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The Three Conversions in the Spiritual Life
Formerly: The Three Ways of Spiritual Life

Outline of the Main Principles of Ascetical and Mystical Theology
By Garrigou-Lagrance, O.P.

The Three Conversions in the Spiritual Life. In this compact book; the famous Thomist; Fr. Garrigou-Lagrange; sets forth the classic Catholic traditions on the spiritual life as the full flowering of Sanctifying Grace in the soul. He explains the three stages of the spiritual life-the Purgative Way; the Illuminative Way; and the Unitive Way-showing the transitions or conversions from one period to another. How can one become a saint without knowing the way -- the pitfalls; common mistakes; and experience of Saints who have gone before? Impr. 112 pgs; PB

About The Author
Father Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.P., was born in 1877 and is held as one of the greatest Catholic theologians of the twentieth century. He focused his writings against the error of Modernism, which denied the objective truth of Divine revelation, as well as on apologetics, including philosophy. In total, he authored over five hundred books and articles, and wrote as a thorough Thomist. Among Father Garrigou-Lagrange's numerous works are The Three Ages of the Interior Life, Christian Perfection and Contemplation, Christ the Savior, and God, His Existence and Nature. He died in 1964.

No. 1857.
ISBN: 9780895557391
Out of Print




The Priest in Union with Christ
By Garrigou-Lagrance, O.P.

In The Priest in Union with Christ the famous thomostic theologian Fr. Garrigou-Lagrange, O.P. expounds in a disciplined manner upon the specific holiness of the priesthood and the supernatural fruitfulness of the priestly apostolate. Steeped in Sacred Scripture, St. Thomas Aquinas and other traditional Catholic sources, the author presents the classic Catholic traditions on the priestly vocation traditions which many seminarians and young priests today may have never even heard oŁ He begins by explaining the character and the specific sacramental grace of Holy Orders, as well as the central sacerdotal work: to offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. From this foundation he proceeds to the interior life of the priest, and then to the priest's apostolate as confessor, as preacher and as spiritual director, keeping constantly focused on the great twofold goal of every priest's life: the glory of God and the salvation of souls. For without this constant "bias toward eternity" in all he does, the priest is fundamentally off course. Among the topics covered here are: Union with Christ as Priest and as Victim Different ways of offering Mass from the sacrilegious Mass to the Mass of the Saints The priest's own Communion Examples of priests who were Saints The priest and Our Lady The Confessor as father, doctor, teacher and judge, according to St. Alphonsus Liguori The secular approach vs. the true Christian approach to Christian preaching Essential subjects for sermons and how to expound them The spiritual direction of beginners, of the proficient and of perfected souls Giving retreats to various types of persons The discernment of spirits the human, the diabolical, the spirit of God Plus many other topics. Today, when many priests and seminarians have been led to believe that they must personally design their own particular priesthood to meet the needs of their people, this book is of primary importance to help them re-focus their priesthood on God, on eternal life and on the saving of souls as based on the perennial teachings of the Church and as exemplified in the lives of canonized Saints who were themselves priests. A seminarian or priest who reads and digests THE PRIEST TN UNION WITH CHRIST will realize that the priest is not meant to be merely a functionary of the Church or a fulfiller of the desires of his flock, but rather that he has been called by God to the highest vocation on earth, to great personal sanctity and to a lofty, disciplined ministry to souls all in union with the Great High Priest Himself, Our Lord Jesus Christ.

New Book $18.50
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The Seven Last Words of Christ on the Cross
By Fr. Christopher Rengers, O.F.M. Cap.

Few Christians can recall all Seven of Our Lord's Last Words on the Cross. Yet these "Seven Words" brief sentences spoken by Him give us Our Saviour's sacred parting instructions, messages intended not only for their few immediate hearers on the hill of Calvary, but spoken to all generations by way of Holy Scripture. For nothing that Our Lord said or did is without meaning for each of us today. Despite Jesus' agony on the Cross, these words do not express desperation or anger, but rather the strength of a Person in full command of His faculties to the very end. They are replete with that immense and far more-than-human love for us which was unquenchable in Our Lord, even by torture and the approach of death, as exemplified in St. John's statement: "He loved them unto the end." (John 13:1). In this little book, Father Christopher Rengers looks at each of the Seven Last Words for an understanding of their inner meaning, drawing out of them their lessons for us today with regard to forgiveness, care for the dying, zeal for souls, discouragement, fulfillment of obligations, and so (Continued from outside back cover.) forth. No Christian should be ignorant of the Seven Last Words of Christ nor of the meanings which they contain messages which Our Lord speaks to us across the centuries, and all as recorded in the Holy Gospel. "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." (Luke 23:34). "Amen I say to thee, this day thou shalt be with me in paradise." (Luke 23:43). "Woman, behold thy son.... Behold thy mother." (John 19:26-27). "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" (Matt. 27:46). "I thirst." (John 19:28). "It is consummated." (John 19:30). "Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit." (Luke 23:46).

New Book $6.00
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Saints and Sinners of Calvary
By Fr. Christopher Rengers, O.F.M. Cap.

NOTHING connected with the Passion and Death of Christ was purely accidental. And although Our Saviour was unquestionably the central Figure of Calvary, many other persons by God's Providence took part in the living drama of the first Good Friday. These persons too provide instruction for our own lives. In this book, Fr. Christopher Rengers draws from Scripture, history and early Christian traditions to complete our knowledge of those events and of the persons who took part in them. The author gives interesting historical background on the identity of Mary Magdalen; Herod Antipas and his execution of St. John the Baptist; the Sanhedrin's plans against Our Lord; the Romans' rule of Jerusalem; etc. But in addition to a greater understanding of the events of the Passion, the reader will also find here spiritual lessons both of warning and of encouragement. Particularly sobering is the story of Pontius Pilate, who did not want to condemn Our Lord, but slipped from one compromise to another until he had condemned the Saviour of the world, God Himself, to crucifixion. On the other hand, the great "repenters" St. Peter and St. Mary Magdalen bring a message of great encouragement and hope to all who have ever betrayed Our Lord by sin. Each of these 10 chapters provides valuable knowledge and admonition for Christians today. To read this book is to understand better the historical events upon which the Catholic Faith is founded and to receive a greater portion of the instruction which these great events hold for every person today.
Judas St. Mary Magdalen St. Peter The Women of The Enemies Jerusalem of Christ Our Lady St. John the Apostle Herod Antipas Simon of Cyrene Pontius Pilate

New Book $7.75
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PROPHECY FOR TODAY By Edward Connor (compiler)
Divine Mercy and Sr. Faustina (DVD Videos and Books)
Padre Pio (Videos)
Medjugorje - The Queen of Peace (Videos, DVDs, Books and Audio Tapes)
Prophecy of The Third Secret of Fatima
The Kingdom of the Bride



Record Album on Heaven

by Catholic Recording Artist
Rafael Brom



Ephesians 1:7-8, 10. In whom we have redemption through his blood, the remission of sins, according to the riches of his grace, which hath superabounded in us, in all wisdom and prudence. . . in the dispensation of the fulness of times, to re-establish all things in Christ, that are in heaven and on earth, in him.



Photos from movie "The Passion of the Christ" directed by Mel Gibson


HLI Pro-Life Material - Pro-life Books, Audio Tapes, CDs, DVDs and Videos


Text of The Third Secret of Fatima - Complete Report from Vatican and Pope Francis
Books and Videos on Padre Pio
Videos and Books on Sr. Faustina and Divine Mercy plus Diary of Sr. Faustina
ROMAN CATHOLIC BIBLES - Family Bibles, Spanish Bibles, Church, School and Study Bible Edidions
Bishop Fulton Sheen - Audio CDs, Videos and Books
THE DOUAY-RHEIMS BIBLE - Now in Large Print!
Why Should You Read Only the Douay-Rheims Catholic Translation of the Bible?




Best DVDs Ever Made
Padre Pio and Sr. Faustina

by Award Winning Film Director J. Paddy Nolan of JPN

3 Documentary Films in one DVD
a JPN Production
Each over 2 Hours Long
Padre Pio
Sr. Faustina

Best and Most Complete 2 DVDs on
Padre Pio and Sr. Faustina Ever Made
Each DVD Over 2 Hours Long



Catholic Prophecy

"The pope will change his residence and the Church will not be defended for twenty-five months or more because, during all that time there will be no Pope in Rome... After many tribulations, a Pope shall be elected out of those who survived the persecutions."

John of Vitiguerro (13th Century)



“Italy will be punished for her ambition in wanting to shake off the yoke of the Lord of Lords. And so she will be left to fight a war; blood will flow on all sides. Churches will be locked up or desecrated. Priests and religious orders will be hunted down, and made to die a cruel death. Several will abandon the faith, and a great number of priests and members of religious orders will break away from the true religion; among these people there will even be bishops.
“May the Pope guard against the performers of miracles. For the time has come when the most astonishing wonders will take place on the earth and in the air.

APPARITION of the BLESSED VIRGIN on the Mountain of LA SALETTE the 19th of September, 1846.



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