to Communion
Understanding the Church Today
Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger
This book of wisdom and insight from the eminent Cardinal Ratzinger explains how providential are the trials through which the Catholic Church is now passing. The need of the Papal Primacy to ensure Christian unity; the true meaning of the Priesthood as a sacrament and not a mere ministry; the necessity of the Eucharist as the Sacrifice of the Savior now offering Himself on our altars; the role of the Bishops as successors of the Apostles, united with the successor of St. Peter, the Bishop of Rome; the value of suffering in union with Christ crucified; the indispensable service of the laity in the apostolate--all these themes receive from Cardinal Ratzinger new clarity and depth.
"Cardinal Ratzinger offers us what he calls a `primer of Catholic ecclesiology.' As a true theologian, he clarifies the nature of Church, bishop and priest, basing his remarks on Scripture and Tradition. The book offers penetrating insights into the Church from a profound thinker. This is Catholic theology at its best and as it should be." --Fr. Kenneth Baker, S.J., Homiletic and Pastoral Review
"This is a goldmine of insights which brings out the development of Catholic doctrine in our day without surrendering one iota of the deposit of faith entrusted to the Church by her Divine Founder." -- Fr. John Hardon, S.J.
pp, Sewn Softcover, $13.95, CTC-P (ISBN 0-89870-5789)
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the Fullness of Faith
On the Centrality of the Distinctively Catholic
Hans Urs von Balthasar
Virtually every aspect of Catholicism which is controversial within the Church or a stumbling block to non-Catholic Christians is treated in this book. Rather than avoiding what is most glaringly un-modern or what is most criticized by non-Catholics, Balthasar reviews these elements one by one, and shows how they are rooted in the central Christian mysteries and the commonly accepted tradition. What is specifically Catholic is not defended polemically, but described in such a way that others can see, even from their own point of view, the inner consistency with the mystery affirmed by all. Here is a form of thought which is truly ecumenical precisely because it is fully Catholic.
"We are not only interested in those aspects of the mystery of the Roman Catholic Church which set her apart from the other Christian communities, but also to show how often they are central beliefs by describing what is specifically Catholic in such a way that the partner in dialogue can see, even from his own standpoint, the inner consistency." -- Hans Urs von Balthasar
pp, Sewn Softcover, $11.95 . . . IFF-P (ISBN 0-89870-166X)
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The Mind and Heart of the Church
Kenneth Baker, S.J., James Hitchcock, Alice von Hildebrand, et al.
Under the sponsorship of the Wethersfield Institute, eight highly respected speakers addressed a variety of topics that complemented one another, some on the mind of the Church, others on its heart. The speakers were Fr. Kenneth Baker, S.J., editor of *Homiletic and Pastoral Review*, James Hitchcock, Saint Louis University, Janet Smith, University of Dallas, Paul Mankowski, Harvard University, Alice von Hildebrand, Hunter College (Emerita), Ronald McArthur, Thomas Aquinas College, Robert George, Princeton University, and Jude Dougherty, Catholic University of America.
Father Baker speaks on "Pope John Paul II and the Catholic University", providing a crisp account and analysis of the Apostolic Constitution on Catholic Universities. James Hitchcock's talk, "Learning Among the Ruins", gives a historian's perspective on how we have gotten to our present situation. Dean Jude Dougherty gives insights from his decades of experience on "How to keep a University Catholic". Robert George provides a precise introduction to the vexed question of "Academic Freedom."
Ronald McArthur, founder of Thomas Aquinas College, speaks on "Thomism in a Catholic College." Father Mankowski addresses the topic, "The Church's Worship", as it ought to be and as it is degraded by liturgical ad libbers. Janet Smith celebrates the wisdom of the Church's teaching on the dignity of woman in her talk "The Lay Woman in the Church." Finally, Alice von Hildebrand reflects on the meaning of suffering in "Women and the Mystery of Suffering."
pp, Sewn Softcover, $9.95, MHC-P ISBN 0-89870-4065)
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Motherhood of the Church
Henri Cardinal de Lubac
Cardinal de Lubac traces through Christian history and the Scriptures the living tradition of the maternity of the Church and the paternity of her ministers.
pp, Sewn Softcover, $16.95, MC-P (ISBN 0-89870-0140)
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Office of Peter
And the Structure of the Church
Hans Urs von Balthasar
Von Balthasar masterfully examines the history of the "anti-Roman attitude'' and analyzes the role of papal authority in the Church.
pp, Sewn Softcover, $19.75, OP-P (ISBN 0-89870-0205)
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Paul Struggles with His Congregation
The Pastoral Message of the Letters to the Corinthians - Hans Urs von Balthasar
Commenting on the pastoral questions taken up by Saint Paul in his letters to the Corinthians, Hans Urs von Balthasar offers a meditative interpretation of Paul's writings and difficulties with the Christians at Corinth. He discusses the different roles of pastors and believers, and we see how the problems are resolved through Paul's advice, example and prayerful patience.
"The questions people ask God and the Church change; God's answer in Christ is sufficient for all time. Even though the Church, as well as the individual priest, always has to make this answer understandable anew, its essence does not change. Paul's dramatic confrontation with the congregation of Corinth provides both: his words and actions do complete justice to the situation and yet they are timeless. Therefore his pastoral directives to this difficult congregation are still a guideline for everyone holding a pastoral office. The eye-to-eye confrontation with Corinth is so intense and so rich, that it includes virtually everything of importance. Paul emphasized that everything he says is spoken in love and because of love, but he must get rid of `the old leaven' so that the Christian feast can be celebrated with joy. Joy has an amazing preeminence in all of Paul's letters." -- Hans Urs von Balthasar,
pp, Sewn Softcover, $9.95, PSHC-P (ISBN 0-89870-3867)
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the Bastions
On the Church in this Age
Hans Urs von Balthasar
Written in the 1950s, this book defines and anticipates, in a prophetic way, the role of the laity in the Church, and the intimate relationship between the Church and the world. These two themes were recognized by the Second Vatican Council especially in the two constitutions "On the Church" and "The Church in the Modern World."
Von Balthasar's "bastions" are barriers erected over the centuries which separated the laity from the clergy and the Church from the world. He pleads for a Church that interprets "the signs of the age," grasps them and answers them, allowing herself to be awakened by the Holy Spirit and by the age "from the bed of historical sleep for the dead of today." The new function of the Church is to be the "yeast of the world"--she must understand herself as the "instrument of the mediation of salvation to the world." Stressing that the hour of the laity is sounding in the Church, von Balthasar makes it clear that the "true program of the Church for today is: the most powerful radiance into the world through the most immediate imitation of Christ."
pp, Sewn Softcover, $11.95, RB-P (ISBN 0-89870-4286)
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The Splendor of the Church
Henri Cardinal de Lubac
Considered by many the bright jewel among the many enriching books of Cardinal de Lubac, this is a hymn to the beauty of the Church at whose hands he had unjustly suffered. This is a personal testimony of the great theologian's humility and love of the Church of Christ.
pp, Sewn Softcover, $19.75, SC-P (ISBN 0-89870-1201)
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Catholic Education: Homeward Bound
Kimberly Hahn and Mary Hasson
Two experienced home schooling moms present a very thorough, balanced and practical guide to the merits of home education, as well as the important resources and curriculums to home school. They cover all aspects--statistics supporting home schooling's excellence, the nitty-gritty of lesson plans, and hundreds of ways to keep the fun in (and boredom out) of learning. Most importantly, they offer compelling advice for parents as they undertake their child's religious, moral and intellectual formation.
This is a reliable guide for Catholic parents who want to stay close to the heart of the church in the schooling of their children. The authors demonstrate that home schooling is not a fringe movement on the Church's periphery, but it is squarely based on Catholic teachings drawn from Sacred Scripture, natural law, and the popes.
"This book gives practical clothing to the truth that there are as many ways to home school successfully as there are homes in which to school. It helps us place our Catholic faith squarely at the heart of our curriculums." --Laura Berquist
"Provides strong arguments backed by solid documentation to reassure the timid and convince even doubters that the best place to educate their children in a Catholic culture today is at home." -- Donna Steichen
pp, Sewn Softcover, $16.95 ... CE-P (ISBN 0-89870-5665)
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Catholic Perspective:
Physical Exercise and Sports
Robert Feeney
A unique book that presents the Church's much needed perspective on the role of competition, physical exercise and the importance of a sound mind in a sound body. He provides a treasured storehouse of the teachings of scripture, Popes and St. Thomas Aquinas on the integration of body, mind and spirit through sports and exercise.
pp, Sewn Softcover, $11.95, CP-P (ISBN 0962234737)
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Designing Your Own Classical Curriculum
Laura M. Berquist
Taking a time-tested philosophy of learning--that children develop through factual acquisition or ``grammar'', argument, and mastery of language expression or ``rhetoric''--home educator Laura Berquist has developed a modern classical curriculum. Her model, for grades K-12, is detailed and practical, and is adaptable by parents and teachers.
pp, Sewn Softcover, $16.95, DYO-P (ISBN 1883937043)
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The Apostolate of Holy Motherhood
By S.T.D. Mark I. Miraville
Published in 1991, Riehle Foundation (Milford, OH)
Mary, Blessed Virgin, Saint — Apparitions and miracles —
United States.
Jesus Christ — Apparitions and miracles — United States.
Motherhood — Religious aspects — Catholic Church.
Not Available at this time
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