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Catechetics / Theology - Roman Catholic Books

Anecdotes and Examples for the Catechism
Sale Price: $31.75 Out of print
STK# 8040

Today, examples are more necessary than ever, because most people are incapable of thinking on the level of ideas and principles. Fr. Spirago, like Our Lord, teaches by parables. The author weaves over 650 short but brilliant examples and anecdotes throughout 36 chapters drawn from the four traditional areas of catechesis: Creed, Sacraments, Commandments and Prayer. Indispensable for parents of young children. This one example should suffice

596 pp. Foil-stamped hardcover, index

Baltimore Catechism #3
1949 Revised Baltimore Catechism & Fr. Francis Connell
STK# 4004

For children and adults. Ask someone who has one how much they like it. More than 500 questions covering the entire Catholic Faith, following The Apostles' Creed.
•Clear and concise answers followed by developed explanations
•Use of Scripture and Tradition to defend Doctrine
•Summaries of important truths for each chapter
•Study helps and exercises for students
•22 illustrations with explanations
•Special "lay-flat" cover for hassle-free studying.
352 pp. Softcover.

Baptism of Desire
Fr. Jean-Marc Rulleau
STK# 6722

While visiting the United States, Fr. Rulleau (former Professor of Dogmatic Theology in Econe, Switzerland), could not help but notice the specifically American problem of the denial of baptism of desire. Rising above all polemics, Fr. Rulleau clearly explains the mind of the Church, based upon the Magisterium and the Fathers.
75 pp. Softcover.

C-Love Does Such Things
Fr. Raymond, O.C.S.O.
STK# 6729

Fr. Raymond shares his reflections on the beautiful mysteries of Christmastide. God Himself calls out to us at Christmas, greeting us with the gift of His own Son, Jesus, the Saviour of men.
Taking the word S-A-V-I-O-U-R, Fr. Raymond fashions a chapter for each letter, each representing an event of the Christmas season. He probes and proves God's love for each and every one of us. In meditations on various mysteries from the Annunciation to the Hidden Life, he draws lessons for daily living that are timely and touching.

C-Theological Journey: Part II, Vol 2
Fr. Johannes Doermann
STK# 6716

by Fr. Johannes Dormann
Shows how John Paul II's encyclical Dives in Misericordia is the second part (with Redemptor Hominis) of his universal salvation thesis and how it explains the Pope's ecumenical endeavors. Fr. Dormann dissects the encyclical and contrasts it with traditional Catholic doctrine.
200 pp. Softcover.

C-Theological Journey: Part II, Vol 3
Fr. Johannes Doermann
STK# 7080

Unravels the Pope's encyclical on the Holy Ghost, Dominum et Vivificantem in a thorough paragraph by paragraph analysis comparing the novelties in it to the perennial teachings of the Church. Begins with a fabulous 38-page Key to the Theology of Pope John Paul II.
336 pp. Softcover.

C-Theological Journey: Part II, Vol I
Fr. Johannes Doermann
STK# 6604

Covers John Paul II's first encyclical, Redemptor Hominis, the cornerstone of his "Theology of Assisi."
-The Pope's vision of universal peace
-Public manifestations of the new religion
-The "trinitarian trilogy"
-A new man-centered theology
-The "double revelation" of universal salvation and salvation history.
256 pp. Softcover.

C-Theology Of Martyrdom
package of 10 copies
Fr. Ronald A. Knox
STK# 8191

"[A] most characteristic and delightful study." -Dom Bede Camm, O.S.B.
We rightly revere the Holy Innocents as martyrs; but those Crusaders who left all and gave their lives with most sincere desire to restore the right of pilgrims to worship in the Holy Land are not martyrs. Why?
In this small treatise, originally presented at a conference in 1928 on the English Martrys, Fr. Knox explains the criteria for Christian martyrdom with clarity and with examples. He traces for us the evolution of the word and the ideal of Christian martyrdom. He argues against the Modernist heresies with deny absolute truths. This little booklet enlightens and entertains - yet all the while reminding us that some embraced the crown of martyrdom for the cause of Christ!
32 pp

C-This Is Your Tomorrow...Today
Fr. Raymond, O.C.S.O.
STK# 6734

Man was made to share in the glory of God in this life as well as in the next.
With this thought as his theme, Fr. Raymond presents this book on the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary, completing a trilogy that includes Love Does Such Things on the Joyful Mysteries, and God, a Woman, and the Way on the seven sorrows of Mary.
Fr. Raymond explains why every minute of life should be glorious. Minutely examining each of the Mysteries, he cites references from the Scriptures, the Fathers of the Church, and the Councils to show that we who have been baptized live by, in, and through the Resurrected Christ. Therefore, the Resurrection is ours today as well as tomorrow.
242 pp. Softcover

Catechism Of The Council Of Trent
St. Robert Bellarmine's Committee formed by the Council of Trent & isssued by Pp. Pius V
STK# 7087 If you don't have it, buy it; if you've bought it, read it; if you've read it, read it again!
For more than four centuries it was known simply as The Roman Catechism - the source, guide and standard for all other catechisms. Commissioned by the Council of Trent, written under the supervision of Saint Charles Borromeo, and promulgated by Saint Pius V in 1566, it was the most comprehensive and authoritative statement of Catholic doctrine ever published.
An important resource in our time of doctrinal confusion offering precise, simply - worded answers to questions about the Faith in a style different from more recent catechisms. This 1923 translation by the Dominicans John A. McHugh and Charles J. Callan is unsurpassed for accuracy and readability, and features many useful extras.
All the doctrines of the Faith are expounded under four headings: The Apostles' Creed, The Sacraments, The Ten Commandments, and the Lord's Prayer. Includes a complete "Sermon Program" for Sundays and Feasts linking doctrinal material in the Catechism to the Epistles and Gospels. Contains complete texts of definitions and dogmatic statements since Trent, subheadings for ease of reading & quick reference, useful citations to passages of Saint Thomas Aquinas and others. Translator's introduction gives historical background, extremely detailed Table of Contents and Subject Index.
650 pp. Foil-stamped sewn hardcover.

Catechism Stories
F. H. Drinkwater
STK# 8267

Fr. Drinkwater spent years gathering the over 700 stories presented in this book. Each story, culled from newspapers, hagiography, the Bible, etc., explains an aspect of the Catechism. Read alone or use as a supplement to the Catechism. Each story catches the attention and impresses the memory.
512pp, 5" x 8", softcover

Christ Acts Through the Sacraments
A. M. Rouget
STK# 8310

On the sources of life and the
Catholic’s dynamic journey through life
Used and recommended by a teaching order of Catholic Tradition. First available in 1754. THREE PARTS: 1) a commentary on sacramental doctrine made easy and engaging; 2) a treatment of each sacrament one-by-one explaining the ceremonies, seldom understood, and showing how they are not to be isolated but made the fabric of the whole Catholic life; 3) sacramental spirituality in life, by grace, with Our Lady, and from the Cross. Useful for personal study, classrooms, study groups. For advanced junior high and up. Includes 19 pages with 370 study questions pertaining to each chapter. There is no other book we’ve read quite like this. What could be more important than the sacramental life, Christ in us?
183pp. Softcover.

First Communion
Our Lady's Catechists
STK# 8030

First published in 1754 by "Our Lady's Catechists," this book complements very well the standard Question & Answer format of catechetical instruction.
Chapters include:
•What Communion Is
•Why We Need Jesus in Holy Communion
•Getting Ready for Holy Communion
•Manna in the Desert
•The Last Supper
•Holy Mass
•How to Prepare the Soul
•On the Day
•Prayers for Before and After Holy Communion
29 pp. Softcover. Full color illustrations.

Fundamentals Of Catholic Dogma (hard cover)
Ludwig Ott
STK# 4075

First published in German in 1752, Professor Ludwig Ott's Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma instantly became an indispensable reference for priests, teachers and families. Recognized as the greatest summary of Catholic dogma ever put between two covers. A one-volume encyclopedia of Catholic doctrine. Tells exactly what the Church teaches on any particular topic, when the pronouncement was made and gives the source.
Comprehensive yet concise, it provides in a single large volume clear explanations of every Catholic doctrinal teaching-along with their foundations in Scripture, Tradition, Church councils, papal pronouncements, and the Fathers and Doctors of the Church. And unlike any other compendium of doctrine before or since, it provides the "Theological Grade of Certainty" for every teaching it contains. Now this timeless masterwork is available in durable hardcover for the first time in decades.

544 pp. sewn hardcover, detailed table of contents with over 250 entries, 18-page index of Old and New Testament (the best of its kind ever compiled), Index of Persons, Index of Subjects and an extensive Bibliography. Definitely one of our most important books!!

Illustrated Catechism for Little Children
Congregation de Notre-Dame & Les Clercs de Saint-Viateur
STK# 8132

A very unique catechism for children around the age of First Holy Communion. Profusely illustrated in full color.
Eleven chapters covering, in 96 questions: God, the Holy Trinity, the Angels, Man, Sin, Our Lord, Grace, Confession, Communion, Confirmation and the Blessed Virgin.
Chapters include the common Q&A format, along with a "reading" which is broken into separate points and which explains the answers more thoroughly, an illustrative story, sidebars on the lives of child-saints, and a "Words to Explain" section.
The centerfold is an EXCELLENT depiction of the workings of Sanctifying Grace...sometimes a difficult concept to communicate to children.
48 pp. softcover, 17 illustrations.

John Henry Newman: Parochial and Plain Sermons
STK# 8389

All eight volumes of Newman's famous sermons are brought together in this new edition that is beautifully printed and bound on Bible paper with
a flexible leatherette cover and red ribbon. Newman's sermons are as powerful, fresh and challenging today as when he first gave them.
The topics that Newman covers are ones central to Christianity and salvation. Newman once again demonstrates his profound understanding of human
psychology, and the temptations and trials we encounter as Christians in the world. This deluxe edition is a magnificent work of timeless
inspiration and illumination for every generation of Christian readers. 191 sermons in total.
1781 pp. Hardcover.

Learning the New Breviary
Bernard A. Hausmann, S.J.
STK# 8303

Explanation of how to daily pray the 1962 Divine Office The title word "new" is rather misleading today—it refers to the new code of rubrics of 1960 for the traditional Roman Breviary. In this handy, concise and easy-to-read book, Fr. Hausmann leads the reader step by step through each of the eight canonical hours, their contents, special particulars, and how they are said, all the while providing important tips on how to recite the Divine Office with a correct liturgical spirit. An indispensable book for any Catholic who would like to become better acquainted with the traditional Roman Breviary, the Church's liturgical treasure, which, in connection with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, forms the Church's official daily prayer.
A great gift for seminarians, perfect also for any cleric or laic who might want to brush up on their breviary rubrics!
120 pp., 81⁄2" x 51⁄2", saddle-stitched softcover.

Map Of Life
Frank Sheed
STK# 6447

Considered one of the best and most popular short statements of the Catholic faith ever written.Drawing on God's revelation and the doctrines of the Catholic Church, Sheed focuses on the major truths of our existence to reveal the divine master plan for each of us.
The best apologetics book to give to someone who is "nothing" that is to say, coming from no particular religious tradition...a modern skeptic who may finally be looking for a greater meaning to life. We have seen God work wonders of grace through this book. Contains one of the best explanations of the Trinity ever written.
150 pp. Softcover.

My Catholic Faith
Bp. Louis LaRavoire Morrow
STK# 3006

The classic 1754 edition of this fabulous catechism is available again.
193 chapters in three sections: What to Believe, What to Do, and Means of Grace.
Abundant Scriptural quotations (excellent for proving Catholic Doctrine to "Bible-Believing" Protestants). It's also an excellent tool for dealing with liberal Catholics because two subjects of utmost importance are thoroughly treated: the true nature of the Catholic Church (today denied by false ecumenism) and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass (today obscured by the New Mass).
This catechism is known and loved by Catholics because of its timeless texts, charts, lists and graphs. Profusely and beautifully illustrated!
While the durable burgundy and gold-embossed hardcover makes it a family heirloom. 415 pp.

My Way Of Life
Fr. Walyer Farrell, O.P. & M. J. Healy
STK# 6561

A pocket-sized summary of the teachings of Saint Thomas Aquinas. Perfect for spiritual reading, study, and meditation on the go. Written in the everyday language that made Fr. Farrell popular for giving Saint Thomas to the man-in-the-pew.
630 pp. Leatherette cover.

Old Errors and New Labels
Fulton J. Sheen, Ph.D.
STK# 8260

Bishop Sheen said in 1931:
This book is an attempt to judge contemporary ideas in the field of morals, religion, science, evolution, sociology, psychology and humanism in the light of that philosophical daylight called 'common sense.' If at times it criticizes certain views on the grounds of their unreasonableness, it does so to prepare for a view which seems more reasonable. If at other times it shows that what is wrong with a certain philosophical outlook is that it emphasizes a part against the whole, it does so in order to suggest a view that is more Catholic in the sense of being the whole truth.
The extraordinary thing for the reader here at the beginning of the twenty-first century is that many of the "old errors" of seventy-five years ago are still cropping up with "new labels" today. There is no sympathy shown in these pages for those who believe that everything that is modern is best, nor with those who believe that everything that is modern is bad. The book does attempt to show, however, that what is often called "modern" is only a new label for an old error, and that what is called "behind the times" is really "beyond time" and outside of fashions because it is an expression of eternal truth.
222 pages, softcover

Papal Monarchy
Dom Prosper Gueranger, O.S.B.
STK# 8235

When 19th century Christendom shifted its allegiance from a divine vertical authority to the horizontal revolutionary ideals of egalitarian democracy, Dom Gueranger's masterpiece contributed more than any other contemporary work to uphold papal authority in all of its divinely ordained prerogatives.

308pp, softcover.

Pope Or Church?
Dom Paul Nau & Canon Rene Berthold
STK# 6715

These two essays address the degree of infallibility enjoyed by acts of the ordinary magisterium. At the time of Pius XII, when the first essay was written, the authority of the ordinary magisterium was downplayed, especially by the "new theologians"; after Vatican II, it is so exaggerated that some now claim the Pope can contradict and reverse the teaching of his predecessors.
The first essay, written by Dom Paul Nau, OSB (Solesmes) in 1756 lays down the groundwork for a theological understanding of the Church's Ordinary and Universal Magisterium, based especially upon the teaching of the First Vatican Council.

77pp, softcover.

Religious Vocation: An Unnecessary Mystery
Fr. Richard Butler, O.P.
STK# 8401

Religious Vocation - An Unnecessary Mystery
The question of discerning a vocation is agonized over by many generous young Catholics today. A solid Thomist, who wrote this book in 1961,
Father Butler shows that this type of question shows a totally wrong approach to a religious vocation - an approach that began with misguided
theology in the 20th century, which then trickled down to the popular level, confusing both aspirants and spiritual directors.

167pp., softcover.

SET: Catena Aurea: Commentary on the Gospels
St. Thomas Aquinas
STK# 8393

4-volume Set, edited by John Henry Newman
St. Thomas Aquinas’ incredible commentary on the books of the Gospel is now available in an elegant hardcover set. Compiling the works of
the Early Church Fathers (over 80 are featured!), the Angelic Doctor presents a comprehensive and erudite exegesis of the Scriptural books that
specifically recount the life of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Each volume features original-quality text reprinted on fine, natural-colored paper, sewn-binding, handsomely hardbound in an
antique-style khaki rattan Kidskin with red embossing on the covers and spines, and a red marking ribbon.
2840pp. in 4 volumes, hardcover

St. Joseph First Holy Communion
Compiled by Catholic Book Publishing Company
STK# 4005

Saint Joseph's First Holy Communion Catechism
Yes, we have it! Needs no introduction. Most popular traditional preparation for children's' first confession and Holy Communion.
All necessary knowledge presented in childlike Q & A format. Demonstrative color illustrations throughout.
About God, the Holy Trinity, Incarnation, Redemption, Blessed Mother, Sin, 10 Commandments, Sacraments, Holydays, Prayers, etc. Impressive sections on Examination of Conscience and learning to follow Holy Mass.
64 pp. Softcover.

The Best of Questions and Answers
Fr. Peter Scott, Fr. Carl Pulvermacher, Fr. Doran, Fr. Laisney, Fr. Boyle
STK# 8343

The book our readers wanted. The BEST questions and the BEST answers of 30 years of The Angelus are printed in this hardback edition. This will be a family's heirloom reference book for everyday Catholic living to match the Catholic Faith it believes and the Latin Mass it attends.
Over 300 answers classified under 30 subtitles, authored by Fathers Pulvermacher, Cooper, Doran, Boyle, and Scott, SSPX:
• Marriage, Parenting, Family Life and Child Rearing • Lives after Death •
Catholic Citizenship • Catholic Vocabulary • Church Practices and Customs •

The Catholic Church and Salvation
Msgr. Joseph C. Fenton
STK# 8232

By Monsignor Joseph Clifford Fenton.
WITHOUT doubt, one of the thorniest and most easily misunderstood doctrines of the Catholic Church is that of salvation. One immediately thinks of the many controversies concerning the difficult phrase, "extra ecclesiam nulla salus" - outside the Church there is no salvation." Though not concerned exclusively with this issue, The Catholic Church and Salvation is an important contribution to understanding it.
Monsignor Fenton, well-known editor of The American Ecclesiastical Review, divides his work into two parts. In the first, he presents, comments upon and interprets the documents of the magisterium pertaining to the Catholic doctrine on salvation and the Church. In the second part, he analyzes the concept of salvation, and shows that the doctrine of salvation is determined by, and depends upon, the very nature of the Church. The last chapter is a historical inquiry into the origins of certain inadequate theological teachings in this matter.
Because of the great importance of the questions under discussion, Monsignor Fenton's The Catholic Church and Salvation will be of great interest to theologians, apologists, missionaries, indeed, to all thinking Christians.
190pp, hardcover with dust jacket, index.

The Catholic Dogma
Michael Muller, C.Ss.R.
STK# 8290

THE CATHOLIC DOGMA: "Extra Ecclesiam Nullus omnino Salvatur?"
by Fr. Michael Mueller, C.SS.R.
"Outside of the Church there is positively no Salvation," declared the Fourth Lateran Council in 1215. Pope Innocent III would write, "Not to oppose erroneous Doctrine is to approve of it, and not to defend at all true Doctrine is to suppress it."
A book copyrighted in 1888? Another book on this delicate topic?? Yes. Some say the best one yet. Fr. John Fullerton ordered Angelus Press to reprint it but another publishing house beat us to the punch!
The author was a famous Redemptorist who had written renowned books on the Blessed Eucharist, education, and a nine-volume set on God. One Fr. Mueller book (1875) explained the Church's teaching on how and who gets to Heaven. It drew attacks from lying liberal theologians. This book was the definitive reply to these critics.
His refutation is not a pro-Feeneyite catechism. By strengthening his arguments against his critics, however, he has written a convincing positive treatment to illuminate those disbelieving in baptisms other than by water.
Like no other, Fr. Mueller systematically follows St. Thomas Aquinas and the constant teaching of the Church to arrive at his clear and balanced conclusions to this oft-rehearsed question. Though it names names and places of 125 years ago, the forensics and principles are timeless and useful today. The 56 pages of Part I confirms the teaching of no salvation outside the Catholic Church. Part II deduces from this first part and in 131 pages defines those who live in heresy without being guilty of heresy. An Introduction of 67 pages sets the stage of the debate.
• What Protestant belief in Christ is • What Catholic faith is • Eight kinds of conscience • Invincible or inculpable ignorance neither saves not damns a person • What heretics are not guilty of • the sin of heresy • How God leads to salvation those who are inculpably ignorant of the truth.
292pp. Color softcover.

The Fallacy Detective
Nathan & Hans Bluedorn
STK# 8339

A book that introduces Catholic logic and critical thinking by blowing up the tricksterism of Madison Avenue advertising, campaign sloganeering, media grandstanding, product endorsements, and billboard jingoism. Fun to use. Self-teaching, not intimidating. Starts with skills you can use right way. A fallacy is an error in logic—a place where someone has made a mistake in his thinking. These are fallacies, with more in the book to smile your way to exercising your mind and learning how to identify screwy thinkingplace where someone has made a mistake in his thinking. These are fallacies, with more in the book to smile your way to exercising your mind and learning how to identify screwy thinking

233 pages. Softcover. Illustrated. Answer Key.

Preparation For Confirmation
Compiled by Angelus Press
STK# 3081

An excellent way to prepare for, appreciate, and follow the rite of the sacrament of Confirmation. Divided into three sections:
Quiz yourself in Part 1 with regards to the minimum knowledge necessary to receive the Sacrament.
Part 2: Q&A catechism on the sacrament of Confirmation, explaining its 4 principal effects, the 7 gifts and the 12 fruits of the Holy Ghost.
Part 3 explains the rite of Confirmation.
26 pp. softcover

Set: The Davies Liturgical Revolution Series
Michael Davies
STK# 8446
Out of Print

Michael Davies' monumental Mass Trilogy!
Cranmer's Godly Order
Liturgical Revolution: Vol. I
Michael Davies shows that Henry VIII and Thomas Cranmer understood that if you change the way people pray, then you will change what they
believe. Cranmer's Book of Common Prayer (1549) began a process that changed the Catholic Church in England to the Anglican sect. Davies compares
these changes to the modern liturgical "reforms" and the similarities are shocking.
Cranmer's Godly Order is a classic...revised and expanded by Mr. Davies during his final years. Drawing upon the best of Catholic and Protestant
scholarship and on primary sources, Davies traces the steps by which the ancient Catholic Mass became the Lord's Supper in the Church of
England. And these steps were changes - as Popes and Reformers alike were at pains to stress.
Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury under Henry VIII and Edward VI and architect of the new liturgy, was a master of the theology of the
Mass, and hated it. The parallels between the Anglican liturgy and the New Mass of the 1960s will be uncomfortably obvious!
Pope John's Council
Liturgical Revolution: Vol. II
For those who have read it, it is already a classic. Few books can rival its clarity and objectivity. An incredible pattern emerges: a
pastoral Council hijacked by a clique of theological liberals who consign to the trash the documents of the Council Preparatory Committee
(of which Archbishop Lefebvre was a member), shut off the microphones of those who attempt to defend the Faith (suffering this indignity was no
less than the illustrious Cardinal Ottaviani), and co-opting the media so that their spin became "reality"?
Pope Paul's New Mass
Liturgical Revolution: Vol. III
It is the unparalleled history of how
the New Mass was devised, created, and implemented. Beyond this, a list of the manifold liturgical problems of the past generation is
documented: from Mass facing the people and revolutionary legislation to Communion in the hand and the problem of the Offertory. For over
thirty years this book has been considered the most thorough critique of the New Mass in the English language. Michael Davies, former
president of Una Voce, was one of the earliest critics of the liturgical changes in the Mass after Vatican II. Archbishop Lefebvre recommended
many of his early works, including the most comprehensive documentation and defense of the foundation of the SSPX: Apologia Pro Marcel
Lefevbre (in three volumes). The current president of Una Voce is Mr. Leo Darroch.
“By the mid-1970s the crisis within the Church was deepening. In his general research on the various novelties that were being introduced he
had amassed a huge amount of data on the Council and how the great majority of the Fathers had been deceived by the well-orchestrated plan of a
clique of European bishops and their liturgical advisers. Michael Davies argued that the Church’s attempted headlong rush into unity with other
Christian bodies would, in fact, have the adverse effect to that being proclaimed and was leading swiftly to its decline.
3-Volumes. Hardcover.

Out of Print

A Lexicon of St. Thomas Aquinas
STK# 8357

Based on the Summa Theologica and Selected Passages of his other works
To fruitfully understand Thomism, one must have more than a basic knowledge of Latin, but a guide to assist in grasping the
philosophical and theological syntaxes employed by the Church’s Angelic Doctor and thereby receive the full meaning of a phrase in its
particular context.
Dr. Deferrari’s epoch work, Lexicon of St. Thomas Aquinas is that ready guide! Based on the greatest of the doctor communis’ works, as
outlined in the Foreword, each word as it appears in the Summa Theologica (et al) is followed by the different English meanings with which it is
used, followed in turn by some illustrations of its use in each meaning taken from the works of St. Thomas.
1185 pp. Hardcover.



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