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Fireside School & Church Edition NABRE - Large Print

* Page-edge indexing
* 156-page Encyclopedic Dictionary
* Durable burgundy hardcover edition

Catholic New American Bible Revised Version
Features include: Presentation Page; Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation; Origin, Inspiration and History of the Bible; Three Year Cycle of Readings; and Celebration of the Eucharist
Size: 6 3/4" X 9 1/2" X 1 1/2"
Color: Burgundy

ISBN 9781556654978

Fireside School & Church Edition NABRE - Regular Print

* Page-edge indexing
* 156-page Encyclopedic Dictionary
* Durable burgundy hardcover edition
Catholic New American Bible Revised Version
Features include: Presentation Page; Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation; Origin, Inspiration and History of the Bible; Three Year Cycle of Readings; and Celebration of the Eucharist
Size: 5 3/4" X 8 1/2" X 1 1/2"
Color: Burgundy
ISBN 9781556654916

Fireside Study Edition Bible

Fireside Study Bible NABRE

* Page-edge indexing
* 156-page Encyclopedic Dictionary
Catholic New American Bible Revised Edition
Features include: Presentation Page; Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation; Origin, Inspiration and History of the Bible; Three Year Cycle of Readings; and Celebration of the Eucharist
Size: 8 1/2" X 5 3/4" X 1 1/2"
Color - Burgundy
ISBN 9781556654268


Personal Study Edition NABRE - Regular Print

* Page-edge indexing
* 156-page Encyclopedic Dictionary
* Durable laminated softcover
Catholic New American Bible Revised Edition
Features include: Presentation Page; Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation; Origin, Inspiration and History of the Bible; Three Year Cycle of Readings; and Celebration of the Eucharist
Size: 5 3/4" X 8 1/2" X 1 1/2"
ISBN 9781556652486


Faith-Filled Catholic Women's Bible - Large Print NABRE

The faith-filled Catholic Women’s Bible can help you grow emotionally and spiritually in your faith. Thought-provoking articles, inspirational scripture and unique biographies are presented in four comprehensive themes:

* Plan and Purpose
* Spiritual Awakening
* Profile in Faith
* Faith in Action

Topics: Acceptance; Compassion; Diligence; Faith; Forgiveness; Generosity; Goodness; Holiness; Hope; Humility; Joy; Justice; Kindness; Love; Loyalty; Patience; Peace; Sacrifice; Suffering; Triumph; Understanding and Wisdom.
This popular edition which has sold out two previous printings has been re-introduced in the New American Bible Revised Edition translation with a new contemporary cover and insert design and LARGE Print text!
ISBN: 978-1-55665-468-8
Size: 6.5 by 9 by 1.33
Color: sepia


Companion Songs for the Faith-Filled Catholic Women's Bible

This music CD was designed to complement the use of this popular new Bible in small-group settings. Includes inspirational songs by popular Christian women artists.

Sample of the different songs and composers:

The Lord is Kind and Merciful by Jeanne Cotter
The Goodness of the Lord by Donna Peña
One Lord by Lori True
River of Hope by Susan J. Paul
Calm Me, Lord by Margaret Rizza
Forgive Them, Forgive Us by Carla J. Giomo
On That Day by Kate Cuddy

ISBN 9781556650727


Fireside Catholic Youth Bible NEXT NABRE Hardcover

* Page-edge indexing
* Laminated hardcover

This Bible was written for Catholic Teens to enable them to grow emotionally and spiritually in their Catholic faith and become effective Disciples of Christ. . 21 critical topics are addressed through seven comprehensive sections: Your Decision/Your Reward; What Does the Bible Say About?; Roots of Our Faith; Saints Relate; and 1 on 1 with Christ. What Jesus Did; What Jesus Said; and Putting My Faith Into Action.

Topics are: Acceptance; Anger; Choices; Courage; Culture; Discouragement; Faith; Guilt; Intolerance; Love; Money; Peer Pressure; Prayer; Relationships; Respect; Responsibility; Service; Sex; Temptation; Winning and Losing; Worship; Terms of the Mass; Basic Prayers and Practices of our Catholic faith.
New American Bible Version Revised Edition
Features include: Basic Prayers and Practices of Our Catholic Faith; Terms of the Mass; Presentation Page; Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation; Origin, Inspiration and History of the Bible; Three Year Cycle of Readings; and Celebration of the EucharistSize: 8 3/8" X 5 3/4" X 1 1/2"
ISBN 9781556654596


Fireside Catholic Youth Bible-NEXT NABRE Softcover

* Page-edge indexing
* Laminated softcover

This Bible was written for Catholic Teens to enable them to grow emotionally and spiritually in their Catholic faith and become effective Disciples of Christ. . 21 critical topics are addressed through seven comprehensive sections: Your Decision/Your Reward; What Does the Bible Say About?; Roots of Our Faith; Saints Relate; and 1 on 1 with Christ. What Jesus Did; What Jesus Said; and Putting My Faith Into Action.
Topics are: Acceptance; Anger; Choices; Courage; Culture; Discouragement; Faith; Guilt; Intolerance; Love; Money; Peer Pressure; Prayer; Relationships; Respect; Responsibility; Service; Sex; Temptation; Winning and Losing; Worship; Terms of the Mass; Basic Prayers and Practices of our Catholic faith.
New American Bible Version Revised Edition
Features include: Basic Prayers and Practices of Our Catholic Faith; Terms of the Mass; Presentation Page; Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation; Origin, Inspiration and History of the Bible; Three Year Cycle of Readings; and Celebration of the Eucharist
Size: 8 1/4" X 5 3/4" X 1 1/4"
ISBN 9781556654121

FCYB Music CD's 

This music CD was designed to complement the use of the Fireside Catholic Youth Bible and Thematic Plans and Activities for Catholic Youth. A collection of contemporary Christian songs.

Sample of the 21 different songs and composers:

* What You Have Done for Me by Tony Alonso
* Hope at the Crossroads by Michael Mahler
* We Praise You by David Haas
* River of Hope by Susan J. Paul
* More of My Life by Brianna
* You’re on My Side by Crossed Hearts
* God Is There by Aaron Thompso

ISBN 9781556650604


Catholic Bible Story Workbook

The Catholic Bible Story Workbook

Word search
Fill in the blanks
Crossword puzzles
Key word puzzles
True or false questions
Scrambled letters
and more

Here are 31 of the most popular stories from the Old and New Testaments. A booklet is included with a teacher answer keys and activities/crafts/instructional ideas.

Old Testament stories include:
The Story of the Creation
The Story of Jacob and the 12 Tribes
The Story of Joseph and many more

New Testament stories include:
The Story of Annunciation & Birth of Jesus
The Story of the Wedding of Cana
The Story of the Last Supper and many more

Ideal for home schooling

  • ISBN 9781556651656
  • Size: 8 1/2" x 11" x 1/2"
  • Sale Out of Print


Catholic Companion Edition Librosario® Classic — NABRE (white)

The only Bible with a pray-along Rosary embossed in the cover
New American Bible Revised Edition

Page-edge indexing
Silver-gilded page edge
Bonded leather

This edition is the perfect Bible for RCIA,
Bible study or special occasions
Features include:
Presentation Page
Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation
Origin, Inspiration and History of the Bible
156-page Encyclopedic Dictionary
Three Year Cycle of Readings
Celebration of the Eucharist
The Succession of Popes

Stock # 3339 ISBN 978-1-55665-333-9
Color: White bonded leather
Size: 5 3/4" X 8 1/2" X 1 1/2"
Print size: Regular
Page count: 1768


Catholic Companion Edition Librosario® Classic — NABRE (Black)

The only Bible with a pray-along Rosary embossed in the cover
New American Bible Revised Edition

Page-edge indexing
Gold-gilded page edge

This edition is the perfect Bible for RCIA,
Bible study or special occasions
Features include:
Presentation Page
Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation
Origin, Inspiration and History of the Bible
156-page Encyclopedic Dictionary
Three Year Cycle of Readings
Celebration of the Eucharist
The Succession of Popes

Stock # 3131 ISBN 978-1-55665-313-1
Color: Black
Size: 5 3/4" X 8 1/2" X 1 1/2"
Print size: Regular
Page count: 1768


The NEW Catholic Answer Bible RCIA Program

A Scripture-based question and answer approach to Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults
Session plans and supplemental material designed for use with The New Catholic Answer Bible.
An innovative RCIA program which combines scripture study with a discussion of the most common questions and answers about the Catholic faith. This program includes easy-to-use session plans and support material ideal for use by participants in every stage of RCIA.
Ideal for use as the centerpiece of your program or as a supplement to enhance an existing program.

Course Syllabus

Twenty-six 90-minute Session Plans Valuable Supplemental Material
The Role of the Sponsor in RCIA
The Sacraments of RCIA
Three Year Guide to Liturgical Readings
Opening and Closing Prayers
Practical Guidelines for Practicing Your Faith
Size: 81⁄2" X 11"
ISBN 9781556651304


Fireside Catholic Youth Bible NEXT Leaders Guide

Adults can help teens respond to the challenges they face in these 42 sixty-minute Session Plans based on the themes of the popular Fireside Catholic Youth Bible – NEXT. The Introductions to the Books of the Bible for Teens creatively answer many of the questions they have about the Bible.

ISBN: 9781556650864


The NEW Catholic Answer Bible NABRE Large Print

* Page-edge indexing
* Laminated softcover

Here are a sample of the questions you will find in this edition: What is the Holy Trinity? Why do Catholics Use Holy Water? Are the Seven Sacraments in the Bible? Why do the Catholic Bibles Have Seventy-three Books? Why do Catholics Call Priests ‘Father’? Why does the Church Follow So Many Traditions?
Clear and concise explanations of the Catholic Church’s teachings on critical issues are derived from Bible text and Catechism references; with double the supplemental content found in the original The Catholic Answer Bible. Features 88 of the most common questions Catholics are asked about their faith. New larger format with large print text. Ideal gift!Features include: Presentation Page; Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation; Origin, Inspiration and History of the Bible; Three Year Cycle of Readings; Celebration of the Eucharist and Page-edge Indexing.
Size: 9 1/8" x 6 1/2 x 1 3/8"
The NEW Catholic Answer Bible NABRE
ISBN 978-1-55665-477-0


Catholic Wedding Edition

Weight: 6.00 lbs

This New American Bible Revised Edition is the most appropriate gift your Church can give to mark the occasion of the celebration of the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony. When the included wedding readings are proclaimed directly from their own family Bible, it adds special significance to both the ceremony AND the Bible.

• Silver gilded page edges
• White Bonded Leather
• Family Record section
• Scripture Readings for Our Wedding Day
• The Celebration of the Eucharist
• Pope Benedict XVI and The Vatican
• Stories of Christmas and Easter
• In the Arms of God

Size: 11" X 8 1/2" X 2"
Color - White bonded leather
ISBN 9781556657870


Catholic Heirloom Family Bible
(Catholic Family NABRE)

Weight:6.00 lbs
Sale Price: $69.75

This New American Bible Revised Edition is the most appropriate gift for anniversaries or other gift giving occasions.

• Gold gilded page edges
• Burgundy padded cover
• Family Record section
• Scripture Readings for Our Wedding Day
• The Celebration of the Eucharist
• Pope Benedict XVI and The Vatican
• Stories of Christmas and Easter
• In the Arms of God
Size: 11" X 8 1/2" X 2"

Color - Burgundy
ISBN 9781556657702

Fireside Signature Edition - Catholic NABRE (Black)

This Signature edition from Fireside Catholic Publishing is bound in elegant Black Eurobond® leather with old-world features like raised hub spine, gold and burgundy engraved cover, silk ribbon markers (2) and gold-gilded page edges. Presented in a library-quality, embossed slipcase. Features include:
• Family Record section
• In the Arms of God
• The Celebration of the Eucharist
• Pope Francis and The Vatican
• Our Catholic Family (new section)

Size: 11" X 8 1/2" X 2"
Color - Black Eurobond® leather
ISBN 9781556659669



Fireside Signature Edition - Catholic NABRE (White)

This Signature edition from Fireside Catholic Publishing is bound in elegant White Eurobond® leather with old-world features like raised hub spine, gold and burgundy engraved cover, silk ribbon markers (2) and gold-gilded page edges. Presented in a library-quality, embossed slipcase. Features include:Beautifully illustrated sections of Advent/Christmas and Lent/Easter for children

An Encyclopedic Dictionary of Catholic terms
Celebration of the Eucharist in pictures and words
Pictorial tour of the Vatican
Pope Francis and the Succession of Popes
Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation
Origin, Inspiration and History of the Bible
Our Catholic Family (new section) a 16-page four-color section designed to be a vital resource for discussion and reflection on the lessons of scripture. The themes of Marriage, Parenthood, Fatherhood, Motherhood, Childhood, and Family Life are addressed though quotes and creative articles revealing what the Bible and the Church teach about family. Prayers are included to enhance family prayer life.

Size: 11" X 8 1/2" X 2" Family Genealogy Section with Sacramental records
Color - White Eurobond leather
ISBN 9781556659720


The NEW Catholic Answer Bible Librosario NABRE (Black) LARGE PRINT

The Bible with a Pray-along Rosary embossed in the cover.

Page-edge indexing
Gold-gilded Page Edges
Silk Ribbon Marker
Deluxe Gift Box

Here are a sample of the questions you will find in this edition: What is the Holy Trinity? Why do Catholics Use Holy Water? Are the Seven Sacraments in the Bible? Why do the Catholic Bibles Have Seventy-three Books? Why do Catholics Call Priests ‘Father’? Why does the Church Follow So Many Traditions?
Clear and concise explanations of the Catholic Church’s teachings on critical issues are derived from Bible text and Catechism references; with double the supplemental content found in the original The Catholic Answer Bible. Features 88 of the most common questions Catholics are asked about their faith. New larger format with large print text. Ideal gift!

Features include:
Presentation Page; Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation; Origin, Inspiration and History of the Bible; Three Year Cycle of Readings; Celebration of the Eucharist and Page-edge Indexing.
Size: 9 1/8" x 6 1/2 x 1 3/8"
Color - Black/Tan

The NEW Catholic Answer Bible LibrosarioTM NABRE

ISBN 978-1-55665-403-9


The NEW Catholic Answer Bible Librosario NABRE (Burgundy) LARGE PRINT

The Bible with a Pray-along Rosary embossed in the cover.

Page-edge indexing
Gold-gilded Page Edges
Silk Ribbon Marker
Deluxe Gift Box

Here are a sample of the questions you will find in this edition: What is the Holy Trinity? Why do Catholics Use Holy Water? Are the Seven Sacraments in the Bible? Why do the Catholic Bibles Have Seventy-three Books? Why do Catholics Call Priests ‘Father’? Why does the Church Follow So Many Traditions?
Clear and concise explanations of the Catholic Church’s teachings on critical issues are derived from Bible text and Catechism references; with double the supplemental content found in the original The Catholic Answer Bible. Features 88 of the most common questions Catholics are asked about their faith. New larger format with large print text. Ideal gift! Features include: Presentation Page; Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation; Origin, Inspiration and History of the Bible; Three Year Cycle of Readings; Celebration of the Eucharist and Page-edge Indexing.

Size: 9 1/8" x 6 1/2 x 1 3/8"
Color - Burgundy
The NEW Catholic Answer Bible LibrosarioTM NABRE
ISBN 978-1-55665-410-7






Fireside has been and continues to be the leading Catholic Family Bible publisher since the introduction of the New American Bible text in 1970. Our complete line of study Bibles has now created the same demand for Fireside quality and content in the CCD and PSR classrooms.

About Deluxe Family Bibles

About Hand-sized Study Bibles

About Spanish Bibles

The Celebration of the Eucharist!

Fireside Catholic Youth Bible

Family Life Edition Bibles

Our Lady of Guadalupe Bible

Burgundy Spanish Family Edition

Biblias Familiares Edicion Latinoamericana En Espanol

Maps of the Bible

Origin, Inspiration and History of the Bible!

These Bibles are Printed in USA
Made in USA


Go and spend time with Jesus.
Go see the movie "The Passion of the Christ"!


Photos from movie "The Passion of the Christ" directed by Mel Gibson

"The Passion of the Christ", co-written and directed by Mel Gibson
a cinematic masterpiece depicting the last hours of Jesus Christ's life leading up to the crucifixion


The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ
This book helped inspire the upcoming Mel Gibson movie, "The Passion."

From the Visions of Anne Catherine Emmerich By: Ven. Anne Catherine Emmerich This book helped inspire the upcoming Mel Gibson movie, "The Passion." Faithful to the Bible story of the Passion and death of Jesus, it fills in many details and is edifying and inspiring beyond belief; plus, it is surprising and heart-rending. It will melt a heart of stone. This book is the best on the Passion we have seen. It is also wonderful on the Blessed Mother's role in our redemption. Includes a short biography of Sr. Emmerich. A great, great book for the whole family!


New Book on Mel Gibson's film:
"The Passion" - The Catholic Adittion
Pictorial Coffee-Table Book Based on Mel Gibson's
New Film "The Passion of The Christ"
Foreword by Mel Gibson. Great Gift !!
143 Pages, 123 Full-Color Pictures taken by professional
photographers during filming Mel Gibson's movie.

No. 1942


Text of The Third Secret of Fatima Prophecy
Books and Videos on Padre Pio
Videos and Books on Sr. Faustina and Divine Mercy plus Diary of Sr. Faustina
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Bishop Fulton Sheen - Audio Tapes, Videos and Books
Why Should You Read Only the Douay-Rheims Translation of the Bible?


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