RCIA Participant's Book - CD Version
participants Book is actually a huge collection of handouts. The books contains
material for RCIA participants in the area of doctrine, lives of saints, conversion
testemonies, liturgical pieces, prayers, psalms, and many other topics - 380
different handouts in all! An RCIA leader can opt to use as many handouts as
he or she deems prudent, in whatever order. The most unique aspect of this book
is that it is endlessly copyable and printable, making it not only one of the
most content-rich and beautiful (with over 800 photos and art pieces) collections
of handouts for adult formation, but also the most affordable by far.
This is the non-boxed version with CD of all handouts and pre-printed tables
of contents and indexes only.
Code: ACMP-D
Sale Price:: $189.95
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