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Roman Catholic Church Supply


Catholic Lined Semi-Gothic Chasubles
Church Liturgical Vestments - Church Supplies

Finest Roman Catholic Ecclesiastical Products
Catholic Priest Vestments and Clergy Apparel

Catholic Church Supplies and Church Goods



Semi-Gothic Chasuble

Semi-Gothic Chasuble

Traditional Humeral Veils

Traditional Copes

Traditional Dalmatic

Traditional Dalmatic

Traditional Dalmatic

Traditional Dalmatic


More Church Goods - Finest Ecclesiastical Products - Church Supplies - Statues


Roman Catholic Church Goods Catalog


Church Supplies Catalog


We offer beautifully ornate, handmade Church Goods from Poland. Our extensive selection includes Monstrances,
Chalices and Ciboria, Reliquaries, Mass Accessories, leather bound Book of the Gospel Covers,
Bells and Gongs, hand cut, mouth blown Crystal Cruets, Flagons and Chrismatory Sets.
We also offer an array of traditional European Chasubles using elegant brocade fabrics with rich gold trimmings.
These include Semi-Gothic styles, intricately embroidered High and Low Mass sets and Roman Fiddle backs.
Some of our hand-embroidered pieces take two months to complete!

Processional Crucifix, Candlesticks, Chrismal Sets, Communion Bowls, Monstrance, Chalices, Ciboria, Crystal Cruets, Tray Sets, Chapel Monstrance, Reliquaries, Chasubles, Gongs, Bells, Censer, Boats, Accessories, Mass kits, Copes, Mass Linens, Thabors, Roman Catholic Statues, Church Statuary, Garden Statues and Plaques


Finest Catholic Religious Christian Statues For Church, Home and Garden of Christ, Mary, Angels and Pedestals




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