purgatory, Fr. Hampsch teaches us that Purgatory is not to be regarded as God's torture chamber but a place of purification and cleansing after death. Father Hampsch's Booklet Series Written by noted author and preacher Rev. John Hampsch, this series presents some of the most important and popular topics in Catholic life. All of Father Hampsch's booklets are Scripture-based answers to frequently asked questions about living the Catholic Faith. These 3 3/4" x 6" booklets are perfect when you need to hear the word of God in your busy schedule. From 8 to 24 pages.
Order #7105 / $1.25

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Joy, The Sparkle of Life
Rev. John H. Hampsch

Spiritual Joy is an infallible sign of the presence of the Holy Spirit in the soul. Learn to open your eyes to the joy in life. Father Hampsch's Booklet Series Written by noted author and preacher Rev. John Hampsch, this series presents some of the most important and popular topics in Catholic life. All of Father Hampsch's booklets are Scripture-based answers to frequently asked questions about living the Catholic Faith. These 3 3/4" x 6" booklets are perfect when you need to hear the word of God in your busy schedule. From 8 to 24 pages.
Order #7173 / $1.25

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Keep The Faith, But Not To Yourself
Rev. John H. Hampsch

The author reminds us one of the greatest tragedies among God's people is that after having been inflamed and enlightened by the fire of the Spirit, we don't share our faith and experience with others. This booklet will help you to evangelize. Father Hampsch's Booklet Series Written by noted author and preacher Rev. John Hampsch, this series presents some of the most important and popular topics in Catholic life. All of Father Hampsch's booklets are Scripture-based answers to frequently asked questions about living the Catholic Faith. These 3 3/4" x 6" booklets are perfect when you need to hear the word of God in your busy schedule. From 8 to 24 pages.
Order #7146 / $1.25

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Making Meanwhiles Meaningful
Rev. John H. Hampsch

Do you feel stuck in life? Life is full of periods of waiting. The best prescription is to become aware of the precious opportunities available to practice the virtues of patience, fortuitude, holy abondonment, trust, and faith in God's timing. Father Hampsch's Booklet Series Written by noted author and preacher Rev. John Hampsch, this series presents some of the most important and popular topics in Catholic life. All of Father Hampsch's booklets are Scripture-based answers to frequently asked questions about living the Catholic Faith. These 3 3/4" x 6" booklets are perfect when you need to hear the word of God in your busy schedule. From 8 to 24 pages.
Order #7106 / $1.25

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Mary, Our Tainted Nature's Solitary Boast
Rev. John H. Hampsch

Cultivating Marian devotion is something all Catholics strive for. To properly venerate Mary, one must relate to her as a living, loving person, a spiritual mother who loves each of us personally with an indescribable love. Father Hampsch's Booklet Series Written by noted author and preacher Rev. John Hampsch, this series presents some of the most important and popular topics in Catholic life. All of Father Hampsch's booklets are Scripture-based answers to frequently asked questions about living the Catholic Faith. These 3 3/4" x 6" booklets are perfect when you need to hear the word of God in your busy schedule. From 8 to 24 pages.
Order #7172 / $1.25

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Meekness Is Not Weakness
Rev. John H. Hampsch

Explains what true meekness is. This sweet fruit of the Spirit softens the harshness of life. "Blessed are the Meek, for they shall inherit the earth." (Mt. 5:5) Father Hampsch's Booklet Series Written by noted author and preacher Rev. John Hampsch, this series presents some of the most important and popular topics in Catholic life. All of Father Hampsch's booklets are Scripture-based answers to frequently asked questions about living the Catholic Faith. These 3 3/4" x 6" booklets are perfect when you need to hear the word of God in your busy schedule. From 8 to 24 pages.
Order #7171 / $1.25

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Miracle Power at Your Fingertips
Rev. John H. Hampsch

How can we fulfill Jesus' mandate to have his word "remain" in us to release its miracle pwer? The three-fold answer comes from a survey of the Greek and Latin fathers of the Church, and other great champions of the Word through the ages, and is thoughtfully explained in this little booklet. Father Hampsch's Booklet Series Written by noted author and preacher Rev. John Hampsch, this series presents some of the most important and popular topics in Catholic life. All of Father Hampsch's booklets are Scripture-based answers to frequently asked questions about living the Catholic Faith. These 3 3/4" x 6" booklets are perfect when you need to hear the word of God in your busy schedule. From 8 to 24 pages.
Order #7170 / $1.25

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Nesting in the Hand of God
Rev. John H. Hampsch

God has a plan for each of us. All we need to do is trust in God. Easier said than done? This 14 page booklet will help you to trust and readily accept God's providential plan. Father Hampsch's Booklet Series Written by noted author and preacher Rev. John Hampsch, this series presents some of the most important and popular topics in Catholic life. All of Father Hampsch's booklets are Scripture-based answers to frequently asked questions about living the Catholic Faith. These 3 3/4" x 6" booklets are perfect when you need to hear the word of God in your busy schedule. From 8 to 24 pages.
Order #7169 / $1.25

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Obeying God's Will
Gateway to Security
Rev. John H. Hampsch

Divine proddings seldom come to us by vision or locutions. Stresses the importance of listening - God doesn't shout, He whispers. Father Hampsch's Booklet Series Written by noted author and preacher Rev. John Hampsch, this series presents some of the most important and popular topics in Catholic life. All of Father Hampsch's booklets are Scripture-based answers to frequently asked questions about living the Catholic Faith. These 3 3/4" x 6" booklets are perfect when you need to hear the word of God in your busy schedule. From 8 to 24 pages.
Order #7168 / $1.25

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Prayer Is More Than Saying "Please"
Rev. John H. Hampsch

This little treatise is an attempt to "take time out" to review a basic overview of prayer - to "sharpen our ax," if you will, to see the various ways we can effectively, and enjoyable, commune with our Creator. Includes examples of the six types of prayer. Father Hampsch's Booklet Series Written by noted author and preacher Rev. John Hampsch, this series presents some of the most important and popular topics in Catholic life. All of Father Hampsch's booklets are Scripture-based answers to frequently asked questions about living the Catholic Faith. These 3 3/4" x 6" booklets are perfect when you need to hear the word of God in your busy schedule. From 8 to 24 pages.
Order #7156 / $1.25

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Prayer with Rolled-Up Sleeves
Rescuing Your Wayward Loved Ones
Rev. John H. Hampsch

Have you tried to pray for the salvation of a loved one to no avail? This step-by-step guide on how to rescue your wayward loved ones gives specific prayers and meditations to win souls. Father Hampsch's Booklet Series Written by noted author and preacher Rev. John Hampsch, this series presents some of the most important and popular topics in Catholic life. All of Father Hampsch's booklets are Scripture-based answers to frequently asked questions about living the Catholic Faith. These 3 3/4" x 6" booklets are perfect when you need to hear the word of God in your busy schedule. From 8 to 24 pages
Order #7185 / $1.25

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Reincarnation: If At First You Don't Succeed
Rev. John H. Hampsch

n summary, no Bible-believer could ever accept the false doctrine of reincarnation. The author explains where this false-belief came from and why it is inconsistent with Catholic doctrine. Father Hampsch's Booklet Series Written by noted author and preacher Rev. John Hampsch, this series presents some of the most important and popular topics in Catholic life. All of Father Hampsch's booklets are Scripture-based answers to frequently asked questions about living the Catholic Faith. These 3 3/4" x 6" booklets are perfect when you need to hear the word of God in your busy schedule. From 8 to 24 pages.
Order #7108 / $1.25

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Riding High
Rev. John H. Hampsch

This is the inspiring story of Fr. John Hampsch. His story will leave you profoundly inspired.
Order #7633 / $2.95

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Saying Yes To God
Rev. John H. Hampsch

If we consistently say "yes" and surrender to God in every aspect of our life, he will choose to make us beacons to enlighten this sin-filled world with His own resplendent love. Father Hampsch's Booklet Series Written by noted author and preacher Rev. John Hampsch, this series presents some of the most important and popular topics in Catholic life. All of Father Hampsch's booklets are Scripture-based answers to frequently asked questions about living the Catholic Faith. These 3 3/4" x 6" booklets are perfect when you need to hear the word of God in your busy schedule. From 8 to 24 pages.
Order #7123 / $1.25

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Setting The Stage For End-Times
Rev. John H. Hampsch

Are you concerned about the end times? This wise and peaceful look at eschatology will provide you with both hope and insight as we enter into the new millennium. Includes God's four-point program for end-time readiness. Father Hampsch's Booklet Series Written by noted author and preacher Rev. John Hampsch, this series presents some of the most important and popular topics in Catholic life. All of Father Hampsch's booklets are Scripture-based answers to frequently asked questions about living the Catholic Faith. These 3 3/4" x 6" booklets are perfect when you need to hear the word of God in your busy schedule. From 8 to 24 pages.
Order #7119 / $1.25

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Seven Answers To The "Why" Of Suffering
Rev. John H. Hampsch

Rather than listing all the many purposes of suffering theology provides, the author reveals a list of seven that are most deserving of our attention. Father Hampsch's Booklet Series Written by noted author and preacher Rev. John Hampsch, this series presents some of the most important and popular topics in Catholic life. All of Father Hampsch's booklets are Scripture-based answers to frequently asked questions about living the Catholic Faith. These 3 3/4" x 6" booklets are perfect when you need to hear the word of God in your busy schedule. From 8 to 24 pages.
Order #7129 / $1.25

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Seven Misunderstandings About Repentance
Rev. John H. Hampsch

Seven Misunderstandings of Repentance Product Code:ę7183 ISBN:ę1-57918-098-1 Availability:ę In stock.ę Priceę$1.25 Many sincere but confused people use substitutes for true repentance. This booklet reveals seven possible ways of misconstruing what true repentance is. Father Hampsch's Booklet Series Written by noted author and preacher Rev. John Hampsch, this series presents some of the most important and popular topics in Catholic life. All of Father Hampsch's booklets are Scripture-based answers to frequently asked questions about living the Catholic Faith. These 3 3/4" x 6" booklets are perfect when you need to hear the word of God in your busy schedule. From 8 to 24 pages.
Order #7183 / $1.25

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Sharing the Lifeboat
The Meaning of Christian Fellowship
Rev. John H. Hampsch

It's exciting to know that no matter who we are, or what our background, we are an important part of Jesus' mystical body, and that as such we are called to build his kingdom by sharing our Christian fellowship. Father Hampsch's Booklet Series Written by noted author and preacher Rev. John Hampsch, this series presents some of the most important and popular topics in Catholic life. All of Father Hampsch's booklets are Scripture-based answers to frequently asked questions about living the Catholic Faith. These 3 3/4" x 6" booklets are perfect when you need to hear the word of God in your busy schedule. From 8 to 24 pages.
Order #7166 / $1.25

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Sins Of Cooperation
Rev. John H. Hampsch

This booklet explains the nine cooperative sins, with examples of each, that are so prevalent in our society today. Frequently committed and seldom confessed, these sins have deadly effects on the soul. Father Hampsch's Booklet Series Written by noted author and preacher Rev. John Hampsch, this series presents some of the most important and popular topics in Catholic life. All of Father Hampsch's booklets are Scripture-based answers to frequently asked questions about living the Catholic Faith. These 3 3/4" x 6" booklets are perfect when you need to hear the word of God in your busy schedule. From 8 to 24 pages.
Order #7157 / $1.25

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So You Want to Change The World? — That's The Spirit
Rev. John H. Hampsch

We are all called to serve the Lord but how do we stand regarding faithfulness to our calling? Fr. Hampsch gives us five key features of faithfulness to help us discern if our plan matches God's plan. Father Hampsch's Booklet Series Written by noted author and preacher Rev. John Hampsch, this series presents some of the most important and popular topics in Catholic life. All of Father Hampsch's booklets are Scripture-based answers to frequently asked questions about living the Catholic Faith. These 3 3/4" x 6" booklets are perfect when you need to hear the word of God in your busy schedule. From 8 to 24 pages.
Order #7149 / $1.25

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Speak Up Lord, I Can't Hear You
Rev. John H. Hampsch

If you or someone you know is spiritually deaf, this book will help you hear the voice of God and open you up to the many ways He communicates with us, especially through his Son, Jesus. Includes the three qualities of a good listener. Father Hampsch's Booklet Series Written by noted author and preacher Rev. John Hampsch, this series presents some of the most important and popular topics in Catholic life. All of Father Hampsch's booklets are Scripture-based answers to frequently asked questions about living the Catholic Faith. These 3 3/4" x 6" booklets are perfect when you need to hear the word of God in your busy schedule. From 8 to 24 pages.
Order #7165 / $1.25

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Spirit Power In Your Prayer Life
Rev. John H. Hampsch

The Holy Spirit exercises a special function in terms of empowering us in our prayer endeavors. The author lays out a simple six-step plan to upgrade your prayer power through the Holy Spirit. Father Hampsch's Booklet Series Written by noted author and preacher Rev. John Hampsch, this series presents some of the most important and popular topics in Catholic life. All of Father Hampsch's booklets are Scripture-based answers to frequently asked questions about living the Catholic Faith. These 3 3/4" x 6" booklets are perfect when you need to hear the word of God in your busy schedule. From 8 to 24 pages.
Order #7152 / $1.25

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Straight Talk About Gays
Rev. John H. Hampsch

A compassionate look at the Catholic Church's position on homosexuality; gives heartfelt advice to people on both sides of the issue. Father Hampsch's Booklet Series Written by noted author and preacher Rev. John Hampsch, this series presents some of the most important and popular topics in Catholic life. All of Father Hampsch's booklets are Scripture-based answers to frequently asked questions about living the Catholic Faith. These 3 3/4" x 6" booklets are perfect when you need to hear the word of God in your busy schedule. From 8 to 24 pages.
Order #7127 / $1.25

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Supercharging Your Spiritual Batteries
Rev. John H. Hampsch

The author explains that by adding prayer, grace, or virtue to our spiritual life, they will remove sin, bad habits, poor motives and other negative paths. Father Hampsch's Booklet Series Written by noted author and preacher Rev. John Hampsch, this series presents some of the most important and popular topics in Catholic life. All of Father Hampsch's booklets are Scripture-based answers to frequently asked questions about living the Catholic Faith. These 3 3/4" x 6" booklets are perfect when you need to hear the word of God in your busy schedule. From 8 to 24 pages.
Order #7158 / $1.25

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The Art of Loving God
Rev. John H. Hampsch

Saints and theologians tell us that an act of love of God is the greatest and most perfect action that can be performed, either in heaven or on earth. Learn how to more perfectly and humbly love God. Father Hampsch's Booklet Series Written by noted author and preacher Rev. John Hampsch, this series presents some of the most important and popular topics in Catholic life. All of Father Hampsch's booklets are Scripture-based answers to frequently asked questions about living the Catholic Faith. These 3 3/4" x 6" booklets are perfect when you need to hear the word of God in your busy schedule. From 8 to 24 pages.
Order #7179 / $1.25

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The Art of Suffering
Way to Grow
Rev. John H. Hampsch

The way we think about suffering provides a yardstick to measure our spiritual maturity. Suffering souls fall into one of six levels provided in this book. Father Hampsch's Booklet Series Written by noted author and preacher Rev. John Hampsch, this series presents some of the most important and popular topics in Catholic life. All of Father Hampsch's booklets are Scripture-based answers to frequently asked questions about living the Catholic Faith. These 3 3/4" x 6" booklets are perfect when you need to hear the word of God in your busy schedule. From 8 to 24 pages.
Order #7178 / $1.25

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The Healing Gifts of the Spirit
Rev. John H. Hampsch

Focuses on one of the nine "classical gifts" of the Holy Spirit; the charism of healing. Reviews the six various forms of healing. Father Hampsch's Booklet Series Written by noted author and preacher Rev. John Hampsch, this series presents some of the most important and popular topics in Catholic life. All of Father Hampsch's booklets are Scripture-based answers to frequently asked questions about living the Catholic Faith. These 3 3/4" x 6" booklets are perfect when you need to hear the word of God in your busy schedule. From 8 to 24 pages.
Order #7184 / $1.25

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The Healing Power of Affirmation
Rev. John H. Hampsch

Fr. John reminds us that there is astonishing healing power in authentic affirmation. It is not only sanctifying for the giver, but also remarkably therapeutic for the recipient. Father Hampsch's Booklet Series Written by noted author and preacher Rev. John Hampsch, this series presents some of the most important and popular topics in Catholic life. All of Father Hampsch's booklets are Scripture-based answers to frequently asked questions about living the Catholic Faith. These 3 3/4" x 6" booklets are perfect when you need to hear the word of God in your busy schedule. From 8 to 24 pages.
Order #7182 / $1.25

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The Many Faces Of Faith
Rev. John H. Hampsch

Sixty-three bite-sized sayings about Faith provide spiritual snacks for hungry God-seekers. A beautiful litany of the virtue of Faith. Father Hampsch's Booklet Series Written by noted author and preacher Rev. John Hampsch, this series presents some of the most important and popular topics in Catholic life. All of Father Hampsch's booklets are Scripture-based answers to frequently asked questions about living the Catholic Faith. These 3 3/4" x 6" booklets are perfect when you need to hear the word of God in your busy schedule. From 8 to 24 pages.
Order #7126 / $1.25

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The Other Side Of The Stone
Rev. John H. Hampsch

Every hardship, adversity, difficulty, sickness or problem in our life is a stone that waits to be moved aside. But that can happen only when two forces are at work--one facing the stone and the other behind it. Father Hampsch's Booklet Series Written by noted author and preacher Rev. John Hampsch, this series presents some of the most important and popular topics in Catholic life. All of Father Hampsch's booklets are Scripture-based answers to frequently asked questions about living the Catholic Faith. These 3 3/4" x 6" booklets are perfect when you need to hear the word of God in your busy schedule. From 8 to 24 pages.
Order #7155 / $1.25

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The Poison of Bad Example
Rev. John H. Hampsch

History shows us the far-reaching effects of bad example can hardly be overestimated. Stresses the importance of setting a good example both in character and faith. Father Hampsch's Booklet Series Written by noted author and preacher Rev. John Hampsch, this series presents some of the most important and popular topics in Catholic life. All of Father Hampsch's booklets are Scripture-based answers to frequently asked questions about living the Catholic Faith. These 3 3/4" x 6" booklets are perfect when you need to hear the word of God in your busy schedule. From 8 to 24 pages.
Order #7167 / $1.25

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The World's Greatest Secret
Rev. John H. Hampsch

Most Catholics know that Christ dwells within them. But for many it may be only a theoretical type of knowing. This nine-point test will provide a framework to find out if you truly believe that Christ lives in you and sheds light on the world's greatest secret. Father Hampsch's Booklet Series Written by noted author and preacher Rev. John Hampsch, this series presents some of the most important and popular topics in Catholic life. All of Father Hampsch's booklets are Scripture-based answers to frequently asked questions about living the Catholic Faith. These 3 3/4" x 6" booklets are perfect when you need to hear the word of God in your busy schedule. From 8 to 24 pages.
Order #7161 / $1.25

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Thought Control: Architect of Character
Rev. John H. Hampsch

Fr. Hampsch teaches how to "put on the Mind of Christ" to upgrade our spiritual health. Let God help you to change your thought patterns for a more Christ-centered life. Father Hampsch's Booklet Series Written by noted author and preacher Rev. John Hampsch, this series presents some of the most important and popular topics in Catholic life. All of Father Hampsch's booklets are Scripture-based answers to frequently asked questions about living the Catholic Faith. These 3 3/4" x 6" booklets are perfect when you need to hear the word of God in your busy schedule. From 8 to 24 pages.
Order #7160 / $1.25

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Three Ways to Carry a Cross
Rev. John H. Hampsch

We all have our crosses to bear. Fr. Hampsch provides us with three prayerful and loving ways on how we can carry our cross in a Christ-like way. Father Hampsch's Booklet Series Written by noted author and preacher Rev. John Hampsch, this series presents some of the most important and popular topics in Catholic life. All of Father Hampsch's booklets are Scripture-based answers to frequently asked questions about living the Catholic Faith. These 3 3/4" x 6" booklets are perfect when you need to hear the word of God in your busy schedule. From 8 to 24 pages.
Order #7164 / $1.25

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Time For A Change — How To Keep Good Resolutions
Rev. John H. Hampsch

Having trouble keeping your resolutions? This booklet looks at some of the more recent research about successful resolution-making processes. Includes the five key stages in making and keeping resolutions. Father Hampsch's Booklet Series Written by noted author and preacher Rev. John Hampsch, this series presents some of the most important and popular topics in Catholic life. All of Father Hampsch's booklets are Scripture-based answers to frequently asked questions about living the Catholic Faith. These 3 3/4" x 6" booklets are perfect when you need to hear the word of God in your busy schedule. From 8 to 24 pages.
Order #7143 / $1.25

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Timely Tips On The Use Of Time
Rev. John H. Hampsch

Time and time again Scripture reminds us that time is lent to be spent, ultimately in God's service. It reminds us that time is precious, short, uncertain, and especially that we are accountable for its use. Fr. Hampsch reminds us to realize the importance of time before its too late. Father Hampsch's Booklet Series Written by noted author and preacher Rev. John Hampsch, this series presents some of the most important and popular topics in Catholic life. All of Father Hampsch's booklets are Scripture-based answers to frequently asked questions about living the Catholic Faith. These 3 3/4" x 6" booklets are perfect when you need to hear the word of God in your busy schedule. From 8 to 24 pages.
Order #7114 / $1.25

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Time Of Your Life
Rev. John H. Hampsch

Each day, week, month and year sparkle with moments of grace for each one of us. Some of these moments will be responded to and some will slip away unnoticed. This small booklet stresses the importance of truly living in the present moment. Father Hampsch's Booklet Series Written by noted author and preacher Rev. John Hampsch, this series presents some of the most important and popular topics in Catholic life. All of Father Hampsch's booklets are Scripture-based answers to frequently asked questions about living the Catholic Faith. These 3 3/4" x 6" booklets are perfect when you need to hear the word of God in your busy schedule. From 8 to 24 pages.
Order #7101 / $1.25

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Treatment for Anemic Christians
Rev. John H. Hampsch

The author explains that without a truly Christ-focused life, we'll meet with futility and frustration in searching for the answers to the inner poison of sinfulness, our weakness and our repeated failures. Father Hampsch's Booklet Series Written by noted author and preacher Rev. John Hampsch, this series presents some of the most important and popular topics in Catholic life. All of Father Hampsch's booklets are Scripture-based answers to frequently asked questions about living the Catholic Faith. These 3 3/4" x 6" booklets are perfect when you need to hear the word of God in your busy schedule. From 8 to 24 pages.
Order #7163 / $1.25

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What Makes a Person Charismatic?
Rev. John H. Hampsch

Ultimately, in personal self-evaluation, the matter of the baptism in the Spirit resolves itself into a question. This question is not, do I have all of the Holy Spirit, but rather, does the Holy Spirit have all of me? Father Hampsch's Booklet Series Written by noted author and preacher Rev. John Hampsch, this series presents some of the most important and popular topics in Catholic life. All of Father Hampsch's booklets are Scripture-based answers to frequently asked questions about living the Catholic Faith. These 3 3/4" x 6" booklets are perfect when you need to hear the word of God in your busy schedule. From 8 to 24 pages.
Order #7111 / $1.25

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When God Is Your Roommate — In The Room For Improvement
Rev. John H. Hampsch

Explains in layman's terms the Catholic principle of attribution and that anything is possible with the triune God. Father Hampsch's Booklet Series Written by noted author and preacher Rev. John Hampsch, this series presents some of the most important and popular topics in Catholic life. All of Father Hampsch's booklets are Scripture-based answers to frequently asked questions about living the Catholic Faith. These 3 3/4" x 6" booklets are perfect when you need to hear the word of God in your busy schedule. From 8 to 24 pages.
Order #7134 / $1.25

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When God Says No
Rev. John H. Hampsch

Why doesn't God answer my prayer? This booklet offers 25 reasons why, as Fr. Hampsch says, we get a busy signal when we want God to answer our call. Before we pray for our desires we should ultimately seek out God's desire for us. Includes the elements that make up a successful prayer petition. Father Hampsch's Booklet Series Written by noted author and preacher Rev. John Hampsch, this series presents some of the most important and popular topics in Catholic life. All of Father Hampsch's booklets are Scripture-based answers to frequently asked questions about living the Catholic Faith. These 3 3/4" x 6" booklets are perfect when you need to hear the word of God in your busy schedule. From 8 to 24 pages.
Order #7181 / $1.25

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When Loved Ones Turn From God
Rev. John H. Hampsch

Has someone you love turned away from God? Provides practical advice for leading a stray sheep back to the flock. Includes a five-step intercessory prayer that will help you get your loved one back to the Church. Father Hampsch's Booklet Series Written by noted author and preacher Rev. John Hampsch, this series presents some of the most important and popular topics in Catholic life. All of Father Hampsch's booklets are Scripture-based answers to frequently asked questions about living the Catholic Faith. These 3 3/4" x 6" booklets are perfect when you need to hear the word of God in your busy schedule. From 8 to 24 pages.
Order #7162 / $1.25

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When You Mess Up, `Fess Up
Rev. John H. Hampsch

Rev. Hampsch reminds us that one of the greatest gifts of the Catholic faith is the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Spiritual healing can truly take place when we throw ourselves on God's altar and ask for forgiveness. Fr. Hampsch gives us tools for maximizing this gift. Father Hampsch's Booklet Series Written by noted author and preacher Rev. John Hampsch, this series presents some of the most important and popular topics in Catholic life. All of Father Hampsch's booklets are Scripture-based answers to frequently asked questions about living the Catholic Faith. These 3 3/4" x 6" booklets are perfect when you need to hear the word of God in your busy schedule. From 8 to 24 pages.
Order #7186 / $1.25

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Catholic Marian Books of Queenship


Fr. Robert DeGrandis, S.S.J. - New Books and CD's


Alleged messages from Our Lord and Our Lady received in Scottsdale, Arizona,
by the young adult prayer group at St. Maria Goretti Church.

Vol. I-Sept. 1988-Sept. 1989 144 pg.
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Vol. II-Sept. 1989-April 1990 112 pg.
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I AM YOUR JESUS OF MERCY - VOLUME III Vol. III-May 1990-July 1991 96 pg. $10.85
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Vol. IV-Mid. 1991 - Early 1993 $6.95
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Vol. V- Nov. 1994 - Nov. 1995
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Vol. VI- March 1996 - Jan. 1999 $10.85
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The bountiful graces of Eucharistic Adoration are flowing thanks to a widespread revival of this beautiful devotion.
This booklet was designed to enhance your time spent with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.
It includes a prayer format to use in Adoration with rosary meditations, prayers and spontaneous meditation topics. 120 pg.
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The phenomenal success of the first volume of prayers to be used in Eucharistic Adoration and
Holy Hours led to the completion of a second book. It contains additional meditations for prayer time but no traditional prayers. 64 pg.
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An all-time best-selling treasury of contemporary and traditional prayers including a beautiful Scriptural
Rosary, Jesus Rosary, litanies, and Seven Sorrows Chaplet. Excellent for prayer groups or individual use. 96 pg.
$10.85 (English)
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(El Libro de Oro de las Oraciones)

An all-time best-selling treasury of contemporary and traditional prayers including a beautiful Scriptural Rosary,
Jesus Rosary, litanies, and Seven Sorrows Chaplet. Excellent for prayer groups or individual use. 96 pg.
$10.85 (Spanish)
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INTERCESSION Moving Mountains by Living Eucharistically
by Rev. George W. Kosicki, C.S.B.
Fr. Kosicki tells us that the ultimate in intercession is to offer one's life for others as Jesus did. Includes Church teachings on intercession and explains how our daily sacrifices can be used to benefit others. 112 pg.
Ordering Information



Fr. Robert DeGrandis, S.S.J. - New Books and CD's

The Gift of Tongues Workshops - CD (New)
Fr. Robert DeGrandis, S.S.J.
Audio CD
Price $12.95

Healing Through the Rosary - CD (New)
"Stories, Songs & Prayers"
2CDs, more music with "Ave Maria"
Fr. Robert DeGrandis,. S.S.J. and Cecilia Kittley

Audio 2CDs
Price $19.75

Sing and Pray - CD (New)
for Healing
"The Lord's Prayer", "Wings", "You are Mine"
Fr. Robert DeGrandis, S.S.J. and Cecilia Kittley
Audio CD
Price $15.95

Mercy - CD (New)
Based on The Chaplet of the Divine Mercy
Fr. Robert DeGrandis, S.S.J. and Cecilia Kittley
Story, Songs & Prayers
Audio CD
Price $15.95

Wings - CD (New)
Inspirational Christian music CD Cecilia with her brother, Jamey
Cecilia with Jamen
Vocalist in "Healing Through the Rosary"
with Fr. Robert DeGrandis, S.S.J.
Schubert's Ave Maria, Wings, On My Knees
Audio CD Price $15.95

The Passion Book - (New)
For Those Who Seek "Healing"
Eugene Peter Koshenina and Fr. Robert DeGrandis, S.S.J.
Book 178 pages
Price $10.00

The Rosary Heals - Book (New)
Untold Stories of Jesus
Joyful, Sorrowful, Glorious and Luminous Mysteries
Fr. Robert DeGrandis, S.S.J. and Eugene Peter Koshenina
Book 134 Pages
Price $8:00

Spritual Healing of the Family and The Story - (New)
"Spiritual Healing of the Family and The Story"
by Fr. Robert DeGrandis, S.S.J. and Eugene Peter Koshenina
Book - Price $5.00


Fr. Robert DeGrandis, S.S.J. - Books



Sale Price

Healing the Broken Heart
Stories of Forgiveness and Healing.
Stories of forgiveness and healing. True stories about real people who have struggled with Jesus' commandment to forgive. A weekly format focusing on one aspect of forgiveness for each day. Each chapter includes an introduction, several testimonies and a meditation with specific steps to follow for healing. Contains special meditations for those who have experienced abortions, miscarriages or stillbirths. Paperback, 5.5 x 8, 108 pages.


Resting in the Spirit (Out of Print)
Fr. DeGrandis explores the biblical foundations of and attempts to define "Resting in the Spirit (Out of Print)", often referred to as being "slain in the Spirit." He writes specifically about the experience of full surrender of the body during prayer for healing when a person can be literally overwhelmed by the power of the Holy Spirit and falls to the ground in a peaceful state of prayer. He provides survey statistics, incorporates numerous testimonies and helps to diffuse much of the confusion and misunderstanding regarding this gift of the Holy Spirit. Paperback, 5 x 8, 132 pages.

DeGrandis book Out of Print

Renewed By The Spirit
(DeGrandis, Rev Robert)
Nine priests from different countries, backgrounds and age groups share with candor and honesty what their lives were like before the baptism of the Holy Spirit and how God has transformed them. A short, powerful book to give a priest, or to build up your own faith. Charismatic!

DeGrandis book Out of Print

The Gift of Prophecy
An overview of the spiritual gift of prophecy. Chapters include Questions and Answers; An Interview on Prophecy; Personal Testimonies; Ten Guidelines on Prophecy; Scriptures on Prophecy and More. Offers encouragement and practical advice for those who think that the Lord might be calling them to prophesy. Paperback, 5.5 X 8, 80 pages.


Growing in Jesus - OUT OF PRINT


The Ten Commandments of Prayer - OUT OF PRINT


Introduction to Spiritual Warfare
Setting the Captives Free.
A guide to spiritual warfare with chapters that include Thoughts on Liberation; Questions and Answers; Testimonies; Spiritual Warfare Prayer; and more. Paperback, 4 x 7, 72 pages.


Testimony of Fr. R. DeGrandis, SSJ
Here's your chance to meet this remarkable Catholic priest and learn his personal story! Fr. DeGrandis shares how God changed him from a social worker into a disciple of Jesus with a healing ministry that has touched thousands. A powerful story that will help you be more open to the charisms of the Holy Spirit in your life.


Integrating Healing in the Parish Community
Fr. Robert Degrandis


Real presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist


Called to Serve
A pastoral manual for charismatic prayer meetings from a long-time charismatic priest who knows what he's talking about. It's not just for leaders-though they will find much helpful and practical guidance-but also for every responsible member of a prayer group. Fr. DeGrandis' breadth of experience is unparalleled. His simple message: the gospel is all about living and healing. Paper, 5.25 x 8, 116 pages.


Pray your Way to Happiness - OUT OF PRINT
Do you sometimes wonder if your prayer time is worth it, whether you're doing it "right," why you don't see "results? Here's an easy-to-read, scriptural explanation of how prayer works and why we should persevere in it. Explains how prayer changes us, not God, and how God always answers prayer. Includes lots of stories. 124 pages.


Spiritual Warfare Prayer Card Fr. DeGrandis' sister shares her insights based on over 25 years experience. Helpful for leaders involved in ministry. 4 X 7.5, 2-sided laminated card - OUT OF PRINT


Forgivenes Prayer for Priests


Forgiveness Prayer for Leaders

Daily Prayers for Spiritual Warfare
(DeGrandis, Rev Robert)
A little prayer booklet for daily use. Includes Prayer of Authority, Prayer for Infilling of the Holy Spirit, and many passages from Scripture. Booklet, 5 x 8, 7 pages.

Healing Prayers for Everyday
by Father Robert DeGrandis
Minute meditations for every day containing a Scripture reading, a reflection and a prayer. Inspiring prayers for the healing of soul and body. Vinyl cover, 4 x 6, 192 pages.


Healing through the Mass
Degrandis & Schubert
Describes how prayerful participation in the Mass can bring about healing. Presents each step of the Mass and carefully explains how it can be prayed in such a way as to deepen our understanding of the Lord's desire to heal. Paper, 5 x 8, 174 pages.


Perdonar y Sanacion Interior (Forgiveness and Inner Healing)
Degrandis & Tapscott
(Asociacion Maria Santificadora)
With lots of scriptures and extended sample prayers. Paperback, 5 x 8, 30 pages.

DeGrandis book Out of Print

Perdonar Es Divino (To Forgive Is Divine), Spanish
Fr. Robert Degrandis

(Asociacion Maria Santificadora)
A practical guide to forgiveness that anyone can understand. Includes such topics as praying for those who hurt you, deciding to forgive, forgiving yourself, and helping others to forgive. Paperback, 5 x 8, 84 pages.

DeGrandis book
Out of Print
Forgiveness is Healing
(is back in Print) code is DEGR-0421


Shocking speech of Fr. John O'Connor

VHS Video
(2 Hrs Long)

Most complete report on Anti-Christ ever made. Shocking speech of Fr. John O'Connor. Fr. O'Connor shows how we will be able to recognize the Anti-Christ through Bible and Current Events, that he is alive and prepared to enter world seen, about infiltration of Catholic Church, about the New World Order, end of US independence, One World Socialist Atheist Government, Wars, Paper Money, Homosexual infiltration of the Catholic Church, Our near Future, How to prepare our self for persecution and more ... Must see. Best Seller.

(VHS Video 2hrs) ...........$ 20.00
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Cardinal Sodano's talk on the Third Secret of Fatima from May 13, 2000.
The Third Secret and Pope - May 13, 2000

Beatification of Francisco and Jacinto Marto, Shepherds of Fatima
Homily of Pope John Paul II May 13, 2000, Fątima, Portugal

(From QUEEN Magazine, published by the Mantfort Fathers-Bayshore, New York September, l983)

Catholic Latest News

Video on Fatima

Video - Marian Apparitions of the 20th Century - a message of urgency





VEN. JACINTA MARTO OF FATIMA By Msgr. Jos. A. Cirrincion

Books and Videos on Padre Pio

Videos and Books on Sr. Faustina and Divine Mercy

CATHOLIC BIBLES (Family Bibles, Spanish Bibles, Church, School and Study Bible Edidions)


PROPHECY FOR TODAY By Edward Connor (compiler)
Divine Mercy and Sr. Faustina (Videos and Books)
Padre Pio (Videos)
Medjugorje - The Queen of Peace (Videos, DVDs, Books and Audio Tapes)
Prophecy of The Third Secret of Fatima
The Kingdom of the Bride


Romans 6: 17. But thanks be to God, that you were the servants of sin but have obeyed from the heart unto that form of doctrine into which you have been delivered.

Shocking Text of The Third Secret of Fatima Prophecy - Complete Text
Books and Videos on Padre Pio
Videos and Books on Sr. Faustina and Divine Mercy plus Diary of Sr. Faustina
CATHOLIC BIBLES (Family Bibles, Spanish Bibles, Church, School and Study Bible Edidions)
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Why Should You Read Only the Douay-Rheims Translation of the Bible?


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The Life of Sister Faustina - The Apostle of Divine Mercy

Spanish Edition - La Historia De Sor Faustina

Sister Faustina - The Promise of Mercy

The Beatification of Sister Faustina - Join the Celebration

A Celebration of Padre Pio - Pray, Hope, and Don't Worry

Spanish Edition - Homenaje Al Padre Pio

Padre Pio - At The Gates of Heaven

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Padre Pio's Way of the Cross


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