Of Europe:
Kevelaer And Medjugorje-DVD |
This DVD is playable in US and Canada Only Kevelaer, Germany -- Hendrik Busman, a merchant, knelt in prayer one day beside the wayside shrine just outside of Kevelaer. Suddenly he heard a mysterious voice asking him to build a little chapel on the spot. This occurrence was repeated twice. In the same year Hendrik°s wife Mechel was offered to buy a picture of Our Lady of Luxembourg. Shortly afterwards, Mechel had a vision during the night: in a clear light, she saw a little chapel with the very same picture inside. When Hendrik Busman learned of this, he hesitated no longer. The little chapel was built in May 1642 and the image of mercy placed inside. The first pilgrims came to Kevelaer that same day. An annual tradition, said to date from the year 1733, is the walk from Bocholt to Kevelaer. Men and women of all ages travel the 30 miles in one day. About a thousand people take part in this pilgrimage every year. Medjugorje, Bosnia -- On June 24th, 1981, two young girls hiked up the mountain behind their house in search of sheep, in the small village of Medjugorje, in former Yugoslavia. Suddenly they were overcome by a huge display of light and color, and the Virgin Mary appeared before them. Shocked and fearful, they ran back down the mountain to fetch their friends. Six youngsters then returned to the mountain where they witnessed the apparition once again. Medjugorje is in that part of Yugoslavia now called Bosnia-Hercegovina, a region destroyed by the civil war. It is a miracle that the village itself is still intact, without doubt a sign of Mary°s continual presence, and of her message of peace. Pilgrims now come here from every corner of the globe. Vicka, one of the children to whom the Virgin appeared, still lives in one of the hamlets near Medjugorje, and several times a week she emerges from her home to address the pilgrims. Includes previews of the other ten pilgrimages, available on the other five DVDs in the collection. Time: 1 hr | Production Year: 1995 20247D
- DVD Sale Price $14.95 |
- Medjugorje: The Miracles and The Message
Catholic DVD Video
Seen on EWTN of Mother Angelica
A JPN Production
objective look on alleged apparitions at Medjugorje by
Award-winning British film director, J. Paddy Nolan
Before starting his production in Medjugorje, the Director asked Vicka, one of the visionaries, what kind of film she thought Our Lady would like him to make. And Vicka answered, "Our Lady will show you." A comprehensive update of the Medjugorje story. "...serious... significant... different... professional... excellent... suprising... informative... Revealing interviews with world-renowned authorities whose lives have not been the same since their "Medjugorje Experience." - Sister Briege McKenna; Father Michael O'Carroll; Wayne Weible and Medjugorje - Medjugorje Apparitions - Medjugorje; Gay Russell; Heather Parsons; Abbe Rene Laurentin; Vicka Ivankovic. The attitude of the Pope and the Church about apparitions is examined. See the sun-spinning phenomenon with testimonies from people who have witnessed it. MEDJUGORJE - THE MIRACLES AND THE MESSAGES was written and directed by award-winning British director, J. Paddy Nolan. (As Seen on EWTN of Mother Angelica).
The Blessed Virgin Mary has reportedly been appearing to six young people in Bosnia and Hercegovina (former Yugoslavia), since 1981. Throughout the period since the Blessed Virgin first appeared to them, the visionaries claim to have received specific information and teaching from her. The Madonna has repeatedly told the children that the world is on the brink of a major catastrophe. She pleads with us to believe that the great catastrophe facing us can only be turned away through prayer, fasting, and penance. The Virgin has repeatedly stated that sin is what causes the lack of peace in the world; and that as long as man continues to ignore God, we will never have peace.
minutes DVD - $24.95
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