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Catholic Statues,Church Supplies,Holy Spirit,Family Movies Catholic Videos,Catholic Documentary Films,Pro Life DVD Videos



Catholic Statues of Jesus, Mary, Saints, Angels and more ...
Indoor or Outdoor Religious Statuary


Click on photos or link of each table bellow to see all statues and prices in each section.

Christ Statues - Indoor and Outdoor Statues, Corpuses, Crucifixes, Stations of the Cross

The Blessed Virgin Mary Statues - Indoor or Outdoor

Saints Statues - Indoor or Outdoor

Angels Statues - Section I - Indoor or Outdoor)

Angel Statues -Section II- Indoor or Outdoor)

Angel Statues -Section III - Garden - Indoor or Outdoor

Stations of the Cross - Nativities, Holy family and more ... Indoor or Outdoor

Pedestals for Statues - Indoor or Outdoor

Plaques - Indoor or Outdoor

Scenes - Statuary - Stations of the Cross for Churches, Nativity and more - Indoor or Outdoor

Carrara Marble Statues - Finest Italian Imports - Statues and Pietas




Be Still And Know Medium Wall Plaque
Item Number: PA139
Pieces/Pkg: 2
Sale Price $59.95

When we are Heavenly Minded blessings abound. Products in this collection serve as decorative and functional reminders that our time on earth has a beginning and end, but being Heavenly Minded offers us a future...eternal life. When your thoughts are congested with earthly matters - be Heavenly Minded and cast your cares away.
Comes with hang tag and burlap gift bag. Wood -- 23.75" W x 9" H

Nativities, Waterballs, Music Boxes, Plaques,
Crosses, Statues, Figurines, Stands, Holders,
Bird Baths, Nightlights, Plaques, Cardholders

Matteo Nativity Waterball - Item Number: EC614

Baby Jesus with Christmas Tree Music Box - Item Number: GC590

Our Lady of Guadalupe Plaque - Item Number: GC601

Madonna of the Streets - Item Number: GC603

Stainless Steel Advent Set

Mother and Child T-Lite Holder - Item Number: HC018

Adoration of the Magi Figurine - Item Number: HC019

Loving Arms Figurine - Item Number: HC020

Lighted Nativity Stand - Item Number: HC043

Angel with Dove Stocking Holder - Item Number: HC045

Angel Advent Wreath

Adoration of the Magi Tea-Lite Holder - Item Number: HC112

Peace Angel Taper Candle Holder - Item Number: HC168

Nativity Figurine - Item Number: HC175

Madonna Adoring Child Figurine - Item Number: HC176

Lion and Lamb with Mary and Infant Figurine - Item Number: HC180

Our Lady of Grace Statue

Holy Family Figurine with Stable - Item Number: HC315

Garden Angel Birdfeeder / Bird Bath - Item Number: HC206

Holy Family with Stable - Item Number: HC317

Holy Family - Item Number: HC318

Musical Holy Family Figurine - Item Number: HC321

Musical Flight into Egypt Figurine - Item Number: HC322

Madonna and Child Bust

Musical Nativity Waterglobe - Item Number: HC572

Immaculate Conception Statue

Pieta Plaque - Item Number: HC587

Last Supper Plaque - Item Number: HC588

Madonna & Child Plaque - Item Number: HC589

Christ Knocking Plaque - Item Number: HC590

7 Piece Nativity - Item Number: HC871

Holy Family T-Lite Holder - Item Number: HC874

Assumption Statue

Share the Greatest Gift Musical Christmas Tree - Item Number: HC943

Our Lady of Guadalupe Statue

Ten-Piece Matteo Nativity Stable Set - Item Number: HD720

Twelve-Piece Matteo Nativity Stable Set - Item Number: HD721


More Items - Main Section


Why Should You Read the Douay-Rheims Translation of the Bible?

Text of The Third Secret of Fatima Prophecy - Complete Report
Books and Videos on Padre Pio
Videos, DVDs and Books on Sr. Faustina and Divine Mercy with Diary of Sr. Faustina
ROMAN CATHOLIC BIBLES - Family Bibles, Spanish Bibles, Church, School and Study Bible Edidions
Bishop Fulton Sheen - Audio CD, Videos and Books

Free MP3 Christian Music


Life is good, enjoy it while you can


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