Saints' Lives
St. Anthony and the Christ Child
Helen Walker Homan
Helen Walker Homan contributes her third volume to the Vision Books series of saints lives for youth in this story of the life of the greatly beloved Saint Anthony of Padua. Homan covers many of the important and exciting events in Friar Anthony's life including a voyage to the Mohammedan land of Morocco, a shipwreck, and the meeting in Assisi with Saint Francis and all of the Friars Minor. From his days as a youth to the dramatic accounts of his powerful preaching and working miracles as a follower of Saint Francis, Homan presents a fascinating account of Saint Anthony that youth, and all ages, will find enthralling. Illustrated.
"A series which should be found wherever there are young Catholic readers." --Ave Maria
"Parents will not have to wonder why Johnny won't read if these Vision Books are made available to their children ... Splendid in design and format ..." -- Catholic Standard and Times
"The entire series of Vision Books is recommended for solid training for youth." -- The Tablet
pp, Sewn Softcover, $11.95, SACC-P, ISBN 0-89870-598-3
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of God
A Novel of Saint Benedict
Louis de Wohl
Another of the popular historical novels by the distinguished de Wohl, telling the dramatic story of St. Benedict, the father of Western monasticism, who played such a major role in the Christianization and civilization of post-Roman Europe in the sixth century. De Wohl weaves an intricate tapestry of love, violence and piety to recount with historical accuracy the story of St. Benedict and the tempestuous era in which he lived.
Since there are no contemporary biographies of this major saint of history and the Church, de Wohl's inspired account is of significant importance on the subject of saint's lives for today's spiritual seekers. Having lived in an era of great immorality and vice, not unlike our world today, Benedict's story has a strong message for modern Christians who seek, as he did, to turn away from the wickedness of the world to find Christ in prayer, study and solitude.
pp, Sewn Softcover, $16.95, COG-P (ISBN 0-89870-4049)
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Curé d'Ars Today
St. John Vianney
Fr. George William Rutler
"Everyone who thinks Vianney already well known will find not simply new information, but what has new meaning for each discoverer. That meaning may well differ for each reader. The descriptions of the Curé's encounters with Satan and "his lesser angels" and of the hours in the confessional were my own personal crucial rediscoveries. The retreat by Pope John Paul II given at Ars is an extraordinary bonus in this extraordinary work.... An important, fascinating work by an important, fascinating author. -- John Cardinal O'Connor "In the Curé of Ars, we have an incomparable guide. He remains for all an unequalled model both of the carrying out of the ministry and of the holiness of the minister." -- Pope John Paul II
"This is a very unusual, perhaps even a unique biography. Father Rutler does more than give the "facts" about the life of the Curé of Ars. With bold strokes, like a master Chinese calligrapher, he captures the spirit of the age in which he lived, unveils the sanctity of a humble parish priest, and gets to the heart of what it means to be a priest--not just then, but now and for all time. Along the way Father Rutler brilliantly shows that the Curé of Ars is a priest for all seasons." -- Kenneth Baker, S.J. Editor, Homiletic and Pastoral Review
Fr. George Rutler, a graduate of Dartmouth and the Angelicum, is a parish priest and a university chaplain for the New York Archdiocese. His previous books include Beyond Modernity. This book available on audio cassette..
pp, Sewn Softcover, $12.95 ... CAT-P (ISBN 0-89870-1805)
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A Biography
Waltraud Herbstrith
A powerful and moving story of the remarkable Jewish woman who converted to Catholicism, became a nun, achieved remarkable success in the male-dominated world of German philosophy, and was sent to a Nazi death camp when she refused to deny her Jewish heritage.
Edmund Husserl, the founder of phenomenology, declared Edith Stein the best doctoral student he ever had (even abler than Heidegger, who was also his pupil at the time). A prayerful woman of deep spirituality and authentic mystical experience, she remained an influential, active philosopher all her life. Though born and raised in a very religious Jewish family in Germany, she not only converted to Catholicism, but became a Carmelite nun and followed in the footsteps of Teresa of Avila and John of the Cross.
Edith Stein vigorously opposed Nazism from the outset and urged Pope Pius XI to put the church on record against Hitler. A model Catholic, a brilliant intellectual, yet a profoundly humble soul, she affirmed her solidarity with her suffering Jewish people no matter the cost. Edith Stein was arrested by the Nazis at a Carmelite convent at Echt in Holland and sent to her death at Auschwitz.
Waltraud Herbstrith has fashioned a warm, memorable portrait of this woman who, as Jesuit philosopher Jan Nota points out in the introduction, "discovered in Christ the meaning of human existence and suffering ... Edith Stein was one of those Christians who lived out of a hope transcending optimism and pessimism." Hers is a voice that speaks powerfully to all of us today, and a life that stands as testimony to the profoundest values of human existence, the significance of the individual, and the truths of faith that can reconcile Christian and Jew, philosophy and religion, oppressor and oppressed to heal a troubled world.
pp, Sewn Softcover, $14.95, ES-P (ISBN 0-89870-4103)
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Hero of God's Underground
Harold Gardiner, S.J.
From the famous Vision Books series of lives of saints for young people, this is the inspiring dramatic account of the colorful and courageous life and death of the martyr, St. Edmund Campion, ``hero of God's underground'' during the persecutions of the Catholics in England in the 1500s.
Campion, the most celebrated young scholar of his day, was on his way to becoming the Archbishop of Canterbury until a crisis of conscience turned him back to his Catholic faith. He fled England, became a Jesuit priest, and was sent back to be the leader of the underground ministry to the persecuted Catholics until, after a long and frustrated search, the government finally captured him and brutally executed him. His daring and brilliant underground ministry to Catholics all over England, his zeal for the faith, and his great courage and joy in the face of martyrdom are all related in this compelling story for youth. Illustrated.
pp, Sewn Softcover, $12.95, ECA-P (ISBN 0-89870-3875)
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Not Love
The Passion of Maximilian Kolbe
André Frossard
The famous French author's unique writing style captivates the reader with the heroic story of Saint Maximilian Kolbe, a modern apostle of Catholic evangelization, Marian spirituality, and a martyr of charity. With the encouragement of Pope John Paul II and the help of documentation (some unpublished) given to him by the Vatican, Frossard chronicles the dramatic and moving life of this Polish Franciscan who volunteered to die in place of a fellow prisoner in Auschwitz.
While his heroic martyr's death is well known, Frossard shows how Kolbe's whole life was on of extraordinary generosity in devotion to his ideal of "love without limits." Kolbe was that rare combination of mystic, intellectual genius, theologian, and down-to-earth practicality. His tremendous creative energies (despite constant bouts of tuberculosis and less than one lung) enhanced the lives of all those who knew him, the millions who read his publications, and the countless persons inspired by his example. Forget Not Love reveals the interesting and impressive details of Kolbe's childhood, vision of Mary, brilliance in his studies, his founding of the largest monastery in the world (700 Franciscans), massive printing apostolate, missionary journeys to Japan, and his final act of love in Auschwitz. Frossard has captured the heart of the man whom Pope John Paul II declared "the patron saint of this difficult century."
"Frossard really captures the life and love of Saint Maximilian. Here was a true saint--aglow with grace yet tough as nails--just like we need today. Read this and prepare to rekindle a holy passion for the divine grace to live the daily grind." -- Scott Hahn, University of Steubenville "Despite my familiarity with the facts I found it impossible to put this book down. Frossard blends literary skill with scholarship and emotional impact to recount one of the greatest lives of the 20th century. Religious biography at its best!" -- Fr. Benedict Groeschel, C.F.R., Author, The Reform of Renewal André Frossard is a noted French author and journalist whose many books include Portrait of John Paul II and Be Not Afraid.
pp, Sewn Softcover, $12.95, FNL-P (ISBN 0-89870-2755)
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de Sales
Sage and Saint
André Ravier, S.J.
The saints are such a rich source of inspiration and guidance that the Catholic Church has always looked to them as the best interpreters of God's work for the age in which they live. But like Scripture itself, the lives of the saints have to be reread and reinterpreted in every age. St. Francis de Sales was a saint who clearly had a message for the 20th century and for those trying to live up the challenges of the Second Vatican Council. He saw that the laity especially had a vocation specifically theirs and that the piety of the cloister or the sacristy was an encouragement but not a model for the layman. Every age--but especially our own--should get to know the saintly author of Introduction to the Devout Life and On the Love of God. He has the appeal of his namesake from Assisi but a message which approaches that of the Little Flower's Little Way: something for all of us.
"Doctor of both Civil and Canon Law, a priest and a bishop, a diplomat, a pastor, a director of souls, and a spiritual writer for Savoy and France ... how does one encompass in a brief biography a personality of such diverse aspects? In as much as Francis de Sales lived during an era that marked a turning point in history: the former European Catholicism versus the recent fragmentation of Protestantism, the Renaissance versus classicism, the Church of the Middle Ages versus the Church of the Council of Trent.... What an expansion of events and adventures in his lifetime!" -- André Ravier
"Francis de Sales, like Fenelon, wrote for people in the world. And what is more important, he wrote out of a deep and wide experience in the office of spiritual director." -- Journal of Religious Thought
pp, Sewn Softcover, $14.95 ... SFS-P (ISBN 0-89870-1937)
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the Image of St. Dominic
Nine Portraits of Dominican Life
Guy Bedouelle, O.P.
A beautiful book of meditations on various Christian virtues or charisms as reflected in the lives of nine holy Dominican men and women. Manifesting the special grace and spirit given to St. Dominic, these outstanding lives are shining examples for modern Christians on how to make the Gospel teaching incarnate in today's world. Saints portrayed include Thomas Aquinas, Catherine of Siena, Martin de Porres, Fra Angelico, Peter of Verona, Catherine de Ricci and others.
Charisms highlighted by each life include prayer, joy, poverty, study, friendship, art and more. The lives of the saints occupy a special place in the history and spirituality of the Catholic Church. The men and women in this book form a comprehensive image of one of the most significant movements in the history of Western Christianity. The Dominican order, whose particular charism emphasizes the sanctification of the intellect and importance that sacred truth holds in the life of the Christian believer.
"A wonderful selection of outstanding men and women whose lives and virtues can still serve as guideposts for contemporary Christians." -- Jordan Aumann, O.P. Author, Christian Spirituality in the Catholic Tradition
pp, Sewn Softcover, ON BACKORDER, ISD-P (ISBN 0-89870-4677)
Joan of Arc
Mark Twain
Very few people know that Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens) wrote a major work on Joan of Arc. Still fewer know that he considered it not only his most important but also his best work. He spent twelve years in research and many months in France doing archival work and then made several attempts until he felt he finally had the story he wanted to tell. He reached his conclusion about Joan's unique place in history only after studying in detail accounts written by both sides, the French and the English.
Because of Mark Twain's antipathy to institutional religion, one might expect an anti-Catholic bias toward Joan or at least toward the bishops and theologians who condemned her. Instead one finds a remarkably accurate biography of the life and mission of Joan of Arc told by one of this country's greatest storytellers. The very fact that Mark Twain wrote this book and wrote it the way he did is a powerful testimony to the attractive power of the Catholic Church's saints. This is a book that really will inform and inspire.
"Twain's understanding of history and Joan's place in it accounts for his regarding his book *Joan of Arc* as worth all of his other books together." -- Mark Twain: The Man and His Work "Joan of Arc is the lone example that history affords of an actual, real embodiment of all the virtues demonstrated by Huck and Jim and of all that Twain felt to be noble in man, Joan is the ideal toward which mankind strives. Twain had to tell her story because she is the sole concrete argument against the pessimistic doctrines of his deterministic philosophy." -- Robert Wiggins, Mark Twain: Jackleg Novelist
pp, Sewn Softcover, $16.95, JA-P (ISBN 0-89870-2682)
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Siege to Heaven
A Novel of St. Catherine of Siena
Louis de Wohl
Continuing his popular series of novels about saints of the Church, de Wohl devotes his considerable talents to an interpretation of one of the most unusual women of all time, Saint Catherine of Siena. The daughter of a prosperous dyer in fourteenth-century Siena, Catherine never forgot the mystical experience of her extreme youth; at that time she devoted herself to Christ. It was, however, a shock to her family when, refusing marriage, she insisted on giving her life totally to God.
Her career was extraordinary. In that confused and dangerous era of history, the Pope was living at Avignon: Catherine persuaded him to return to Rome. The City-States of Italy were at war with each other: Catherine subdued them. There was pestilence: Catherine served and saved. She performed miracles, she received the stigmata, she drew about her a crowd of devoted men and women.
A saint who would not let the Lord God alone, she really did lay siege to heaven--and changed the face of her world. This novel, which is also a vivid biography, brings Catherine of Siena to life in a remarkable way. She lives on every page.
"This novel artfully combines solid historical scholarship with lively dialogues, and sheds light on the greatness and sublimity of the woman's mission in the Church. The fact that an untutored woman gained power over Popes and political events by identifying her will with God's will, manifests eloquently that real strength--i.e. supernatural strength--comes from the joyful acceptance of one's `nothingness.' Humility, charity, prayer and sacrifice--not scholarship--taught Catherine true theology, and made her a Doctor of the Church. This book can teach a lot to modern scholars and to women seeking liberation." -- Alice von Hildebrand, Author, By Love Refined
"These pages positively glow with de Wohl's discovery of history's public secret: there is no life more human than the supernatural life of a saint and no romance greater than the struggle to love only what God loves." -- Fr. George Rutler, Author, Seven Ages of Man
pp, Sewn Softcover, $16.95, LSH-P (ISBN 0-89870-3816)
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Neglected Saints
E. I. Watkin
In his saints, God is manifest as goodness, power and truth. The variety of saints reflect the infinite beauty and love of the God whose image they most perfectly reflect. It is not enough, therefore, to know one or two or even a few saints. We must have a wide acquaintance with them. Of the multitude of saints and beati in the Church, it is but a mere handful of whom the majority of Catholics possess any knowledge. These studies of nine saints are an attempt to enlarge this narrow vision.
The saints whose portraits are sketched here are either practically unknown or, if their identity is common knowledge--St. Martin of Tours, for example, or St. Bruno--knowledge is confined to one or two outstanding facts. The author's scope is to paint a true and lifelike picture of a saint whose life has much more inspiration to offer today's Christian than has previously been widely known.
``Ignatius Press has done us all a favor in reprinting this classic on `neglected saints', giving us the opportunity to gaze afresh on the meaning of sanctity. Watkin does not exhibit the typical saccharine qualities of hagiography; his goal was `to paint ... a true and lifelike picture.' Thus, he provides studies of nine lesser known saints such as St. Bruno and St. Martin of Tours. The glory of God, as reflected in His saints, is well shared here and offers us an invitation to enter into it ourselves.'' -- Fr. Peter Stravinskas, Editor, The Catholic Answer
pp, Sewn Softcover, $14.95, NS-P (ISBN 0-89870-457X)
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The Grace of the Word
Guy Bedouelle, O.P.
Written by one of the foremost contemporary authorities on St. Dominic, this book represents the latest, best, most concise and readable spiritual biography of St. Dominic.
pp, Sewn Softcover, $14.95, DOM-P (ISBN 0-89870-5312)
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Saint Dominic and the Rosary
Catherine Beebe
Catherine Beebe presents a dramatic account of the incredible life of St. Dominic in this tenth title in the popular Vision Books series of saints for youth 9-15 years old. As a young priest, Dominic sat all night at a wooden table in a village tavern. He preached the truths of the Church to an embittered inn-keeper and, in the morning, joyfully received the man again into the faith of his fathers. This was the beginning of the great preaching career of Saint Dominic, the "Athlete of Christ" and founder of the order which bears his name.
Saint Dominic led a life of excitement and adventure. As a boy he sold his books to feed the poor and offered himself as ransom for a prisoner. As a young priest he rode with a king's cavalcade to carry a marriage offer to the princess of Denmark from the prince of Castile. But his greatest adventures came when he walked from town to town and preached the word of God and the power of the Holy Rosary prayer.
The work of the thousands of Dominican priests and sisters all over the world stands today--seven centuries later--as a living memorial to the sanctity of their founder. Illustrated.
pp, Sewn Softcover, $11.95, SDR-P (ISBN 0-89870-5185)
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Saint Elizabeth's Three Crowns
Blanche Jennings Thompson
This new story in the Vision Books series of saints for 9-15 year olds is about Saint Elizabeth of Hungary who spent her life differently than most saints. Instead of living in poverty like St. Francis of Assisi, she lived most of her life in a castle surrounded by incredible wealth. She was born Princess Elizabeth of Hungary, the daughter of King Andrew. By the age of four she was already engaged to be married and was sent far away from her home to live with Louis, her husband-to-be, who was only 10 years old. From the beginning of her life in her new castle, Elizabeth was ridiculed by all of those people who were jealous of her. They noticed that she was always trying to be holy. As she would play games with other children, she would contrive little ways to sneak into the chapel and have a visit with Jesus.
Although Elizabeth was a princess, she longed to live the kind of poverty she heard about through the Franciscans. She became a member of the Third Order of St. Francis and she constantly gave her jewels and best clothes to the poor. Sometimes she gave everything away and had nothing nice to wear, but Jesus always provided for her at the last minute. When she emptied the castle store-houses of grain for the poor, Jesus would miraculously fill them up again. Her subjects were never able to grow accustomed to the queen who lived the life of a saint, but they always appreciated her generosity and saw in her such simplicity and holiness. Only four years after her death she was canonized a saint.
Lives, Illustrated, 165 pp, Sewn Softcover, $12.95, SET-P (ISBN 0-89870-5967)
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Saint Francis of the Seven Seas
Albert J. Nevins, M.M.
A new story from the popular Vision Books series of saints' lives for youth (9-15 years) about the inspiring life of the great missionary to the Far East, Francis Xavier. After his wartorn boyhood in Navarre, Francis went to the University of Paris, determined to have a good time. At first he scoffed at this fellow student, Ignatius Loyola, a former soldier who wanted to win the world for God. But Ignatius showed him that true champions are a far more heroic breed -- those who risk their all to win the world for God. Francis joined Ignatius' followers, and became one of the first members of the Society of Jesus. Francis Xavier was selected by Ignatius to do missionary work in India. This great saint's eagerness to spread the Word of God involved him with the pearl divers of the Indian coast, the natives of Malaya and the Spice Islands, the cannibals of Morotni and the hostile feudal lords of ancient Japan. This book captures the true spirit of a daring man who braved the many dangers of India and Japan in amazing adventures of courage and faith.
pp, Sewn Softcover, $12.95, SFSS-P (ISBN 0-89870-5193)
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St. Isaac and the Indians
Milton Lomask
Over three hundred years ago, many Frenchmen came to the unknown forests along the St. Lawrence River. Most of them came in search of furs and wealth. But there were some--a handful of Jesuit missionaries--who came not to get, but to give. They wished to give the savage Indians the know±ledge of God and of His love for them. One of these missionaries was Isaac Jogues, martyr and Saint. This is the story of his dangerous and difficult life among the Indian tribes in their tree-dark country--of his work of conversion, of his efforts to teach the Indians rules of health and to set them free from their superstitious belief in the power of their medicine men. This is the inspiring story of his enslavement by the Mohawks, his daring escape, and finally, his death as a martyr for the Faith. Milton Lomask was an instructor of writing at New York University's Writing Center, and taught also at Danbury State Teachers' College. His artices have appeared in such magazines as The Catholic Digest, The Sign, America, and The Rotarian.
pp, Sewn Softcover, $12.95, SII-P (ISBN 0-89870-3557)
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Saints for Now
Edited by Clare Booth Luce
The well-known writer and Catholic convert, Clare Booth Luce, edited this classic on the lives of saints by a group of world-famous authors. She asked twenty writers to contribute a short biography of their favorite saint to this volume. Writers such as Evelyn Waugh, E. I. Watkin, Whittaker Chambers, Thomas Merton, Barbara Ward and Karl Stern wrote stories of saints whose lives and message provided special significance for our times.
Saints from every age of the Church are here, including St. Augustine, St. John the Apostle, St. Benedict, St. Francis of Assisi, St. Helena, St. Thomas More, the Curé of Ars, St. Thérèse of Lisieux, and more. Each essay highlights some facet of the timeliness of each saint. As they differ in birth, condition, and talent, so too do the saints differ astoundingly from one another in the modes of expressing their holiness.
Now helps us to explain our time, our now, to ourselves because it tells us how Christian saints lived their `nows.'" -- James V. Schall, S.J., Author, Another Sort of Learning
pp, Sewn Softcover, $14.95, SFN-P (ISBN 0-89870-4766)
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Saints for Sinners
Alban Goodier, S.J.
This classic collection of short biographies of nine saints combines the inspiring facts of the saints' lives with Goodier's unique style and keen insights. Saints include Augustine, Joseph of Cupertino, Claude de la Colombiere, Margaret of Cortona, John of the Cross, and more.
pp, Sewn Softcover, $12.95, SSIN-P (ISBN 0-89870-4634)
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Saints Show Us Christ
Daily Readings on the Spiritual Life
Fr. Rawley Myers
The popular spiritual writer Fr. Rawley Myers presents daily readings on the spiritual life according to the saints. Combining both the thoughts and writings of the saints along with interesting biographical facts and events in the saints lives, Father Myers allows the saints to instruct us on how to be like Christ.
As Christ's closest friends, the saints knew Him best. They have the wisdom of Heaven, and are our tried and true guides to Heaven, for the saints take us to the feet of Christ. The saints in this book not only inform us about Christ, but they introduce us to Christ, whom they loved so much. To know Jesus is the heart of our faith. No one knew Him better than the saints.
"Rawley Myers has provided us with a way to encounter a saint every day. In a couple of paragraphs or in twenty-five lines, we meet Augustine or John of the Cross, Gertrude or Vincent de Paul. Saints clarify and instruct. Father Myers gives us something ultimate to think about each day as it is reflected in the life of a Dominic or a Catherine Labouré." -- Fr. James Schall, S.J., Georgetown University
Fr. Rawley Myers, a regular contributor to several national Catholic publications, is the author of sixteen books including Daily Readings in Catholic Classics.
pp, Sewn Softcover, $16.95, SSUC-P (ISBN 0-89870-5428)
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All Afire
A Novel of St. Francis Xavier
Louis de Wohl
Saint Francis Xavier's life is, in itself, a dramatic story. With humility and deep religious conviction, the famous Catholic novelist Louis de Wohl takes us into the mind and heart of this great missionary and saint who went by order of St. Ignatius of Loyola to "set all afire" in the Orient. Louis de Wohl captivates the reader as he follows Xavier's life from student days in Paris, through his meeting with Ignatius, his rather reluctant conversion, and his travels as one of the first Jesuits. The story takes the reader from Europe to Goa, India, Malaysia, Japan, and finally, to an island off the coast of China, where the exiled Xavier dies virtually alone. The book captures the dramatic struggles and inspiring zeal of this remarkable saint, giving at the same time an enthralling picture of the age in which he lived.
"... written with fine understanding ... Xavier's generosity speaks to every age, and seldom so clearly and compellingly as in this book." -- New York Times Book Review,
"Francis Xavier took the admonition to go to all nations seriously. His life remains one of the lessons of what it means to leave all to follow Christ, that nothing else profits a man but this. De Wohl's novel brings the drama of Xavier alive again to a point where we can begin to catch the flavor of Xavier's zeal and drama." -- James V. Schall, S.J., Georgetown University
Born in Germany in 1903, Louis de Wohl was a distinguished and internationally respected Catholic writer whose books on Catholic saints were best-sellers worldwide. Sixteen of his books were made into films. Pope John XXIII conferred on him the title of Knight Commander of the Order of St. Gregory the Great.
pp, Sewn Softcover, $14.95, SAA-P (ISBN 0-89870-3514)
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The Apostolate of Holy Motherhood
By S.T.D. Mark I. Miraville
Published in 1991, Riehle Foundation (Milford, OH)
Mary, Blessed Virgin, Saint — Apparitions and miracles —
United States.
Jesus Christ — Apparitions and miracles — United States.
Motherhood — Religious aspects — Catholic Church.
Not Available at this time
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Prophecy of Saint Hildegard (12th Century):
"The time is coming when princes and peoples will reject the authority of the Pope. Some countries will prefer their own Church rulers to the Pope. The German Empire will be divided.
"Before the comet comes, many nations, the good excepted, will be scourged by want and famine. The great nation in the ocean that is inhabited by people of different tribes and descent will be devastated by earthquake, storm, and tidal wave. It will be divided and, in great part, submerged. That nation will also have many misfortunes at sea and lose its colonies.
"After the great Comet, the great nation will be devastated by earthquakes, storms, and great waves of water, causing much want and plagues. The ocean will also flood many other countries, so that all coastal cities will live in fear, with many destroyed."
"A powerful wind will rise in the North, carrying heavy fog and the densest dust, and it will fill their throats and eyes so that they will cease their butchery and be stricken with a great fear."
"He [Antichrist] shall come in the last days of the world. He shall not be Satan himself, but a human being equaling and resembling him in atrocious hideousness....Immediately preceding Antichrist there will be starvation and earthquakes."